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78 - Hayato Ino , Yoshihito Kuno , 2015
In this paper, we study a system of two-component Bose gas in an artificial magnetic field trapped by concentric harmonic and annular potentials, respectively. The system is realized by gases with two-internal states like the hyperfine states of $^{87}$Rb. We are interested in effects of a Rabi oscillation between them. Two-component Bose Hubbard model is introduced to describe the system, and Gross-Pitaevskii equations are used to study the system. We first study the Bose gas system in the annular trap by varying the width of the annulus and strength of the magnetic field, in particular, we focus on the phase slip and superflow. Then we consider the coupled Bose gas system in a magnetic field. In a strong magnetic field, vortices form a Abrikosov triangular lattice in both Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), and locations of vortices in the BECs correlate with each other by the Rabi coupling. However, as the strength of the Rabi coupling is increased, vortices start to vibrate around their equilibrium locations. As the strength is increased further, vortices in the harmonic trap start to move along the boundaries of the annulus. Finally for a large Rabi coupling, the BECs are destroyed. Based on our findings about the BEC in the annular trap, we discuss the origin of above mentioned phenomena.
608 - Y. Kuno , K. Suzuki , I. Ichinose 2014
In this paper, we study an extended bosonic t-J model in an optical lattice, which describes two-component hard-core bosons with a nearest-neighbor (NN) pseudo-spin interaction, and also inter- and intra-species dipole-dipole interactions (DDI). In particular, we focus on the case in which two component hard-core bosons have anti-parallel polarized dipoles with each other. The global phase diagram is studied by means of the Gutzwiller variational method and also the quantum Monte-Carlo simulations (QMC). The both calculations show that a stripe solid order, besides a checkerboard one, appears as a result of the DDI. By the QMC, we find that two kinds of supersolid (SS) form, checkerboard SS and stripe SS, and we also verify the existence of some exotic phase between the stripe solid and checkerboard SS. Finally by the QMC, we study the t-J-like model, which was experimentally realized recently by A. de Paz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 111}, 185305 (2013)].
256 - Y. Kuno , K.Suzuki , 2014
The bosonic t-J model is a strong-on-site repulsion limit of the two-component Bose-Hubbard model and is expected to be realized by experiments of cold atoms in an optical lattice. In previous papers, we studied the bosonic t-J model by both analytical methods and numerical Monte - Carlo (MC) simulations. However, in the case of finite $J_z$, where $J_z$ is the $z$-component coupling constant of the pseudospin interaction, the phase diagram of the model was investigated by assuming the checkerboard type of boson densities. In this study, we shall continue our previous study of the bosonic t-J model using both the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) theory and MC simulations without assuming any pattern of boson densities. These two methods complement each other and give reliable results. We show that as $J_z$ is increased, the superfluid state evolves into a supersolid (SS), and furthermore into a genuine solid with the checkerboard symmetry. In the present study, we propose a method identifying quantum phase transitions in the GP theory. We also study finite-temperature phase transitions of the superfluidity and the diagonal solid order of the SS by MC simulations.
214 - Y. Kuno , K. Suzuki , 2013
In the previous papers, we studied the bosonic t-J mode and derived an effective field theory, which is a kind of quantum XY model. The bosonic t-J model is expected to be realized by experiments of two-component cold atoms in an optical lattice. In this paper, we consider a similar XY model that describes phase diagram of the t-J model with a mass difference. Phase diagram and critical behavior of the quantum XY model are clarified by means of the Monte-Carlo simulations. Effective field theory that describes the phase structure and low-energy excitations of the quantum XY model is derived. Nambu-Goldstone bosons and the Higgs mode are studied by using the effective field theory and interesting findings are obtained for the system with multiple order, i.e., Bose-Einstein condensations and pseudo-spin symmetry. We also investigate physical properties of the quantum XY model in an effective magnetic field that is realized by rotating the optical lattice, etc. We show that low-energy states of the system strongly depend on the strength of the magnetic field. For some specific strength of the magnetic field, vortex lattice forms and the correlation function of the bosons exhibits solid like behavior, which is a kind of Bose-Einstein condensation.
145 - Y. Kuno , K. Kataoka , 2012
In this paper, we consider the bosonic t-J model, which describes two-component hard-core bosons with a nearest-neighbor (NN) pseudo-spin interaction and a NN hopping. To study phase diagram of this model, we derive effective field theories for low-energy excitations. In order to represent the hard-core nature of bosons, we employ a slave-particle representation. In the path-integral quantization, we first integrate our the radial degrees of freedom of each boson field and obtain the low-energy effective field theory of phase degrees of freedom of each boson field and an easy-plane pseudo-spin. Coherent condensates of the phases describe, e.g., a magnetic order of the pseudo-spin, superfluidity of hard-core bosons, etc. This effective field theory is a kind of extended quantum XY model, and its phase diagram can be investigated precisely by means of the Monte-Carlo simulations. We then apply a kind of Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation to the quantum XY model and obtain the second-version of the effective field theory, which is composed of fields describing the pseudo-spin degrees of freedom and boson fields of the original two-component hard-core bosons. As application of the effective-field theory approach, we consider the bosonic t-J model on the square lattice and also on the triangular lattice, and compare the obtained phase diagrams with the results of the numerical studies. We also study low-energy excitations rather in detail in the effective field theory. Finally we consider the bosonic t-J model on a stacked triangular lattice and obtain its phase diagram. We compare the obtained phase diagram with that of the effective field theory to find close resemblance.
391 - H. Ozawa , I. Ichinose 2012
In this paper, we study phase structure of a system of hard-core bosons with a nearest-neighbor (NN) repulsive interaction in a stacked triangular lattice. Hamiltonian of the system contains two parameters one of which is the hopping amplitude $t$ between NN sites and the other is the NN repulsion $V$. We investigate the system by means of the Monte-Carlo simulations and clarify the low and high-temperature phase diagrams. There exist solid states with density of boson $rho={1 over 3}$ and ${2over 3}$, superfluid, supersolid and phase-separated state. The result is compared with the phase diagram of the two-dimensional system in a triangular lattice at vanishing temperature.
We study the three-dimensional bosonic t-J model, i.e., the t-J model of bosonic electrons, at finite temperatures. This model describes the $s={1 over 2}$ Heisenberg spin model with the anisotropic exchange coupling $J_{bot}=-alpha J_z$ and doped {it bosonic} holes, which is an effective system of the Bose-Hubbard model with strong repulsions. The bosonic electron operator $B_{rsigma}$ at the site $r$ with a two-component (pseudo-)spin $sigma (=1,2)$ is treated as a hard-core boson operator, and represented by a composite of two slave particles; a spinon described by a Schwinger boson (CP$^1$ boson) $z_{rsigma}$ and a holon described by a hard-core-boson field $phi_r$ as $B_{rsigma}=phi^dag_r z_{rsigma}$. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, we study its finite-temperature phase structure including the $alpha$ dependence, the possible phenomena like appearance of checkerboard long-range order, super-counterflow, superfluid, and phase separation, etc. The obtained results may be taken as predictions about experiments of two-component cold bosonic atoms in the cubic optical lattice.
103 - T.Ono , S.Doi , Y.Hori 2009
We study the three-dimensional (3D) compact U(1) lattice gauge theory coupled with $N$-flavor Higgs fields by means of the Monte Carlo simulations. This model is relevant to multi-component superconductors, antiferromagnetic spin systems in easy plane, inflational cosmology, etc. It is known that there is no phase transition in the N=1 model. For N=2, we found that the system has a second-order phase transition line $tilde{c}_1(c_2)$ in the $c_2$(gauge coupling)$-c_1$(Higgs coupling) plane, which separates the confinement phase and the Higgs phase. Numerical results suggest that the phase transition belongs to the universality class of the 3D XY model as the previous works by Babaev et al. and Smiseth et al. suggested. For N=3, we found that there exists a critical line similar to that in the N=2 model, but the critical line is separated into two parts; one for $c_2 < c_{2{rm tc}}=2.4pm 0.1$ with first-order transitions, and the other for $ c_{2{rm tc}} < c_2$ with second-order transitions, indicating the existence of a tricritical point. We verified that similar phase diagram appears for the N=4 and N=5 systems. We also studied the case of anistropic Higgs coupling in the N=3 model and found that there appear two second-order phase transitions or a single second-order transition and a crossover depending on the values of the anisotropic Higgs couplings. This result indicates that an enhancement of phase transition occurs when multiple phase transitions coincide at a certain point in the parameter space.

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