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259 - Qin Li , Chengqing Li , Chunhui Wu 2020
In this paper, an efficient arbitrated quantum signature scheme is proposed by combining quantum cryptographic techniques and some ideas in classical cryptography. In the presented scheme, the signatory and the receiver can share a long-term secret key with the arbitrator by utilizing the key together with a random number. While in previous quantum signature schemes, the key shared between the signatory and the arbitrator or between the receiver and the arbitrator could be used only once, and thus each time when a signatory needs to sign, the signatory and the receiver have to obtain a new key shared with the arbitrator through a quantum key distribution protocol. Detailed theoretical analysis shows that the proposed scheme is efficient and provably secure.
We show that every construction of one-time signature schemes from a random oracle achieves black-box security at most $2^{(1+o(1))q}$, where $q$ is the total number of oracle queries asked by the key generation, signing, and verification algorithms. That is, any such scheme can be broken with probability close to $1$ by a (computationally unbounded) adversary making $2^{(1+o(1))q}$ queries to the oracle. This is tight up to a constant factor in the number of queries, since a simple modification of Lamports one-time signatures (Lamport 79) achieves $2^{(0.812-o(1))q}$ black-box security using $q$ queries to the oracle. Our result extends (with a loss of a constant factor in the number of queries) also to the random permutation and ideal-cipher oracles. Since the symmetric primitives (e.g. block ciphers, hash functions, and message authentication codes) can be constructed by a constant number of queries to the mentioned oracles, as corollary we get lower bounds on the efficiency of signature schemes from symmetric primitives when the construction is black-box. This can be taken as evidence of an inherent efficiency gap between signature schemes and symmetric primitives.
Differential privacy is a definition of privacy for algorithms that analyze and publish information about statistical databases. It is often claimed that differential privacy provides guarantees against adversaries with arbitrary side information. In this paper, we provide a precise formulation of these guarantees in terms of the inferences drawn by a Bayesian adversary. We show that this formulation is satisfied by both vanilla differential privacy as well as a relaxation known as (epsilon,delta)-differential privacy. Our formulation follows the ideas originally due to Dwork and McSherry [Dwork 2006]. This paper is, to our knowledge, the first place such a formulation appears explicitly. The analysis of the relaxed definition is new to this paper, and provides some concrete guidance for setting parameters when using (epsilon,delta)-differential privacy.
218 - M. Boreale 2015
We put forward a model of action-based randomization mechanisms to analyse quantitative information flow (QIF) under generic leakage functions, and under possibly adaptive adversaries. This model subsumes many of the QIF models proposed so far. Our main contributions include the following: (1) we identify mild general conditions on the leakage function under which it is possible to derive general and significant results on adaptive QIF; (2) we contrast the efficiency of adaptive and non-adaptive strategies, showing that the latter are as efficient as the former in terms of length up to an expansion factor bounded by the number of available actions; (3) we show that the maximum information leakage over strategies, given a finite time horizon, can be expressed in terms of a Bellman equation. This can be used to compute an optimal finite strategy recursively, by resorting to standard methods like backward induction.
124 - Udit Gupta 2015
Ever since the advent of computing, managing data has been of extreme importance. With innumerable devices getting added to network infrastructure, there has been a proportionate increase in the data which needs to be stored. With the advent of Internet of Things (IOT) it is anticipated that billions of devices will be a part of the internet in another decade. Since those devices will be communicating with each other on a regular basis with little or no human intervention, plethora of real time data will be generated in quick time which will result in large number of log files. Apart from complexity pertaining to storage, it will be mandatory to maintain confidentiality and integrity of these logs in IOT enabled devices. This paper will provide a brief overview about how logs can be efficiently and securely stored in IOT devices.
Cryptographic protocols, such as protocols for secure function evaluation (SFE), have played a crucial role in the development of modern cryptography. The extensive theory of these protocols, however, deals almost exclusively with classical attackers. If we accept that quantum information processing is the most realistic model of physically feasible computation, then we must ask: what classical protocols remain secure against quantum attackers? Our main contribution is showing the existence of classical two-party protocols for the secure evaluation of any polynomial-time function under reasonable computational assumptions (for example, it suffices that the learning with errors problem be hard for quantum polynomial time). Our result shows that the basic two-party feasibility picture from classical cryptography remains unchanged in a quantum world.
Certificates to a linear algebra computation are additional data structures for each output, which can be used by a-possibly randomized- verification algorithm that proves the correctness of each output. Wiede-manns algorithm projects the Krylov sequence obtained by repeatedly multiplying a vector by a matrix to obtain a linearly recurrent sequence. The minimal polynomial of this sequence divides the minimal polynomial of the matrix. For instance, if the $ntimes n$ input matrix is sparse with n 1+o(1) non-zero entries, the computation of the sequence is quadratic in the dimension of the matrix while the computation of the minimal polynomial is n 1+o(1), once that projected Krylov sequence is obtained. In this paper we give algorithms that compute certificates for the Krylov sequence of sparse or structured $ntimes n$ matrices over an abstract field, whose Monte Carlo verification complexity can be made essentially linear. As an application this gives certificates for the determinant, the minimal and characteristic polynomials of sparse or structured matrices at the same cost.
Full-duplex (FD) communication is regarded as a key technology in future 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems. In addition to high data rate constraints, the success of these systems depends on the ability to allow for confidentiality and security. Secret-key agreement from reciprocal wireless channels can be regarded as a valuable supplement for security at the physical layer. In this work, we study the role of FD communication in conjunction with secret-key agreement. We first introduce two complementary key generation models for FD and half-duplex (HD) settings and compare the performance by introducing the key-reconciliation function. Furthermore, we study the impact of the so called probing-reconciliation trade-off, the role of a strong eavesdropper and analyze the system in the high SNR regime. We show that under certain conditions, the FD mode enforces a deteriorating impact on the capabilities of the eavesdropper and offers several advantages in terms of secret-key rate over the conventional HD setups. Our analysis reveals as an interesting insight that perfect self-interference cancellation is not necessary in order to obtain performance gains over the HD mode.
An unobservable false data injection (FDI) attack on AC state estimation (SE) is introduced and its consequences on the physical system are studied. With a focus on understanding the physical consequences of FDI attacks, a bi-level optimization problem is introduced whose objective is to maximize the physical line flows subsequent to an FDI attack on DC SE. The maximization is subject to constraints on both attacker resources (size of attack) and attack detection (limiting load shifts) as well as those required by DC optimal power flow (OPF) following SE. The resulting attacks are tested on a more realistic non-linear system model using AC state estimation and ACOPF, and it is shown that, with an appropriately chosen sub-network, the attacker can overload transmission lines with moderate shifts of load.
155 - Udit Gupta 2015
Authentication forms the gateway to any secure system. Together with integrity, confidentiality and authorization it helps in preventing any sort of intrusions into the system. Up until a few years back password based authentication was the most common form of authentication to any secure network. But with the advent of more sophisticated technologies this form of authentication although still widely used has become insecure. Furthermore, with the rise of Internet of Things where the number of devices would grow manifold it would be infeasible for user to remember innumerable passwords. Therefore, its important to address this concern by devising ways in which multiple forms of authentication would be required to gain access to any smart devices and at the same time its usability would be high. In this paper, a methodology is discussed as to what kind of authentication mechanisms could be deployed in internet of things (IOT).

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