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112 - Yu-Lei Feng , Yi-Xin Chen 2015
In this paper, we try to construct black hole thermodynamics based on the fact that, the formation and evaporation of a black hole can be described by quantum unitary evolutions. First, we show that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy $S_{BH}$ may not be a Boltzmann or thermal entropy. To confirm this statement, we show that the original black holes first law may not simply be treated as the first law of thermodynamics formally, due to some missing metric perturbations caused by matter. Then, by including those (quantum) metric perturbations, we show that the black hole formation and evaporation can be described in a unitary manner effectively, through a quantum channel between the exterior and interior of the event horizon. In this way, the paradoxes of information loss and firewall can be resolved effectively. Finally, we show that black hole thermodynamics can be constructed in an ordinary way, by constructing statistical mechanics.
339 - Yu-Lei Feng , Yi-Xin Chen 2014
An alternative approach to decoherence, named non-dynamical decoherence is developed and used to resolve the quantum measurement problem. According to decoherence, the observed system is open to a macroscopic apparatus(together with a possible added environment) in a quantum measurement process. We show that this open system can be well described by an almost quotient Hilbert space formed phenomenally according to some stability conditions. A group of random phase unitary operators is introduced further to obtain an exact quotient space for the observed system. In this quotient space, a density matrix can be constructed to give the Borns probability rule, realizing a (non-dynamical) decoherence. The concept of the (almost) quotient space can also be used to explain the classical properties of a macroscopic system. We show further that the definite outcomes in a quantum measurement are mainly caused by the almost quotient space of the macroscopic apparatus.
85 - Yu-Lei Feng , Yi-Xin Chen 2014
A unitary effective field model of the black hole evaporation is proposed to satisfy almost the four postulates of the black hole complementarity (BHC). In this model, we enlarge a black hole-scalar field system by adding an extra radiation detector that couples with the scalar field. After performing a partial trace over the scalar field space, we obtain an effective entanglement between the black hole and the detector (or radiation in it). As the whole system evolves, the S-matrix formula can be constructed formally step by step. Without local quantum measurements, the paradoxes of the information loss and AMPSs firewall can be resolved. However, the information can be lost due to quantum decoherence, as long as some local measurement has been performed on the detector to acquire the information of the radiation in it. But unlike Hawkings completely thermal spectrum, some residual correlations can be found in the radiations. All these considerations can be simplified in a qubit model that provides a emph{modified quantum teleportation} to transfer the information via an EPR pairs.
124 - Congyi Hua , Yi-Xin Chen 2014
How to uses shared entanglement and forward classical communication to remotely prepare an arbitrary (mixed or pure) state has been fascinating quantum information scientists. A constructive scheme has been given by Berry for remotely preparing a general pure state with a pure entangled state and finite classical communication. Based on this scheme, for high-dimensional systems it is possible to use a coding of the target state to optimize the classical communication cost. Unfortunately, for low-dimensional systems such as a pure qubit the coding method is inapplicable. Because qubit plays a central role in quantum information theory, we propose an optimization procedure which can be used to minimize the classical communication cost in the remote preparation of a general pure qubit. Interestingly, our optimization procedure is linked to the uniform arrangement of $N$ points on the Bloch sphere, which provides a geometric description.
205 - Fei-Quan Tu , Yi-Xin Chen 2013
Our aim is to investigate the thermodynamic properties of the universe bounded by the cosmological event horizon and dominated by the tachyon fluid. We give two different laws of evolution of our universe. Further, we show the first law and the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) are both satisfied in two cases, but their properties of the thermodynamic equilibrium are totally different. Besides, under our solutions, we find the validity of the laws of thermodynamics is irrelevant with the parameters of the tachyon fluid. Finally, we conclude that the universe bounded by the cosmological event horizon and dominated by the tachyon fluid has a good thermodynamic description. In turn, the thermodynamic description can provide a good physical interpretation for the dynamic evolution of our universe due to the equivalence between the first law of thermodynamics and the Friedmann equation to some extent.
98 - Fei-Quan Tu , Yi-Xin Chen 2013
In this paper, we propose a model in which an additional pressure due to the effects of the entropic force is added to the ideal fluid. Furthermore, we obtain the dynamic equation in the FRW universe which contains the quantum gravitational effects based on the description of entropic force and emergence of space. Our model can well explain the age of the universe and the effect of the current accelerating expansion. We give the relation between the luminosity distance and the redshift factor, and compare this relation with that of lambda cold dark matter model($Lambda CDM$ model).
Remote state preparation (RSP) is a quantum information protocol which allows preparing a quantum state at a distant location with the help of a preshared nonclassical resource state and a classical channel. The efficiency of successfully doing this task can be represented by the RSP-fidelity of the resource state. In this paper, we study the influence on the RSP-fidelity by applying certain local operations on the resource state. We prove that RSP-fidelity does not increase for any unital local operation. However, for nonunital local operation, such as local amplitude damping channel, we find that some resource states can be enhanced to increase the RSP-fidelity. We give the optimal parameter of symmetric local amplitude damping channel for enhancing Bell-diagonal resource states. In addition, we show RSP-fidelity can suddenly change or even vanish at instant under local decoherence.
170 - Fei-Quan Tu , Yi-Xin Chen 2013
It has been shown that Friedmann equation of FRW universe can be derived from the idea which says cosmic space is emergent as cosmic time progresses and our universe is expanding towards the state with the holographic equipartition by Padmanabhan. In this note, we give a general relationship between the horizon entropy and the number of the degrees of freedom on the surface, we also obtain the corresponding dynamic equations by using the idea of emergence of space in the $f(R)$ theory and deformed Hov{r}ava-Lifshitz (HL) theory.
99 - Yi-Xin Chen , Yong Xiao 2008
By collecting both quantum and gravitational principles, a space-time uncertainty relation $(delta t)(delta r)^{3}geqslantpi r^{2}l_{p}^{2}$ is derived. It can be used to facilitate the discussion of several profound questions, such as computational capacity and thermodynamic properties of the universe and the origin of holographic dark energy. The universality and validity of the proposed relation are illustrated via these examples.
113 - Chao Cao , Yi-Xin Chen 2008
The holographic principle asserts that the entropy of a system cannot exceed its boundary area in Planck units. However, conventional quantum field theory fails to describe such systems. In this Letter, we assume the existence of large $n$ extra dimensions and propose a relationship between UV and IR cutoffs in this case. We find that if $n=2$, this effective field theory could be a good description of holographic systems. If these extra dimensions are detected in future experiments, it will help to prove the validity of the holographic principle. We also discuss implications for the cosmological constant problem.

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