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The structural and magnetic properties of two mixed-valence cobaltites with formal population of 0.30 Co$^{4+}$ ions per f.u., (Pr$_{1-y}$Y$_{y}$)$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ ($y=0$ and 0.15), have been studied down to very low temperatures by means of the high-resolution neutron diffraction, SQUID magnetometry and heat capacity measurements. The results are interpreted within the scenario of the spin-state crossover from a room-temperature mixture of the intermediate spin Co$^{3+}$ and low spin Co$^{4+}$ (IS/LS) at the to the LS/LS mixture in the sample ground states. In contrast to the yttrium free $y=0$ that retains the metallic-like character and exhibits ferromagnetic ordering below 55 K, the doped system $y=0.15$ undergoes a first-order metal-insulator transition at 132 K, during which not only the crossover to low spin states but also a partial electron transfer from Pr$^{3+}$ 4f to cobalt 3d states take place simultaneously. Taking into account the non-magnetic character of LS Co$^{3+}$, such valence shift electronic transition causes a magnetic dilution, formally to 0.12 LS Co$^{4+}$ or 0.12 $t_{2g}$ hole spins per f.u., which is the reason for an insulating, highly non-uniform magnetic ground state without long-range order. Nevertheless, even in that case there exists a relatively strong molecular field distributed over all the crystal lattice. It is argued that the spontaneous FM order in $y=0$ and the existence of strong FM correlations in $y=0.15$ apparently contradict the single $t_{2g}$ band character of LS/LS phase. The explanation we suggest relies on a model of the defect induced, itinerant hole mediated magnetism, where the defects are identified with the magnetic high-spin Co$^{3+}$ species stabilized near oxygen vacancies.
85 - K. Kniv{z}ek 2013
The orthoperovskites TbCoO$_3$ and DyCoO$_3$ with Co$^{3+}$ in a non-magnetic low-spin state have been investigated by neutron diffraction down to 0.25 K. Magnetic ordering is evidenced below $T_N=3.3$ K and 3.6 K, respectively, and the ordered arrangements are of canted type, A$_x$G$_y$ for TbCoO$_3$ and G$_x$A$_y$ for DyCoO$_3$ in Bertauts notation. The experiments are confronted with the first-principle calculations of the crystal field and magnetism of Tb$^{3+}$ and Dy$^{3+}$ ions, located in the $Pbnm$ structure on sites of $C_s$ point symmetry. Both these ions exhibit an Ising behavior, which originates in the lowest energy levels, in particular in accidental doublet of non-Kramers Tb$^{3+}$ ($4f^8$ configuration) and in ground Kramers doublet of Dy$^{3+}$ ($4f^9$) and it is the actual reason for the non-collinear AFM structures. Very good agreement between the experiment and theory is found. For comparison, calculations of the crystal field and magnetism for other systems with Kramers ions, NdCoO$_3$ and SmCoO$_3$, are also included.
Crystal and magnetic structures of the $x=0.2$ member of La$_{rm 0.8-x}$Tb$_{rm x}$Ca$_{0.2}$CoO$_3$ perovskite series have been determined from the powder neutron diffraction. Enhancement of the diffraction peaks due to ferromagnetic or cluster glass ordering is observed below $T_C=55$ K. The moments evolve at first on Co sites, and ordering of Ising-type Tb$^{3+}$ moments is induced at lower temperatures by a molecular field due to Co ions. The final magnetic configuration is collinear F$_x$ for cobalt subsystem, while it is canted F$_x$C$_y$ for terbium ions. The rare-earth moments align along local Ising axes within textit{ab}-plane of the orthorhombic $Pbnm$ structure. The behavior in external fields up to $70-90$ kOe has been probed by the magnetization and heat capacity measurements. The dilute terbium ions contribute to significant coercivity and remanence that both steeply increase with decreasing temperature. A remarkable manifestation of the Tb$^{3+}$ Ising character is the observation of a low-temperature region of anomalously large linear term of heat capacity and its field dependence. Similar behaviours are detected also for other terbium dopings $x=0.1$ and 0.3.
Temperature dependence of the X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra at the Pr $L_{3}$- and Tb $L_{3}$-edges was measured for the (Pr$_{1-y}$Tb$_{y})_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_{3}$ system, in which a metal-insulator (MI) and spin-state (SS) transition took place simultaneously at a critical temperature $T_{rm MI}$. A small increase in the valence of the terbium ion was found below $T_{rm MI}$, besides the enhancement of the praseodymium valence; the trivalent states, which are stable at room temperature, change to a 3+/4+ ionic mixture at low temperatures. In particular for the $y$=0.2 sample, the average valence determined at 8 K amounts to 3.03+ and 3.25+ for the Tb and Pr ion, respectively. In analogous (Pr$_{1-y}$RE$_{y})_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_{3}$ samples (RE=Sm and Eu), in which the MI-SS transition also took place, no valence shift of the RE ion was detected in the XANES spectra at the RE ion $L_{3}$-edge. The role of the substituted RE ion for the Pr-site on the MI-SS transition is discussed.
The electric, magnetic, and thermal properties of three perovskite cobaltites with the same 30% hole doping and ferromagnetic ground state were investigated down to very low temperatures. With decreasing size of large cations, the ferromagnetic Curie temperature and spontaneous moments of cobalt are gradually suppressed - $T_C=130$ K, 55 K and 25 K and $m = 0.68 mu_B$, 0.34 $mu_B$ and 0.23 $mu_B$ for Nd$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$, Pr$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ and Nd$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$, respectively. The moment reduction with respect to moment of the conventional ferromagnet La$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ ($T_C=230$ K, $m = 1.71 mu_B$) in so-called IS/LS state for Co$^{3+}$/Co$^{4+}$, was originally interpreted using phase-separation scenario. Based on the present results, mainly the analysis of Schottky peak originating in Zeeman splitting of the ground state Kramers doublet of Nd$^{3+}$, we find, however, that ferromagnetic phase in Nd$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ and likely also Pr$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ is uniformly distributed over all sample volume, despite the severe drop of moments. The ground state of these compounds is identified with the LS/LS-related phase derived theoretically by Sboychakov textit{et al.} [Phys. Rev. B textbf{80}, 024423 (2009)]. The ground state of Nd$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ with an intermediate cobalt moment is inhomogeneous due to competing of LS/LS and IS/LS phases. In the theoretical part of the study, the crystal field split levels for $4f^3$ (Nd$^{3+}$), $4f^2$ (Pr$^{3+}$) and $4f^1$ (Ce$^{3+}$ or Pr$^{4+}$) are calculated and their magnetic characteristics are presented.
574 - J. Hejtmanek , Z. Jirak , O. Kaman 2012
We present an extensive investigation (magnetic, electric and thermal measurements and X-ray absorption spectroscopy) of the Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 and (Pr1-yYy)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 (y=0.0625-0.15) perovskites, in which a peculiar metal-insulator (M-I) transition, accompanied with pronounced structural and magnetic anomalies, occurs at 76 K and 40-132 K, respectively. The inspection of the M-I transition using the XANES data of Pr L3-edge and Co K-edge proofs the presence of Pr4+ ions at low temperatures and indicates simultaneously the intermediate spin to low spin crossover of Co species on lowering the temperature. The study thus definitively confirms the synchronicity of the electron transfer between Pr3+ ions and Co^(3+/4+)O3 subsystem and the transition to the low-spin, less electrically conducting phase. The large extent of the transfer is evidenced by the good quantitative agreement of the determined amount of the Pr4+ species, obtained either from the temperature dependence of the XANES spectra or via integration of the magnetic entropy change over the Pr4+ related Schottky peak in the low-temperature specific heat. These results show that the average valence of Pr3+/Pr4+ ions increases (in concomitance with the decrease of the formal Co valence) below TMI for (Pr0.925Y0.075)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 up to 3.16+ (the doping level of the CoO3 subsystem decreases from 3.30+ to 3.20+), for (Pr0.85Y0.15)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 up to 3.28+ (the decrease of doping level from 3.30+ to 3.13+) and for Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 up to 3.46+ (the decrease of doping level from 3.50+ to 3.27+).
241 - K. Kniv{z}ek 2012
The rhodium doping in the LaCo$_{1-x}$Rh$_{x}$O$_3$ perovskite series ($x=0.02-0.5$) has been studied by X-ray diffraction, electric transport and magnetization measurements, complemented by electronic structure GGA+U calculations in supercell for different concentration regimes. No charge transfer between Co$^{3+}$ and Rh$^{3+}$ is evidenced. The diamagnetic ground state of LaCoO$_3$, based on Co$^{3+}$ in low-spin (LS) state, is disturbed even by a small doping of Rh. The driving force is the elastic energy connected with incorporation of a large Rh$^{3+}$ cation into the matrix of small LS Co$^{3+}$ cations, which is relaxed by formation of large Co$^{3+}$ in high-spin (HS) state in the next-nearest sites to the inserted Rh atom. With increasing temperature, the population of Co$^{3+}$ in HS state increases through thermal excitation, and a saturated phase is obtained close to room temperature, consisting of a nearest-neighbor correlation of small (LS Co$^{3+}$) and large (HS Co$^{3+}$ and LS Rh$^{3+}$) cations in a kind of double perovskite structure. The stabilizing role of elastic and electronic energy contributions is demonstrated in supercell calculations for dilute Rh concentration compared to other dopants with various trivalent ionic radius.
Two extreme members of the cobaltite series, LaCoO3 and DyCoO3, were investigated by the electrical resistivity and thermopower measurements up to 800-1000 K. Special attention was given to effects of extra holes or electrons, introduced by light doping of Co sites by Mg2+ or Ti4+ ions. The experiments on the La based compounds were complemented with magnetic measurements. The study shows that both kinds of charge carriers induce magnetic states on surrounding CoIII sites and form thus thermally stable polarons of large total spin. Their itinerancy is characterized by low temperature resistivity, which is of Arrhenius type r~exp(EA/kT) for the hole (CoIV) doped samples, while an unusual dependence r~1/Tn (n=8-10) is observed for the electron (CoII) doped samples. At higher temperatures, additional hole carriers are massively populated in the CoIII background, leading to a resistivity drop. This transition become evident at ~300 K and 450 K and culminates at TI-M=540 and 780 K for the La and Dy based samples, respectively. The electronic behaviours of the cobaltites are explained considering two excitation processes in parent compounds. The first one is related to a local excitation from the diamagnetic LS CoIII to close-lying paramagnetic HS CoIII state. Secondarily, a metallic phase of the IS CoIII character is formed through a charge transfer mechanism between LS/HS pairs. The magnetic polarons associated with doped carriers are interpreted as droplets of such IS phase.
The samples LaCoO3 with dilute substitutions on cobalt sites have been studied using the resistivity, thermopower and magnetic susceptibility measurements over the temperature range up to ~900 K. The Co-site substitution does not affect the magnetic transition at ~100 K and the onset of massive population of hole carriers at ~500 K, characteristic for undoped LaCoO3. On the other hand, the low-temperature transport and magnetism is markedly distinct for samples with extra charge on cobalt ions introduced by the heterovalent dopants (Mg2+, Ti4+) compared to samples with minor non-stoichiometry (LaCoO3, Ga3+ doped sample). Magnetic properties suggest that these extra charges create thermally stable magnetic polarons of total S ~ 2-3. Common features of Co-site doped and La-site doped samples (La1-xSrxCoO3) are discussed
The magnetic, electric and thermal properties of the ($Ln_{1-y}$Y$_{y}$)$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ perovskites ($Ln$~=~Pr, Nd) were investigated down to very low temperatures. The main attention was given to a peculiar metal-insulator transition, which is observed in the praseodymium based samples with $y=0.075$ and 0.15 at $T_{M-I}=64$ and 132~K, respectively. The study suggests that the transition, reported originally in Pr$_{0.5}$Ca$_{0.5}$CoO$_3$, is not due to a mere change of cobalt ions from the intermediate- to the low-spin states, but is associated also with a significant electron transfer between Pr$^{3+}$ and Co$^{3+}$/Co$^{4+}$ sites, so that the praseodymium ions occur below $T_{M-I}$ in a mixed Pr$^{3+}$/Pr$^{4+}$ valence. The presence of Pr$^{4+}$ ions in the insulating phase of the yttrium doped samples (Pr$_{1-y}$Y$_{y}$)$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ is evidenced by Schottky peak originating in Zeeman splitting of the ground state Kramers doublet. The peak is absent in pure Pr$_{0.7}$Ca$_{0.3}$CoO$_3$ in which metallic phase, based solely on non-Kramers Pr$^{3+}$ ions, is retained down to the lowest temperature.

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