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In this paper, we study damped oscillating form of dark energy for explaining dynamics of universe. First of all, we consider universe is filled with an ideal fluid which has damped oscillating dark energy in terms of this case we calculate several physical quantities such as Hubble parameter, acceleration parameter, energy density, pressure and others for dark energy, dark energy-matter coupling and non-coupling cases. Secondly, we consider as universe is filled with scalar field instead of an ideal fluid we obtain these physical quantities in terms of scalar potential and kinetic term for the same cases in scalar-tensor formalism. Finally, we show that ideal fluid description and scalar-tensor description of dark energy give mathematically equivalent results for this EoS parameter, even if they havent same physical meaning.
99 - Ekrem Aydiner 2015
In this study, we have derived close form of the Casimir force for the non-interacting ideal Bose gas between two slabs in harmonic-optical lattice potential by using Ketterle and van Druten approximation. We find that Bose-Einstein condensation temperature $T_{c}$ is a critical point for different physical behavior of the Casimir force. We have shown that Casimir force of confined Bose gas in the presence of the harmonic-optical potential decays with inversely proportional to $d^{5}$ when $Tleq T_{c}$. However, in the case of $T>T_{c}$, it decays exponentially depends on separation $d$ of the slabs. Additionally we have discussed temperature dependence of Casimir force and importance of the harmonic-optical lattice potential on quantum critical systems, quantum phase transition and nano-devices.
In this study we consider an exponential decaying form for dark energy as EoS parameter in order to discuss the dynamics of the universe. Firstly, assuming that universe is filled with an ideal fluid which consists of exponential decaying dark energy we obtain time dependent behavior of several physical quantities such as energy density, pressure and others for dark energy, dark energy-matter coupling and non-coupling cases. Secondly, using scalar field instead of an ideal fluid we obtain these physical quantities in terms of scalar potential and kinetic term for the same cases in scalar-tensor formalism. Finally we show that ideal fluid and scalar-tensor description of dark energy give mathematically equivalent results for this EoS parameter.
In this study, considering the long-range interaction with an inverse-square and its trigonometric and hyperbolic variants in SCM model we investigate entanglement in (1/2,1) mixed-spin XY model. We also discuss the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the thermal entanglement in this system for different types of interaction. The numerical results show that, in the presence of the long-range interactions, thermal entanglement between spins has a rich behavior dependent upon the interaction strength, temperature and magnetic field. Indeed we find that for less than a critical distance there are entanglement plateaus dependent upon the distance between the spins, whereas above the critical distance the entanglement can exhibit sudden death.

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