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We argue that the `changing look AGN recently reported by LaMassa et al. could be a luminous flare produced by the tidal disruption of a super-solar mass star passing just a few gravitational radii outside the event horizon of a $sim 10^8 M_{odot}$ nuclear black hole. This flare occurred in a massive, star forming galaxy at redshift $z=0.312$, robustly characterized thanks to repeated late-time photometric and spectroscopic observations. By taking difference-photometry of the well sampled multi-year SDSS Stripe-82 light-curve, we are able to probe the evolution of the nuclear spectrum over the course of the outburst. The tidal disruption event (TDE) interpretation is consistent with the very rapid rise and the decay time of the flare, which displays an evolution consistent with the well-known $t^{-5/3}$ behaviour (with a clear superimposed re-brightening flare). Our analysis places constraints on the physical properties of the TDE, such as the putative disrupted stars mass and orbital parameters, as well as the size and temperature of the emitting material. The properties of the broad and narrow emission lines observed in two epochs of SDSS spectra provide further constraints on the circum-nuclear structure, and could be indicative that the system hosted a moderate-luminosity AGN as recently as a few $10^4$ years ago, and is likely undergoing residual accretion as late as ten years after peak, as seen from the broad H$alpha$ emission line. We discuss the complex interplay between tidal disruption events and gas accretion episodes in galactic nuclei, highlighting the implications for future TDE searches and for estimates of their intrinsic rates.
165 - A. Merloni , M. Brusa 2013
We study the incidence of nuclear obscuration on a complete sample of 1310 AGN selected on the basis of their rest-frame 2-10 keV X-ray flux from the XMM-COSMOS survey, in the redshift range 0.3<z<3.5. We classify the AGN as obscured or un-obscured on the basis of either the optical spectral properties and the overall SED or the shape of the X-ray spectrum. The two classifications agree in about 70% of the objects, and the remaining 30% can be further subdivided into two distinct classes: at low luminosities X-ray un-obscured AGN do not always show signs of broad lines or blue/UV continuum emission in their optical spectra, most likely due to galaxy dilution effects; at high luminosities broad line AGN may have absorbed X-ray spectra, which hints at an increased incidence of small-scale (sub-parsec) dust-free obscuration. We confirm that the fraction of obscured AGN is a decreasing function of the intrinsic X-ray luminosity, while the incidence of absorption shows significant evolution only for the most luminous AGN, which appear to be more commonly obscured at higher redshift. We find no significant difference between the mean stellar masses and star formation rates of obscured and un-obscured AGN hosts. We conclude that the physical state of the medium responsible for obscuration in AGN is complex, and mainly determined by the radiation environment (nuclear luminosity) in a small region enclosed within the gravitational sphere of influence of the central black hole, but is largely insensitive to the wider scale galactic conditions.
234 - A. Merloni 2009
(Abriged) We report on the measurement of the rest frame K-band luminosity and total stellar mass of the hosts of 89 broad line Active Galactic Nuclei detected in the zCOSMOS survey in the redshift range 1<z<2.2. The unprecedented multiwavelength coverage of the survey field allows us to disentangle the emission of the host galaxy from that of the nuclear black hole in their Spectral Energy Distributions. We derive an estimate of black hole masses through the analysis of the broad Mg II emission lines observed in the medium-resolution spectra taken with VIMOS/VLT as part of the zCOSMOS project. We found that, as compared to the local value, the average black hole to host galaxy mass ratio appears to evolve positively with redshift, with a best fit evolution of the form (1+z)^{0.68 pm0.12 +0.6 -0.3}, where the large asymmetric systematic errors stem from the uncertainties in the choice of IMF, in the calibration of the virial relation used to estimate BH masses and in the mean QSO SED adopted. A thorough analysis of observational biases induced by intrinsic scatter in the scaling relations reinforces the conclusion that an evolution of the MBH-M* relation must ensue for actively growing black holes at early times: either its overall normalization, or its intrinsic scatter (or both) appear to increase with redshift. This can be interpreted as signature of either a more rapid growth of supermassive black holes at high redshift, a change of structural properties of AGN hosts at earlier times, or a significant mismatch between the typical growth times of nuclear black holes and host galaxies.
98 - Andrea Merloni 2009
The physical and evolutionary relation between growing supermassive black holes (AGN) and host galaxies is currently the subject of intense research activity. Nevertheless, a deep theoretical understanding of such a relation is hampered by the unique multi-scale nature of the combined AGN-galaxy system, which defies any purely numerical, or semi-analytic approach. Various physical process active on different scales have signatures in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum; thus, observations at different wavelengths and theoretical ideas all should contribute towards a large dynamic range view of the AGN phenomenon. As an example, I will focus in this review on two major recent observational results on the cosmic evolution of supermassive black holes, focusing on the novel contribution given to the field by the COSMOS survey. First of all, I will discuss the evidence for the so-called downsizing in the AGN population as derived from large X-ray surveys. I will then present new constraints on the evolution of the black hole-galaxy scaling relation at 1<z<2 derived by exploiting the full multi-wavelength coverage of the survey on a complete sample of ~90 type 1 AGN.
78 - Andrea Merloni 2008
We present a comprehensive synthesis model for the AGN evolution and the growth of supermassive black holes in the Universe. We solve the continuity equation for SMBH mass function using the locally determined one as a boundary condition, and the hard X-ray luminosity function as tracer of the AGN growth rate distribution, supplemented with a luminosity-dependent bolometric correction and an absorbing column distribution. Differently from most previous semi-analytic and numerical models, we do not assume any specific distribution of Eddington ratios, rather we determine it empirically by coupling the mass and luminosity functions. SMBH show a very broad accretion rate distribution, and we discuss the consequences of this fact for our understanding of observed AGN fractions in galaxies. We confirm previous results and demonstrate that, at least for z<1.5, SMBH mass function evolves anti-hierarchically, i.e. the most massive holes grew earlier and faster than less massive ones. For the first time, we find hints of a reversal of such a downsizing behaviour at redshifts above the peak of the black hole accretion rate density (z~2). We also derive tight constraints on the (mass weighted) average radiative efficiency of AGN: we find that 0.065<xi_0 epsilon_{rad}< 0.07$, where xi_0 is the local SMBH mass density in units of 4.3x10^5 M_sun Mpc^{-3}. We trace the cosmological evolution of the kinetic luminosity function of AGN, and find that the overall efficiency of SMBH in converting accreted rest mass energy into kinetic power, ranges between 3 and 5 times 10^{-3}. Such a ``kinetic efficiency varies however strongly with SMBH mass and redshift, being maximal for very massive holes at late times, as required for the AGN feedback by many galaxy formation models in Cosmological contexts. (Abriged)
84 - Andrea Merloni 2007
(Abridged) We have studied the relationship among nuclear radio and X-ray power, Bondi rate and the kinetic luminosity of sub-Eddington active galactic nuclear (AGN) jets. Besides the recently discovered correlation between jet kinetic and Bondi power, we show that a clear correlation exists also between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity, given by: Log(L_kin/L_Edd)=0.49*Log(L_bol/L_Edd)-0.78. The measured slope suggests that these objects are in a radiatively inefficient accretion mode, and has been used to put stringent constraints on the properties of the accretion flow. We found no statistically significant correlations between Bondi power and bolometric AGN luminosity, apart from that induced by their common dependence on L_kin. Analyzing the relation between kinetic power and radio core luminosity, we are then able to determine, statistically, both the probability distribution of the mean jets Lorentz factor, peaking at Gamma~7, and the intrinsic relation between kinetic and radio core luminosity, that we estimate as: Log(L_kin)=0.81*Log(L_R)+11.9, in good agreement with theoretical predictions of synchrotron jet models. With the aid of these findings, quantitative assessments of kinetic feedback from supermassive black holes in the radio mode will be possible based on accurate determinations of the central engine properties alone. As an example, Sgr A* may follow the correlations of radio mode AGN, based on its observed radiative output and on estimates of the accretion rate both at the Bondi radius and in the inner flow. If this is the case, the SMBH in the Galactic center is the source of ~ 5 times 10^38 ergs/s of mechanical power, equivalent to about 1.5 supernovae every 10^5 years.

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