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Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) is important for understanding the composition of the present-day interstellar medium (ISM) and of our solar system. In this paper, we aim to track the GCE by using the 29Si/30Si ratios in evolved stars and tentatively relate this to presolar grain composition. We used the APEX telescope to detect thermal SiO isotopologue emission toward four oxygen-rich M-type stars. Together with the data retrieved from the Herschel science archive and from the literature, we were able to obtain the 29Si/30Si ratios for a total of 15 evolved stars inferred from their optically thin 29SiO and 30SiO emission. These stars cover a range of masses and ages, and because they do not significantly alter 29Si/30Si during their lifetimes, they provide excellent probes of the ISM metallicity (or 29Si/30Si ratio) as a function of time. The 29Si/30Si ratios inferred from the thermal SiO emission tend to be lower toward low-mass oxygen-rich stars (e.g., down to about unity for W Hya), and close to an interstellar or solar value of 1.5 for the higher-mass carbon star IRC+10216 and two red supergiants. There is a tentative correlation between the 29Si/30Si ratios and the mass-loss rates of evolved stars, where we take the mass-loss rate as a proxy for the initial stellar mass or current stellar age. This is consistent with the different abundance ratios found in presolar grains. We found that older objects (up to possibly 10 Gyr old) in our sample trace a previous, lower 29Si/30Si value of about 1. Material with this isotopic ratio is present in two subclasses of presolar grains, providing independent evidence of the lower ratio. Therefore, the 29Si/30Si ratio derived from the SiO emission of evolved stars is a useful diagnostic tool for the study of the GCE and presolar grains.
As one of the prime targets of interstellar chemistry study, Orion BN/KL clearly shows different molecular distributions between large nitrogen- (e.g., C2H5CN) and oxygen-bearing (e.g., HCOOCH3) molecules. However, acetone (CH3)2CO, a special complex O-bearing molecule, has been shown to have a very different distribution from other typical O-bearing molecules in the BN/KL region. We searched for acetone within our IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer 3 mm and 1.3 mm data sets. Twenty-two acetone lines were searched within these data sets. The angular resolution ranged from 1.8 X 0.8 to 6.0 X 2.3 arcsec^2, and the spectral resolution ranged from 0.4 to 1.9 km s-1. Nine of the acetone lines appear free of contamination. Three main acetone peaks (Ace-1, 2, and 3) are identified in Orion BN/KL. The new acetone source Ace-3 and the extended emission in the north of the hot core region have been found for the first time. An excitation temperature of about 150 K is determined toward Ace-1 and Ace-2, and the acetone column density is estimated to be 2-4 X 10^16 cm-2 with a relative abundance of 1-6 X 10^-8 toward these two peaks. Acetone is a few times less abundant toward the hot core and Ace-3 compared with Ace-1 and Ace-2. We find that the overall distribution of acetone in BN/KL is similar to that of N-bearing molecules, e.g., NH3 and C2H5CN, and very different from those of large O-bearing molecules, e.g., HCOOCH3 and (CH3)2O. Our findings show the acetone distribution is more extended than in previous studies and does not originate only in those areas where both N-bearing and O-bearing species are present. Moreover, because the N-bearing molecules may be associated with shocked gas in Orion BN/KL, this suggests that the formation and/or destruction of acetone may involve ammonia or large N-bearing molecules in a shocked-gas environment.
High spatial resolution low-J 12CO observations have shown that the wide-angle outflow seen in the Orion BN/KL region correlates with the famous H2 fingers. Recently, high-resolution large-scale mappings of mid- and higher-J CO emissions have been reported toward the Orion molecular cloud 1 core region using the APEX telescope. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate this outflow in the higher-J 12CO emission, which is likely excited by shocks. The observations were carried out using the dual-color heterodyne array CHAMP+ on the APEX telescope. The images of the Orion BN/KL region were obtained in the 12CO J=6-5 and J=7-6 transitions with angular resolutions of 8.6 and 7.4 arcsec, respectively. The results show a good agreement between our higher-J 12CO emission and SMA low-J 12CO data, which indicates that this wide-angle outflow in Orion BN/KL is likely the result of an explosive event that is related to the runaway objects from a dynamically decayed multiple system. From our observations, we estimate that the kinetic energy of this explosive outflow is about 1-2x10^47 erg. In addition, a scenario has been proposed where part of the outflow is decelerated and absorbed in the cloud to explain the lack of CO bullets in the southern part of BN/KL, which in turn induces the methanol masers seen in this region.
Deuterated molecules have been detected and studied toward Orion BN/KL in the past decades, mostly with single-dish telescopes. However, high angular resolution data are critical not only for interpreting the spatial distribution of the deuteration ratio but also for understanding this complex region in terms of cloud evolution involving star-forming activities and stellar feedbacks. We present here the first high angular resolution (1.8 arcsec times 0.8 arcsec) images of deuterated methanol CH2DOH in Orion BN/KL observed with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer from 1999 to 2007 in the 1 to 3 mm range. Six CH2DOH lines were detected around 105.8, 223.5, and 225.9 GHz. In addition, three E-type methanol lines around 101-102 GHz were detected and were used to derive the corresponding CH3OH rotational temperatures and column densities toward different regions across Orion BN/KL. The strongest CH2DOH and CH3OH emissions come from the Hot Core southwest region with an LSR velocity of about 8 km/s. We derive [CH2DOH]/[CH3OH] abundance ratios of 0.8-1.3times10^-3 toward three CH2DOH emission peaks. A new transition of CH3OD was detected at 226.2 GHz for the first time in the interstellar medium. Its distribution is similar to that of CH2DOH. Besides, we find that the [CH2DOH]/[CH3OD] abundance ratios are lower than unity in the central part of BN/KL. Furthermore, the HDO 3(1,2)-2(2,1) line at 225.9 GHz was detected and its emission distribution shows a shift of a few arcseconds with respect to the deuterated methanol emission that likely results from different excitation effects. The deuteration ratios derived along Orion BN/KL are not markedly different from one clump to another. However, various processes such as slow heating due to ongoing star formation, heating by luminous infrared sources, or heating by shocks could be competing to explain some local differences observed for these ratios.
A high density portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud 1 (OMC-1) contains the prominent, warm Kleinmann-Low (KL) nebula that is internally powered by an energetic event plus a farther region in which intermediate to high mass stars are forming. Its outside is affected by ultraviolet radiation from the neighboring Orion Nebula Cluster and forms the archetypical photon-dominated region (PDR) with the prominent bar feature. Its nearness makes the OMC-1 core region a touchstone for research on the dense molecular interstellar medium and PDRs. Using the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope (APEX), we have imaged the line emission from the multiple transitions of several carbon monoxide (CO) isotopologues over the OMC-1 core region. Our observations employed the 2x7 pixel submillimeter CHAMP+ array to produce maps (~ 300 arcsec x 350 arcsec) of 12CO, 13CO, and C18O from mid-J transitions (J=6-5 to 8-7). We also obtained the 13CO and C18O J=3-2 images toward this region. The 12CO line emission shows a well-defined structure which is shaped and excited by a variety of phenomena, including the energetic photons from hot, massive stars in the nearby Orion Nebulas central Trapezium cluster, active high- and intermediate-mass star formation, and a past energetic event that excites the KL nebula. Radiative transfer modeling of the various isotopologic CO lines implies typical H2 densities in the OMC-1 core region of ~10^4-10^6 cm^-3 and generally elevated temperatures (~ 50-250 K). We estimate a warm gas mass in the OMC-1 core region of 86-285 solar masses.
W49A is a giant molecular cloud which harbors some of the most luminous embedded clusters in the Galaxy. However, the explanation for this starburst-like phenomenon is still under debate. Methods. We investigated large-scale Spitzer mid-infrared images together with a Galatic Ring Survey 13CO J = 1-0 image, complemented with higher resolution (~ 11 arcsec) 13CO J = 2-1 and C18O J = 2-1 images over a ~ 15 x 13 pc^2 field obtained with the IRAM 30m telescope. Two expanding shells have been identified in the mid-infrared images, and confirmed in the position-velocity diagrams made from the 13CO J = 2-1 and C18O J = 2-1 data. The mass of the averaged expanding shell, which has an inner radius of ~ 3.3 pc and a thickness of ~ 0.41 pc, is about 1.9 x 10^4 M*. The total kinetic energy of the expanding shells is estimated to be ~ 10^49 erg which is probably provided by a few massive stars, whose radiation pressure and/or strong stellar winds drive the shells. The expanding shells are likely to have a common origin close to the two ultracompact Hii regions (source O and source N), and their expansion speed is estimated to be ~ 5 km/s, resulting in an age of ~ 3-7 x 10^5 years. In addition, on larger (~ 35 x 50 pc^2) scales, remnants of two gas ejections have been identified in the 13CO J = 1 - 0 data. Both ejections seem to have the same center as the expanding shells with a total energy of a few times 10^50 erg. The main driving mechanism for the gas ejections is unclear, but likely related to the mechanism which triggers the starburst in W49A.

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