Gemini Mid-IR Polarimetry of NGC1068: Polarized Structures Around the Nucleus

Abstract in English

We present diffraction limited, 10um imaging polarimetry data for the central regions of the archetypal Seyfert AGN, NGC1068. The position angle of polarization is consistent with three dominant polarizing mechanisms. We identify three distinct regions of polarization: (a) north of the nucleus, arising from aligned dust in the NLR, (b) south, east and west of the nucleus, consistent with dust being channeled toward the central engine and (c) a central minimum of polarization consistent with a compact (<22pc) torus. These observations provide continuity between the geometrically and optically thick torus and the host galaxys nuclear environments. These images represent the first published mid-IR polarimetry from an 8-m class telescope and illustrate the potential of such observations.
