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We present a fully analytically solvable family of models with many-body cluster interaction and Ising interaction. This family exhibits two phases, dubbed cluster and Ising phases, respectively. The critical point turns out to be independent of the cluster size $n+2$ and is reached exactly when both interactions are equally weighted. For even $n$ we prove that the cluster phase corresponds to a nematic ordered phase and in the case of odd $n$ to a symmetry protected topological ordered phase. Though complex, we are able to quantify the multi-particle entanglement content of neighboring spins. We prove that there exists no bipartite or, in more detail, no $n+1$-partite entanglement. This is possible since the non-trivial symmetries of the Hamiltonian restrict the state space. Indeed, only if the Ising interaction is strong enough (local) genuine $n+2$-partite entanglement is built up. Due to their analytically solvableness the $n$-cluster-Ising models serve as a prototype for studying non trivial-spin orderings and due to their peculiar entanglement properties they serve as a potential reference system for the performance of quantum information tasks.
204 - Beatrix C. Hiesmayr 2015
John St. Bell was a physicist working most of his time at CERN and contributing intensively and sustainably to the development of Particle Physics and Collider Physics. As a hobby he worked on so-called foundations of quantum theory, that was that time very unpopular, even considered to be scientifically taboo. His 1964-theorem, showing that predictions of local realistic theories are different to those of quantum theory, initiated a new field in quantum physics: quantum information theory. The violation of Bells theorem, for instance, is a necessary and sufficient criterion for generating a secure key for cryptography at two distant locations. This contribution shows how Bells theorem can be brought to the realm of high energy physics and presents the first conclusive experimental feasible test for weakly decaying neutral mesons on the market. Strong experimental and theoretical limitations make a Bell test in weakly decaying systems such as mesons and hyperons very challenging, however, these systems show an unexpected and puzzling relation to another big open question: why is our Universe dominated by matter, why did the antimatter slip off the map? This long outstanding problem becomes a new perspective via the very idea behind quantum information.
The familiar Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states can be rewritten by entangling the Bell states for two qubits with a state of the third qubit, which is dubbed entangled entanglement. We show that in this way we obtain all 8 independent GHZ states that form the simplex of entangled entanglement, the magic simplex. The construction procedure allows a generalization to higher dimensions both, in the degrees of freedom (considering qudits) as well as in the number of particles (considering n-partite states). Such bases of GHZ-type states exhibit a certain geometry that is relevant for experimental and quantum information theoretic applications. Furthermore, we study the geometry of these particular state spaces, the inherent symmetries, the cyclicity of the phase operations, and the regions of (genuine multi-partite) entanglement and the several classes of separability. We find non-trivial geometrical properties and a conceptually clear procedure to compare state spaces of different dimensions and number of particles.
154 - B.C. Hiesmayr 2014
We analyze the achievable limits of the quantum information processing of the weak interaction revealed by hyperons with spin. We find that the weak decay process corresponds to an interferometric device with a fixed visibility and fixed phase difference for each hyperon. Nature chooses rather low visibilities expressing a preference to parity conserving or violating processes (except for the decay $Sigma^+longrightarrow p pi^0$). The decay process can be considered as an open quantum channel that carries the information of the hyperon spin to the angular distribution of the momentum of the daughter particles. We find a simple geometrical information theoretic interpretation of this process: two quantization axes are chosen spontaneously with probabilities $frac{1pmalpha}{2}$ where $alpha$ is proportional to the visibility times the real part of the phase shift. Differently stated the weak interaction process corresponds to spin measurements with an imperfect Stern-Gerlach apparatus. Equipped with this information theoretic insight we show how entanglement can be measured in these systems and why Bells nonlocality (in contradiction to common misconception in literature) cannot be revealed in hyperon decays. We study also under which circumstances contextuality can be revealed.
We derive the effect of the Schrodinger--Newton equation, which can be considered as a non-relativistic limit of classical gravity, for a composite quantum system in the regime of high energies. Such meson-antimeson systems exhibit very unique properties, e.g. distinct masses due to strong and electroweak interactions. We find conceptually different physical scenarios due to lacking of a clear physical guiding principle which mass is the relevant one and due to the fact that it is not clear how the flavor wave-function relates to the spatial wave-function. There seems to be no principal contradiction. However, a nonlinear extension of the Schrodinger equation in this manner strongly depends on the relation between the flavor wave-function and spatial wave-function and its particular shape. In opposition to the Continuous Spontaneous Localization collapse models we find a change in the oscillating behavior and not in the damping of the flavor oscillation.
In this contribution we relate two different key concepts: mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) and entanglement; in particular we focus on bound entanglement, i.e. highly mixed states which cannot be distilled by local operations and classical communications. For a certain class of states --for which the state-space forms a magic simplex-- we analyze the set of bound entangled states detected by the MUB criterion for different dimensions d and number of particles n. We find that the geometry is similar for different d and n, consequently, the MUB criterion opens possibilities to investigate the typicality of PPT-bound and multipartite bound entanglement deeper and provides a simple experimentally feasible tool to detect bound entanglement.
We present a method to apply the well-known matrix product state (MPS) formalism to partially separable states in solid state systems. The computational effort of our method is equal to the effort of the standard density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG) algorithm. Consequently, it is applicable to all usually considered condensed matter systems where the DMRG algorithm is successful. We also show in exemplary cases, that polymerisation properties of ground states are closely connected to properties of partial separability, even if the ground state itself is not partially separable.

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