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We use the Excursion Set formalism to compute the properties of the halo mass distribution for a stochastic barrier model which encapsulates the main features of the ellipsoidal collapse of dark matter halos. Non-markovian corrections due to the sharp filtering of the linear density field in real space are computed with the path-integral technique introduced by Maggiore & Riotto (2010). Here, we provide a detailed derivation of the results presented in Corasaniti & Achitouv (2011) and extend the mass function analysis to higher redshift. We also derive an analytical expression for the linear halo bias. We find the analytically derived mass function to be in remarkable agreement with N-body simulation data from Tinker et al. (2008) with differences smaller than ~5% over the range of mass probed by the simulations. The excursion set solution from Monte Carlo generated random walks shows the same level of agreement, thus confirming the validity of the path-integral approach for the barrier model considered here. Similarly the analysis of the linear halo bias shows deviations no greater than 20%. Overall these results indicate that the Excursion Set formalism in combination with a realistic modeling of the conditions of halo collapse can provide an accurate description of the halo mass distribution.
We compute the dark matter halo mass function using the excursion set formalism for a diffusive barrier with linearly drifting average which captures the main features of the ellipsoidal collapse model. We evaluate the non-Markovian corrections due to the sharp filtering of the linear density field in real space with a path-integral method. We find an unprecedented agreement with N-body simulation data with deviations within ~5% level over the range of masses probed by the simulations. This indicates that the Excursion Set in combination with a realistic modelling of the collapse threshold can provide a robust estimation of the halo mass function.
Non-minimally coupled scalar field models suffer of unstable growing modes at the linear perturbation level. The nature of these instabilities depends on the dynamical state of the scalar field. In particular in systems which admit adiabatic solutions, large scale instabilities are suppressed by the slow-roll dynamics of the field. Here we review these results and present a preliminary likelihood data analysis suggesting that along adiabatic solutions coupled models with coupling of order of gravitational strength can provide viable cosmological scenarios satisfying constraints from SN Ia, CMB and large scale structure data.
We study the evolution of linear density perturbations in the context of interacting scalar field-dark matter cosmologies, where the presence of the coupling acts as a stabilization mechanism for the runaway behavior of the scalar self-interaction potential as in the case of the Chameleon model. We show that in the adiabatic background regime of the system the rise of unstable growing modes of the perturbations is suppressed by the slow-roll dynamics of the field. Furthermore the coupled system behaves as an inhomogeneous adiabatic fluid. In contrast instabilities may develop for large values of the coupling constant, or along non-adiabatic solutions, characterized by a period of high-frequency dumped oscillations of the scalar field. In the latter case the dynamical instabilities of the field fluctuations, which are typical of oscillatory scalar field regimes, are amplified and transmitted by the coupling to dark matter perturbations.
WMAP observations have accurately determined the position of the first two peaks and dips in the CMB temperature power spectrum. These encode information on the ratio of the distance to the last scattering surface to the sound horizon at decoupling. However pre-recombination processes can contaminate this distance information. In order to assess the amplitude of these effects we use the WMAP data and evaluate the relative differences of the CMB peaks and dips multipoles. We find that the position of the first peak is largely displaced with the respect to the expected position of the sound horizon scale at decoupling. In contrast the relative spacings of the higher extrema are statistically consistent with those expected from perfect harmonic oscillations. This provides evidence for a scale dependent phase shift of the CMB oscillations which is caused by gravitational driving forces affecting the propagation of sound waves before recombination. By accounting for these effects we have performed a MCMC likelihood analysis to constrain in combination with recent BAO data a constant dark energy equation w. For a flat universe we find at 95% upper limit w<-1.10, and including the HST prior w<-1.14, which are only marginally consistent with limits derived from the supernova SNLS sample. Larger limits are obtained for non-flat cosmologies. From the full CMB likelihood analysis we also estimate the values of the shift parameter R and the multipole l_a of the acoustic horizon at decoupling for several cosmologies to test their dependence on model assumptions. Although the analysis of the full CMB spectra should be always preferred, using the position of the CMB peaks and dips provide a simple and consistent method for combining CMB constraints with other datasets.

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