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Understanding the relationship between the formation and evolution of galaxies and their central super massive black holes (SMBH) is one of the main topics in extragalactic astrophysics. Links and feedback may reciprocally affect both black hole and galaxy growth. Observations of the CO line at redshifts of 2-4 are crucial to investigate the gas mass, star formation activity and accretion onto SMBHs, as well as the effect of AGN feedback. Potential correlations between AGN and host galaxy properties can be highlighted by observing extreme objects. Despite their luminosity, hyper-luminous QSOs at z=2-4 are still little studied at mm wavelengths. We targeted CO(3-2) in ULAS J1539+0557, an hyper-luminos QSO (Lbol> 10^48 erg/s) at z=2.658, selected through its unusual red colors in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey (ULAS). We find a molecular gas mass of 4.1+-0.8 10^10 Msun, and a gas fraction of 0.4-0.1, depending mostly on the assumed source inclination. We also find a robust lower limit to the star-formation rate (SFR=250-1600 Msun/yr) and star-formation efficiency (SFE=25-350 Lsun/(K km s-1 pc2) by comparing the observed optical-near-infrared spectral energy distribution with AGN and galaxy templates. The black hole gas consumption timescale, M(H_2)/dM(accretion)/dt, is ~160 Myr, similar or higher than the gas consumption timescale. The gas content and the star formation efficiency are similar to those of other high-luminosity, highly obscured QSOs, and at the lower end of the star-formation efficiency of unobscured QSOs, in line with predictions from AGN-galaxy co-evolutionary scenarios. Further measurements of the (sub)-mm continuum in this and similar sources are mandatory to obtain a robust observational picture of the AGN evolutionary sequence.
We present optical identifications and a multi-band catalogue of a sample of 478 X-ray sources in the XMM and Chandra surveys of the central 0.6 deg^2 of the ELAIS-S1 field. The optical/infrared counterpart of each X-ray source was identified using R and IRAC 3.6 um bands. This method was complemented by the precise positions obtained through Chandra observations. Approximately 94% of the counterparts are detected in the R band, while the remaining are blank fields in the optical down to R~24.5, but have a near-infrared counterpart detected by IRAC within 6 arcsec from the XMM centroid. The multi-band catalogue contains photometry in ten photometric bands (B to the MIPS 24 um). We determined redshift and classification for 237 sources (~50% of the sample) brighter than R=24. We classified 47% of the sources with spectroscopic redshift as broad-line active galactic nuclei (BL AGNs) with z=0.1-3.5, while sources without broad-lines are about 46% of the spectroscopic sample and are found up to z=2.6. We identified 11 type 2 QSOs among the sources with X/O>8, with z=0.9-2.6, high 2-10 keV luminosity (log(L2-10keV)>=43.8 erg/s) and hard X-ray colors suggesting large absorbing columns at the rest frame (logN_H up to 23.6 cm^-2). BL AGNs show on average blue optical-to-near-infrared colors, softer X-ray colors and X-ray-to-optical colors typical of optically selected AGNs. Conversely, narrow-line sources show redder optical colors, harder X-ray flux ratio and span a wider range of X-ray-to-optical colors. On average the SEDs of high-luminosity BL AGNs resemble the power-law typical of unobscured AGNs. The SEDs of NOT BL AGNs are dominated by the galaxy emission in the optical/near-infrared, and show a rise in the mid-infrared which suggests the presence of an obscured active nucleus.

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