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We present a new necessary and sufficient condition to determine the entanglement status of an arbitrary N-qubit quantum state (maybe pure or mixed) represented by a density matrix. A necessary condition satisfied by separable bipartite quantum states was obtained by A. Peres, [1]. A. Peres showed that if a bipartite state represented by the density matrix is separable then its partial transpose is positive semidefinite and has no negative eigenvalues. In other words, if the partial transpose is not positive semidefinite and so one or more of its eigenvalues are negative then the state represented by the corresponding density matrix is entangled. It was then shown by M. Horodecki, [2], that this necessary condition is also sufficient for two-by-two and two-by-three dimensional systems. However, in other dimensions, it was shown by P. Horodecki, [3], that the criterion due to A. Peres is not sufficient. In this paper, we develop a new approach and a new criterion for deciding the entanglement status of the states represented by the density matrices corresponding to N-qubit systems. We begin with a 2-qubit case and then show that these results for 2-qubit systems can be extended to N-qubit systems by proceeding along similar lines. We discuss few examples to illustrate the method proposed in this paper for testing the entanglement status of few density matrices.
549 - Jorma Jormakka 2020
This paper proves that there does not exist a polynomial-time algorithm to the the subset sum problem. As this problem is in NP, the result implies that the class P of problems admitting polynomial-time algorithms does not equal the class NP of problems admitting nondeterministic polynomial-time algorithms.
161 - Jorma Jormakka 2020
In 2008 I thought I found a proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, but there was an error. In the Spring 2020 I believed to have fixed the error, but it cannot be fixed. I describe here where the error was. It took me several days to find the error in a careful checking before a possible submission to a payable review offered by one leading journal. There were three simple lemmas and one simple theorem, all were correct, yet there was an error: what Lemma 2 proved was not exactly what Lemma 3 needed. So, it was the connection of the lemmas. This paper came out empty, but I have found a different proof of the Riemann Hypothesis and it seems so far correct. In the discussion at the end of this paper I raise a matter that I think is of importance to the review process in mathematics.
415 - Jorma Jormakka 2020
The paper proves that the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is false.
335 - George I. Bell 2020
Septoku is a Sudoku variant invented by Bruce Oberg, played on a hexagonal grid of 37 cells. We show that up to rotations, reflections, and symbol permutations, there are only six valid Septoku boards. In order to have a unique solution, we show that the minimum number of given values is six. We generalize the puzzle to other board shapes, and devise a puzzle on a star-shaped board with 73 cells with six givens which has a unique solution. We show how this puzzle relates to the unsolved Hadwiger-Nelson problem in combinatorial geometry.
Natural numbers divisible by the same prime factor lie on defined spiral graphs which are running through the Square Root Spiral (also named as the Spiral of Theodorus or Wurzel Spirale or Einstein Spiral). Prime Numbers also clearly accumulate on such spiral graphs. And the square numbers 4, 9, 16, 25, 36,... form a highly three-symmetrical system of three spiral graphs, which divides the square-root-spiral into three equal areas. A mathematical analysis shows that these spiral graphs are defined by quadratic polynomials. Fibonacci number sequences also play a part in the structure of the Square Root Spiral. Fibonacci Numbers divide the Square Root Spiral into areas and angle sectors with constant proportions. These proportions are linked to the golden mean (or golden section), which behaves as a self-avoiding-walk-constant in the lattice-like structure of the square root spiral.
Prime Numbers clearly accumulate on defined spiral graphs,which run through the Square Root Spiral. These spiral graphs can be assigned to different spiral-systems, in which all spiral-graphs have the same direction of rotation and the same -- second difference -- between the numbers, which lie on these spiral-graphs. A mathematical analysis shows, that these spiral graphs are caused exclusively by quadratic polynomials. For example the well known Euler Polynomial x2+x+41 appears on the Square Root Spiral in the form of three spiral-graphs, which are defined by three different quadratic polynomials. All natural numbers,divisible by a certain prime factor, also lie on defined spiral graphs on the Square Root Spiral (or Spiral of Theodorus, or Wurzelspirale). And the Square Numbers 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 even form a highly three-symmetrical system of three spiral graphs, which divides the square root spiral into three equal areas. Fibonacci number sequences also play a part in the structure of the Square Root Spiral. With the help of the Number-Spiral, described by Mr. Robert Sachs, a comparison can be drawn between the Square Root Spiral and the Ulam Spiral. The shown sections of his study of the number spiral contain diagrams, which are related to my analysis results, especially in regards to the distribution of prime numbers.
If two random variables X and A are functionally related via f(X)=A for some strictly monotone continuously differentiable function f:R->R, the distribution of X may easily be computed from the distribution of A.
97 - Kerry M. Soileau 2018
If A is infinite and well-ordered, then |2^A|<=|Part(A)|<=|A^A|.
154 - Kerry M. Soileau 2018
We show how to reduce the problem of solving members of a certain family of nonlinear differential equations to that of solving some corresponding linear differential equations.

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