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87 - Aftab Patel 2021
We show that the property of flatness of maps from germs of real or complex analytic spaces whose local rings are Cohen-Macaulay is finitely determined. Further, we also show the existence of Nash approximations to flat maps from such germs that preserve the Hilbert-Samuel function of the special fibre.
In this paper, we attempt to develop the Quillen Suslin theory for the algebraic fundamental group of a ring. We give a surjective group homomorphism from the algebraic fundamental group of the field of the real numbers to the group of integers. At the end of the paper, we also propose some problems related to the algebraic fundamental group of some particular type of rings.
135 - Nguyen Cong Minh , Thanh Vu 2021
Let $Delta$ be a one-dimensional simplicial complex. Let $I_Delta$ be the Stanley-Reisner ideal of $Delta$. We prove that for all $s ge 1$ and all intermediate ideals $J$ generated by $I_Delta^s$ and some minimal generators of $I_Delta^{(s)}$, we have $${rm reg} J = {rm reg} I_Delta^s = {rm reg} I_Delta^{(s)}.$$
We investigate the relationship between the level of a bounded complex over a commutative ring with respect to the class of Gorenstein projective modules and other invariants of the complex or ring, such as projective dimension, Gorenstein projective dimension, and Krull dimension. The results build upon work done by J. Christensen [6], H. Altmann et al. [1], and Avramov et al. [3] for levels with respect to the class of finitely generated projective modules.
Let $G$ be a simple graph and $I$ its edge ideal. We prove that $${rm reg}(I^{(s)}) = {rm reg}(I^s)$$ for $s = 2,3$, where $I^{(s)}$ is the $s$-th symbolic power of $I$. As a consequence, we prove the following bounds begin{align*} {rm reg} I^{s} & le {rm reg} I + 2s - 2, text{ for } s = 2,3, {rm reg} I^{(s)} & le {rm reg} I + 2s - 2,text{ for } s = 2,3,4. end{align*}
We introduce the cohomological blow up of a graded Artinian Gorenstein (AG) algebra along a surjective map, which we term BUG (Blow Up Gorenstein) for short. This is intended to translate to an algebraic context the cohomology ring of a blow up of a projective manifold along a projective submanifold. We show, among other things, that a BUG is a connected sum, that it is the general fiber in a flat family of algebras, and that it preserves the strong Lefschetz property. We also show that standard graded compressed algebras are rarely BUGs, and we classify those BUGs that are complete intersections. We have included many examples throughout this manuscript.
115 - Nathan Geist , Ezra Miller 2021
The ring R of real-exponent polynomials in n variables over any field has global dimension n+1 and flat dimension n. In particular, the residue field k = R/m of R modulo its maximal graded ideal m has flat dimension n via a Koszul-like resolution. Projective and flat resolutions of all R-modules are constructed from this resolution of k. The same results hold when R is replaced by the monoid algebra for the positive cone of any subgroup of $mathbb{R}^n$ satisfying a mild density condition.
We show that the number of non-isotopic commutative semifields of odd order $p^{n}$ is exponential in $n$ when $n = 4t$ and $t$ is not a power of $2$. We introduce a new family of commutative semifields and a method for proving isotopy results on commutative semifields that we use to deduce the aforementioned bound. The previous best bound on the number of non-isotopic commutative semifields of odd order was quadratic in $n$ and given by Zhou and Pott [Adv. Math. 234 (2013)]. Similar bounds in the case of even order were given in Kantor [J. Algebra 270 (2003)] and Kantor and Williams [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 356 (2004)].
Let $H$ be a cancellative commutative monoid, let $mathcal{A}(H)$ be the set of atoms of $H$ and let $widetilde{H}$ be the root closure of $H$. Then $H$ is called transfer Krull if there exists a transfer homomorphism from $H$ into a Krull monoid. It is well known that both half-factorial monoids and Krull monoids are transfer Krull monoids. In spite of many examples and counter examples of transfer Krull monoids (that are neither Krull nor half-factorial), transfer Krull monoids have not been studied systematically (so far) as objects on their own. The main goal of the present paper is to attempt the first in-depth study of transfer Krull monoids. We investigate how the root closure of a monoid can affect the transfer Krull property and under what circumstances transfer Krull monoids have to be half-factorial or Krull. In particular, we show that if $widetilde{H}$ is a DVM, then $H$ is transfer Krull if and only if $Hsubseteqwidetilde{H}$ is inert. Moreover, we prove that if $widetilde{H}$ is factorial, then $H$ is transfer Krull if and only if $mathcal{A}(widetilde{H})={uvarepsilonmid uinmathcal{A}(H),varepsiloninwidetilde{H}^{times}}$. We also show that if $widetilde{H}$ is half-factorial, then $H$ is transfer Krull if and only if $mathcal{A}(H)subseteqmathcal{A}(widetilde{H})$. Finally, we point out that characterizing the transfer Krull property is more intricate for monoids whose root closure is Krull. This is done by providing a series of counterexamples involving reduced affine monoids.
167 - Xiaoyan Yang , Jingwen Shen 2021
Let $mathfrak{a}$ be an ideal of a noetherian (not necessarily local) ring $R$ and $M$ an $R$-module with $mathrm{Supp}_RMsubseteqmathrm{V}(mathfrak{a})$. We show that if $mathrm{dim}_RMleq2$, then $M$ is $mathfrak{a}$-cofinite if and only if $mathrm{Ext}^i_R(R/mathfrak{a},M)$ are finitely generated for all $ileq 2$, which generalizes one of the main results in [Algebr. Represent. Theory 18 (2015) 369--379]. Some new results concerning cofiniteness of local cohomology modules $mathrm{H}^i_mathfrak{a}(M)$ for any finitely generated $R$-module $M$ are obtained.

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