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We investigate the colour-magnitude relation of metal-poor globular clusters, the blue tilt, in the Hydra and Centaurus galaxy clusters and constrain the primordial conditions for star cluster self-enrichment. We analyse U,I photometry for about 2500 globular clusters in the central regions of Hydra and Centaurus, based on FORS1@VLT data. We convert the measured colour-magnitude relations into mass-metallicity space and obtain a scaling of Z propto M^{0.27 pm 0.05} for Centaurus GCs and Z propto M^{0.40 pm 0.06} for Hydra GCs, consistent with results in other environments. We find that the GC mass-metallicity relation already sets in at present-day masses of a few 10^5 solar masses and is well established in the luminosity range of massive MW clusters like omega Centauri. We compare the mass-metallicity relation with predictions from the star cluster self-enrichment model by Bailin & Harris (2009). For this we include effects of dynamical and stellar evolution and a physically well motivated primordial mass-radius scaling. The self-enrichment model reproduces the observed relations well for average primordial half-light radii r_h ~ 1-1.5 pc, star formation efficiencies f_* ~ 0.3-0.4, and pre-enrichment levels of [Fe/H] ~ -1.7 dex. Within the self-enrichment scenario, the observed blue tilt implies a correlation between GC mass and width of the stellar metallicity distribution. We find that this implied correlation matches the trend of width with GC mass measured in Galactic GCs, including extreme cases like omega Cen and M54. We conclude that 1. A primordial star cluster mass-radius relation provides a significant improvement to the self-enrichment model fits. 2. Broadenend metallicity distributions as found in some massive MW globular clusters may have arisen naturally from self-enrichment processes, without the need of a dwarf galaxy progenitor.
We quantify to what extent tidal erosion of globular clusters (GCs) has contributed to the observed u-shaped relation between GC specific frequencies S_N and host galaxy luminosity M_V. We used our MUESLI code to calculate GC survival rates for typical early-type galaxy potentials covering a wide range of observed galaxy properties. We do this for isotropic and radially anisotropic GC velocity distributions. We find that the calculated GC survival fraction, f_s, depends linearly on the logarithm of the 3D mass density, rho_3D, within the galaxys half light radius, with f_s proportional to (rho_3D)^(-0.17). For a given galaxy, survival rates are lower for radially anisotropic configurations than for the isotropic GC cases. We apply these relations to a literature sample of 219 early-type galaxies from Harris et al. (2013) in the range M_V=[-24.5:-15.5] mag. The expected GC survival fraction ranges from ~50% for the most massive galaxies with the largest radii to ~10% for the most compact galaxies. We find that intermediate luminosity galaxies M_V=[-20.5:-17.5] mag have the strongest expected GC erosion. Within the considered literature sample, the predicted GC survival fraction therefore defines a u-shaped relation with M_V, similar to the relation between specific frequency S_N and M_V. As a consequence, the u-shape of S_N vs. M_V gets erased almost entirely when correcting the S_N values for the effect of GC erosion. We conclude that tidal erosion is an important contributor to the u-shaped relation between GC specific frequency and host galaxy luminosity. It must be taken into account when inferring primordial star cluster formation efficiencies from observations of GC systems in the nearby universe.
CONTEXT: The dynamical mass-to-light (M/L) ratios of massive ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) are about 50% higher than predicted by stellar population models. AIMS: Here we investigate the possibility that these elevated M/L ratios are caused by a central black hole (BH), heating up the internal motion of stars. We focus on a sample of ~50 extragalactic UCDs for which velocity dispersions and structural parameters have been measured. METHODS: Using up-to-date distance moduli and a consistent treatment of aperture and seeing effects, we calculate the ratio Psi=(M/L)_{dyn}/(M/L)_{pop} between the dynamical and the stellar population M/L of UCDs. For all UCDs with Psi>1 we estimate the mass of a hypothetical central BH needed to reproduce the observed integrated velocity dispersion. RESULTS: Massive UCDs (M>10^7 M_*) have an average Psi = 1.7 +-0.2, implying notable amounts of dark mass in them. We find that, on average, central BH masses of 10-15% of the UCD mass can explain these elevated dynamical M/L ratios. The implied BH masses in UCDs range from several 10^5 M_* to several 10^7 M_*. In the M_BH-Luminosity plane, UCDs are offset by about two orders of magnitude in luminosity from the relation derived for galaxies. Our findings can be interpreted such that massive UCDs originate from progenitor galaxies with masses around 10^9 M_*, and that those progenitors have SMBH occupation fractions of 60-100%. The suggested UCD progenitor masses agree with predictions from the tidal stripping scenario. Lower-mass UCDs (M<10^7 M_*) exhibit a bimodal distribution in Psi, suggestive of a coexistence of massive globular clusters and tidally stripped galaxies in this mass regime. CONCLUSIONS: Central BHs as relict tracers of tidally stripped progenitor galaxies are a plausible explanation for the elevated dynamical M/L ratios of UCDs.
We aim at quantifying the specific frequency of UCDs in a range of environments and at relating this to the frequency of globular clusters (GCs) and potential progenitor dwarf galaxies. Are the frequencies of UCDs consistent with being the bright tail of the GC luminosity function (GCLF)? We propose a definition for the specific frequency of UCDs, S_{N,UCD}=N_{UCD}*10^{0.4*(M_{V,host}-M_{V,0})}*c_{w}. The parameter M_{V,0} is the zeropoint of the definition, chosen such that the specific frequency of UCDs is the same as those of globular clusters, S_{N,GC}, if UCDs follow a simple extrapolation of the GCLF. The parameter c_{w} is a correction term for the GCLF width sigma. We apply our definition of S_{N,UCD} to results of spectroscopic UCD searches in the Fornax, Hydra and Centaurus galaxy clusters, two Hickson Compact Groups, and the Local Group. This includes a large database of 180 confirmed UCDs in Fornax. We find that the specific frequencies derived for UCDs match those of GCs very well, to within 10-50%. The ratio {S_{N,UCD}}/{S_{N,GC}} is 1.00 +- 0.44 for the four environments Fornax, Hydra, Centaurus, and Local Group, which have S_{N,GC} values. This good match also holds for individual giant galaxies in Fornax and in the Fornax intracluster-space. The error ranges of the derived UCD specific frequencies in the various environments then imply that not more than 50% of UCDs were formed from dwarf galaxies. We show that such a scenario would require >90% of primordial dwarfs in galaxy cluster centers (<100 kpc) to have been stripped of their stars. We conclude that the number counts of UCDs are fully consistent with them being the bright tail of the GC population. From a statistical point of view there is no need to invoke an additional formation channel.
CONTEXT: Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies and tidal streams. AIMS: We investigate the structure and stellar population of two large stellar condensations (knots A & B) along one of the faint optical jet-like tidal streams associated with the spiral NGC 1097, with the goal of establishing their physical association with the galaxy and their origin. METHODS: We use the VLT/FORS2 to get deep V-band imaging and low-resolution optical spectra of two knots along NGC 1097s northeast dog-leg tidal stream. With this data, we explore their morphology and stellar populations. RESULTS: The FORS2 spectra show that the redshift of knot A (and perhaps of knot B) is consistent with that of NGC 1097. The FORS2 photometry shows that the two knots match very well the photometric scaling relations of canonical dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph). From the spectral analysis we find that knot A is mainly composed of stars near G-type, with no signs of ongoing star formation. Comparing its spectrum to a library of Galactic GC spectra, we find that the stellar population of this dSph-like object is most similar to intermediate to metal rich GCs. We find moreover, that the tidal stream shows an S shaped inflection as well as a pronounced stellar overdensity at knot As position. This suggests that knot A is being tidally stripped, and populates the stellar stream with its stars. CONCLUSIONS: We have discovered that two knots along NGC 1097s northeast tidal stream share most of their spectral and photometric properties with ordinary dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph). Moreover, we find strong indications that the dog-leg tidal stream arise from the tidal disruption of knot A. Since it has been demonstrated that tidally stripping dSph galaxies need to loose most of their dark matter before starting to loose stars, we suggest that knot A is at present a CDM-poor object.
190 - S. Mieske , A. Jordan , P. Cote 2010
We investigate the color-magnitude relation for globular clusters (GCs) -- the so-called blue tilt -- detected in the ACS Fornax Cluster Survey and using the combined sample of GCs from the ACS Fornax and Virgo Cluster Surveys. We find a tilt of gamma_z=d(g-z)/dz=-0.0257 +- 0.0050 for the full GC sample of the Fornax Cluster Survey (~5800 GCs). This is slightly shallower than the value gamma_z=-0.0459 +- 0.0048 found for the Virgo Cluster Survey GC sample (~11100 GCs). The slope for the merged Fornax and Virgo datasets (~16900 GCs) is gamma_z=-0.0293 +- 0.0085, corresponding to a mass-metallicity relation of Z ~ M^0.43. We find that the blue tilt sets in at GC masses in excess of M ~ 2*10^5 M_sun. The tilt is stronger for GCs belonging to high-mass galaxies (M_* > 5 * 10^10 M_sun) than for those in low-mass galaxies (M_* < 5 * 10^10 M_sun). It is also more pronounced for GCs with smaller galactocentric distances. Our findings suggest a range of mass-metallicity relations Z_GC ~ M_GC^(0.3-0.7) which vary as a function of host galaxy mass/luminosity. We compare our observations to a recent model of star cluster self-enrichment with generally favorable results. We suggest that, within the context of this model, the proto-cluster clouds out of which the GCs formed may have had density profiles slightly steeper than isothermal and/or star formation efficiencies somewhat below 0.3. We caution, however, that the significantly different appearance of the CMDs defined by the GC systems associated with galaxies of similar mass and morphological type pose a challenge to any single mechanism that seeks to explain the blue tilt. We therefore suggest that the merger/accretion histories of individual galaxies have played a non-negligible role determining the distribution of GCs in the CMDs of individual GC systems.
240 - S. Mieske , M. Hilker , I. Misgeld 2009
We recently initiated a search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Centaurus galaxy cluster (Mieske et al. 2007), resulting in the discovery of 27 compact objects with -12.2<M_V<-10.9 mag. Our overall survey completeness was 15-20% within 120 kpc projected clustercentric distance. In order to better constrain the luminosity distribution of the brightest UCDs in Centaurus, we continue our search by substantially improving our survey completeness specifically in the regime M_V<-12 mag (V_0<21.3 mag). Using VIMOS at the VLT, we obtain low-resolution spectra of 400 compact objects with 19.3<V_0<21.3 mag (-14<M_V<-12 mag at the Centaurus distance) in the central 25 of the Centaurus cluster, which corresponds to a projected radius of ~150 kpc. Our survey yields complete area coverage within ~120 kpc. For 94% of the sources included in the masks we successfully measure a redshift. Due to incompleteness in the slit assignment, our final completeness in the area surveyed is 52%. Among our targets we find three new UCDs in the magnitude range -12.2<M_V<-12 mag, hence at the faint limit of our survey. One of them is covered by archival HST WFPC2 imaging, yielding a size estimate of r_h <= 8-9 pc. At 95% confidence we can reject the hypothesis that in the area surveyed there are more than 2 massive UCDs with M_V<-12.2 mag and r_eff <=70 pc. Our survey hence confirms the extreme rareness of massive UCDs. We find that the radial distributions of Centaurus and Fornax UCDs with respect to their host clusters centers agree within the 2 sigma level.
Various studies have established that the dynamical M/L ratios of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) tend to be at the limit or beyond the range explicable by standard stellar populations with canonical IMF. We discuss how IMF variations may account for these high M/L ratios and how observational approaches may in the future allow to discriminate between those possibilities. We also briefly discuss the possibility of dark matter in UCDs.
In recent years, increasing evidence for chemical complexity and multiple stellar populations in massive globular clusters (GCs) has emerged, including extreme horizontal branches (EHBs) and UV excess. Our goal is to improve our understanding of UV excess in the regime of both massive GCs and ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs). To this end, we use deep archival GALEX data of the central Fornax cluster to measure NUV and FUV magnitudes of UCDs and massive GCs. We obtain NUV photometry for a sample of 35 compact objects with -13.5<M_V<-10 mag. Of those, 21 objects also have FUV photometry. Roughly half of the sources fall into the UCD luminosity regime (M_V <=-11 mag). We find that seven out of 17 massive Fornax GCs exhibit a NUV excess with respect to expectations from stellar population models, even for models with enhanced Helium abundance. This suggests that not only He-enrichment has contributed to forming the EHB population of these GCs. The GCs extend to stronger UV excess than GCs in M31 and massive GCs in M87, at the 97% confidence level. Most of the UCDs with FUV photometry also show evidence for UV excess, but their UV colours can be matched by isochrones with enhanced Helium abundances and old ages 12-14 Gyrs. We find that Fornax compact objects with X-ray emission detected from Chandra images are almost disjunct in colour from compact objects with GALEX UV detection, with only one X-ray source among the 35 compact objects. However, since this source is one of the three most UV bright GCs, we cannot exclude that the physical processes causing X-ray emission also contribute to some of the observed UV excess.
We have obtained high-resolution spectra of 23 ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Fornax cluster with -10.4>M_V>-13.5 mag (10^6<M/M_*<10^8), using FLAMES/Giraffe at the VLT. This is the largest homogeneous data set of UCD internal dynamics assembled to date. We derive dynamical M/L ratios for 15 UCDs covered by HST imaging. In the M_V-sigma plane, UCDs with M_V<-12 mag are consistent with the extrapolated Faber-Jackson relation for luminous ellipticals, while fainter UCDs are closer to the extrapolated globular cluster (GC) relation. At a given metallicity, Fornax UCDs have on average 30-40% lower M/L ratios than Virgo UCDs, suggesting possible differences in age or dark matter content between Fornax and Virgo UCDs. For our sample of Fornax UCDs we find no significant correlation between M/L ratio and mass. We combine our data with available M/L ratio measurements of compact stellar systems with 10^4<M/M_*<10^8, and normalise all M/L estimates to solar metallicity. We find that UCDs (M > 2*10^6 M_*) have M/L ratios twice as large as GCs (M < 2*10^6 M_*). We show that stellar population models tend to under-predict dynamical M/L ratios of UCDs and over-predict those of GCs. Considering the scaling relations of stellar spheroids, UCDs align well along the Fundamental Manifold, constituting the small-scale end of the galaxy sequence. The alignment for UCDs is especially clear for r_e >~ 7 pc, which corresponds to dynamical relaxation times that exceed a Hubble time. In contrast, GCs exhibit a broader scatter and do not appear to align along the manifold. We argue that UCDs are the smallest dynamically un-relaxed stellar systems, with M > 2*10^6 M_* and 7<r_e<100 pc. Future studies should aim at explaining the elevated M/L ratios of UCDs and the environmental dependence of their properties.

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