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We compare the informational architecture of biological and random networks to identify informational features that may distinguish biological networks from random. The study presented here focuses on the Boolean network model for regulation of the cell cycle of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces Pombe. We compare calculated values of local and global information measures for the fission yeast cell cycle to the same measures as applied to two different classes of random networks: random and scale-free. We report patterns in local information processing and storage that do indeed distinguish biological from random, associated with control nodes that regulate the function of the fission yeast cell cycle network. Conversely, we find that integrated information, which serves as a global measure of emergent information processing, does not differ from random for the case presented. We discuss implications for our understanding of the informational architecture of the fission yeast cell cycle network in particular, and more generally for illuminating any distinctive physics that may be operative in life.
Circadian clocks exhibit the robustness of period and plasticity of phase against environmental changes such as temperature and nutrient conditions. Thus far, however, it is unclear how both are simultaneously achieved. By investigating distinct models of circadian clocks, we demonstrate reci- procity between robustness and plasticity: higher robustness in the period implies higher plasticity in the phase, where changes in period and in phase follow a linear relationship with a negative coef- ficient. The robustness of period is achieved by the adaptation on the limit cycle via a concentration change of a buffer molecule, whose temporal change leads to a phase shift following a shift of the limit-cycle orbit in phase space. Generality of reciprocity in clocks with the adaptation mechanism is confirmed with theoretical analysis of simple models, while biological significance is discussed.
BioNetGen is an open-source software package for rule-based modeling of complex biochemical systems. Version 2.2 of the software introduces numerous new features for both model specification and simulation. Here, we report on these additions, discussing how they facilitate the construction, simulation, and analysis of larger and more complex models than previously possible.
Biological processes involve a variety of spatial and temporal scales. A holistic understanding of many biological processes therefore requires multi-scale models which capture the relevant properties on all these scales. In this manuscript we review mathematical modelling approaches used to describe the individual spatial scales and how they are integrated into holistic models. We discuss the relation between spatial and temporal scales and the implication of that on multi-scale modelling. Based upon this overview over state-of-the-art modelling approaches, we formulate key challenges in mathematical and computational modelling of biological multi-scale and multi-physics processes. In particular, we considered the availability of analysis tools for multi-scale models and model-based multi-scale data integration. We provide a compact review of methods for model-based data integration and model-based hypothesis testing. Furthermore, novel approaches and recent trends are discussed, including computation time reduction using reduced order and surrogate models, which contribute to the solution of inference problems. We conclude the manuscript by providing a few ideas for the development of tailored multi-scale inference methods.
Oscillation is an important cellular process that regulates timing of different vital life cycles. However, in the noisy cellular environment, oscillations can be highly inaccurate due to phase fluctuations. It remains poorly understood how biochemical circuits suppress phase fluctuations and what is the incurred thermodynamic cost. Here, we study four different types of biochemical oscillations representing three basic oscillation motifs shared by all known oscillatory systems. We find that the phase diffusion constant follows the same inverse dependence on the free energy dissipation per period for all systems studied. This relationship between the phase diffusion and energy dissipation is shown analytically in a model of noisy oscillation. Microscopically, we find that the oscillation is driven by multiple irreversible cycles that hydrolyze the fuel molecules such as ATP; the number of phase coherent periods is proportional to the free energy consumed per period. Experimental evidence in support of this universal relationship and testable predictions are also presented.
In this paper we propose network methodology to infer prognostic cancer biomarkers based on the epigenetic pattern DNA methylation. Epigenetic processes such as DNA methylation reflect environmental risk factors, and are increasingly recognised for their fundamental role in diseases such as cancer. DNA methylation is a gene-regulatory pattern, and hence provides a means by which to assess genomic regulatory interactions. Network models are a natural way to represent and analyse groups of such interactions. The utility of network models also increases as the quantity of data and number of variables increase, making them increasingly relevant to large-scale genomic studies. We propose methodology to infer prognostic genomic networks from a DNA methylation-based measure of genomic interaction and association. We then show how to identify prognostic biomarkers from such networks, which we term `network community oncomarkers. We illustrate the power of our proposed methodology in the context of a large publicly available breast cancer dataset.
Understanding cell-fate decisions during tumorigenesis and metastasis is a major challenge in modern cancer biology. One canonical cell-fate decision that cancer cells undergo is Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and its reverse Mesenchymal-to-Epithelial Transition (MET). While transitioning between these two phenotypes - epithelial and mesenchymal - cells can also attain a hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal (i.e. partial or intermediate EMT) phenotype. Cells in this phenotype have mixed epithelial (e.g. adhesion) and mesenchymal (e.g. migration) properties, thereby allowing them to move collectively as clusters of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs). If these clusters enter the circulation, they can be more apoptosis-resistant and more capable of initiating metastatic lesions than cancer cells moving individually with wholly mesenchymal phenotypes, having undergo a complete EMT. Here, we review the operating principles of the core regulatory network for EMT/MET that acts as a three-way switch giving rise to three distinct phenotypes - epithelial, mesenchymal and hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal. We further characterize this hybrid E/M phenotype in terms of its capabilities in terms of collective cell migration, tumor-initiation, cell-cell communication, and drug resistance. We elucidate how the highly interconnected coupling between these modules coordinates cell-fate decisions among a population of cancer cells in the dynamic tumor, hence facilitating tumor-stoma interactions, formation of CTC clusters, and consequently cancer metastasis. Finally, we discuss the multiple advantages that the hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype have as compared to a complete EMT phenotype and argue that these collectively migrating cells are the primary bad actors of metastasis.
With the advent of high-throughput wet lab technologies the amount of protein interaction data available publicly has increased substantially, in turn spurring a plethora of computational methods for in silico knowledge discovery from this data. In this paper, we focus on parameterized methods for modeling and solving complex computational problems encountered in such knowledge discovery from protein data. Specifically, we concentrate on three relevant problems today in proteomics, namely detection of lethal proteins, functional modules and alignments from protein interaction networks. We propose novel graph theoretic models for these problems and devise practical parameterized algorithms. At a broader level, we demonstrate how these methods can be viable alternatives for the several heurestic, randomized, approximation and sub-optimal methods by arriving at parameterized yet optimal solutions for these problems. We substantiate these theoretical results by experimenting on real protein interaction data of S. cerevisiae (budding yeast) and verifying the results using gene ontology.
Gene expression is controlled primarily by interactions between transcription factor proteins (TFs) and the regulatory DNA sequence, a process that can be captured well by thermodynamic models of regulation. These models, however, neglect regulatory crosstalk: the possibility that non-cognate TFs could initiate transcription, with potentially disastrous effects for the cell. Here we estimate the importance of crosstalk, suggest that its avoidance strongly constrains equilibrium models of TF binding, and propose an alternative non-equilibrium scheme that implements kinetic proofreading to suppress erroneous initiation. This proposal is consistent with the observed covalent modifications of the transcriptional apparatus and would predict increased noise in gene expression as a tradeoff for improved specificity. Using information theory, we quantify this tradeoff to find when optimal proofreading architectures are favored over their equilibrium counterparts.
Complex biological systems have been successfully modeled by biochemical and genetic interaction networks, typically gathered from high-throughput (HTP) data. These networks can be used to infer functional relationships between genes or proteins. Using the intuition that the topological role of a gene in a network relates to its biological function, local or diffusion based guilt-by-association and graph-theoretic methods have had success in inferring gene functions. Here we seek to improve function prediction by integrating diffusion-based methods with a novel dimensionality reduction technique to overcome the incomplete and noisy nature of network data. In this paper, we introduce diffusion component analysis (DCA), a framework that plugs in a diffusion model and learns a low-dimensional vector representation of each node to encode the topological properties of a network. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate DCAs substantial improvement over state-of-the-art diffusion-based approaches in predicting protein function from molecular interaction networks. Moreover, our DCA framework can integrate multiple networks from heterogeneous sources, consisting of genomic information, biochemical experiments and other resources, to even further improve function prediction. Yet another layer of performance gain is achieved by integrating the DCA framework with support vector machines that take our node vector representations as features. Overall, our DCA framework provides a novel representation of nodes in a network that can be used as a plug-in architecture to other machine learning algorithms to decipher topological properties of and obtain novel insights into interactomes.

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