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In this short note we present a new approach to non-classical correlations that is based on the compression rates for bit strings generated by Alice and Bob. We use normalised compression distance introduced by Cilibrasi and Vitanyi to derive information-theoretic inequalities that must be obeyed by classically correlated bit strings and that are violated by PR-boxes. We speculate about a violation of our inequalities by quantum mechanical correlations.
In this paper we demonstrate that the property of monogamy of Bell violations seen for no-signaling correlations in composite systems can be generalized to the monogamy of contextuality in single systems obeying the Gleason property of no-disturbance. We show how one can construct monogamies for contextual inequalities by using the graph-theoretic technique of vertex decomposition of a graph representing a set of measurements into subgraphs of suitable independence numbers that themselves admit a joint probability distribution. After establishing that all the subgraphs that are chordal graphs admit a joint probability distribution, we formulate a precise graph-theoretic condition that gives rise to the monogamy of contextuality. We also show how such monogamies arise within quantum theory for a single four-dimensional system and interpret violation of these relations in terms of a violation of causality. These monogamies can be tested with current experimental techniques.
Quantum mechanics marks a radical departure from the classical understanding of Nature, fostering an inherent randomness which forbids a deterministic description; yet the most fundamental departure arises from something different. As shown by Bell [1] and Kochen-Specker [2], quantum mechanics portrays a picture of the world in which reality loses its objectivity and is in fact created by observation. Quantum mechanics predicts phenomena which cannot be explained by any theory with objective realism, although our everyday experience supports the hypothesis that macroscopic objects, despite being made of quantum particles, exist independently of the act of observation; in this paper we identify this behavior as classical. Here we show that this seemingly obvious classical behavior of the macroscopic world cannot be experimentally tested and belongs to the realm of ontology similar to the dispute on the interpretations of quantum mechanics [3,4]. For small systems such as a single photon [5] or a pair [6], it has been experimentally proven that a classical description cannot be sustained. Recently, there have also been experiments that claim to have demonstrated quantum behavior of relatively large objects such as interference of fullerenes [7], the violation of Leggett-Garg inequality in Josephson junction [8], and interference between two condensed clouds of atoms [9], which suggest that there is no limit to the size of the system on which the quantum-versus-classical question can be tested. These behaviors, however, are not sufficient to refute classical description in the sense of objective reality. Our findings show that once we reach the regime where an Avogadro number of particles is present, the quantum-versus-classical question cannot be answered experimentally.
We study the necessary conditions for bosons composed of two distinguishable fermions to exhibit bosonic-like behaviour. We base our analysis on tools of quantum information theory such as entanglement and the majorization criterion for probability distributions. In particular we scrutinize a recent interesting hypothesis by C. K. Law in the Ref. Phys. Rev. A 71, 034306 (2005) that suggests that the amount of entanglement between the constituent fermions is related to the bosonic properties of the composite boson. We show that a large amount of entanglement does not necessarily imply a good boson-like behaviour by constructing an explicit counterexample. Moreover, we identify more precisely the role entanglement may play in this situation.
We show that genuine multiparty quantum correlations can exist on its own, without a supporting background of genuine multiparty classical correlations, even in macroscopic systems. Such possibilities can have important implications in the physics of quantum information and phase transitions.
We describe an entanglement witness for $N$-qubit mixed states based on the properties of $N$-point correlation functions. Depending on the degree of violation, this witness can guarantee that no more than $M$ qubits are separable from the rest of the state for any $Mleq N$, or that there is some genuine $M$-party or greater multipartite entanglement present. We illustrate the use our criterion by investigating the existence of entanglement in thermal stabilizer states, where we demonstrate that the witness is capable of witnessing bound-entangled states. Intriguingly, this entanglement can be shown to persist in the thermodynamic limit at arbitrary temperature.
In this short note we discuss the relation between the so-called Off-Diagonal-Long-Range-Order in many-body interacting quantum systems introduced by C. N. Yang in Rev. Mod. Phys. {bf 34}, 694 (1962) and entanglement. We argue that there is a direct relation between these two concepts.
All quantum information processes inevitably requires the explicit state preparation of an entangled state. Here we present the construction of a quantum switchboard which can act both as an optimal quantum cloning machine and a quantum demultiplexer based on the preparation of a four-qubit state.

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