Competition between hidden order and antiferromagnetism in URu_2Si_2 under uniaxial stress studied by neutron scattering

Abstract in English

We have performed elastic neutron scattering experiments under uniaxial stress sigma applied along the tetragonal [100], [110] and [001] directions for the heavy electron compound URu2Si2. We found that antiferromagnetic (AF) order with large moment is developed with sigma along the [100] and [110] directions. If the order is assumed to be homogeneous, the staggered ordered moment mu_o continuously increases from 0.02 mu_B (sigma=0) to 0.22 mu_B (0.25 GPa). The rate of increase partial mu_o/partial sigma is ~ 1.0 mu_B/GPa, which is four times larger than that for the hydrostatic pressure (partial mu_o/partial P sim 0.25 mu_B/GPa). Above 0.25 GPa, mu_o shows a tendency to saturate, similar to the hydrostatic pressure behavior. For sigma||[001], mu_o shows only a slight increase to 0.028 mu_B (sigma = 0.46 GPa) with a rate of ~ 0.02 mu_B/GPa, indicating that the development of the AF state highly depends on the direction of sigma. We have also found a clear hysteresis loop in the isothermal mu_o(sigma) curve obtained for sigma||[110] under the zero-stress-cooled condition at 1.4 K. This strongly suggests that the sigma-induced AF phase is metastable, and separated from the hidden order phase by a first-order phase transition. We discuss these experimental results on the basis of crystalline strain effects and elastic energy calculations, and show that the c/a ratio plays a key role in the competition between these two phases.
