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We develop an intrinsic necessary and sufficient condition for single-vertex origami crease patterns to be able to fold rigidly. We classify such patterns in the case where the creases are pre-assigned to be mountains and valleys as well as in the unassigned case. We also illustrate the utility of this result by applying it to the new concept of minimal forcing sets for rigid origami models, which are the smallest collection of creases that, when folded, will force all the other creases to fold in a prescribed way.
When can a plane graph with prescribed edge lengths and prescribed angles (from among ${0,180^circ, 360^circ$}) be folded flat to lie in an infinitesimally thin line, without crossings? This problem generalizes the classic theory of single-vertex flat origami with prescribed mountain-valley assignment, which corresponds to the case of a cycle graph. We characterize such flat-foldable plane graphs by two obviously necessary but also sufficient conditions, proving a conjecture made in 2001: the angles at each vertex should sum to $360^circ$, and every face of the graph must itself be flat foldable. This characterization leads to a linear-time algorithm for testing flat foldability of plane graphs with prescribed edge lengths and angles, and a polynomial-time algorithm for counting the number of distinct folded states.
We study a simple reconfigurable robot model which has not been previously examined: cubic robots comprised of three-dimensional cubic modules which can slide across each other and rotate about each others edges. We demonstrate that the cubic robot model is universal, i.e., that an n-module cubic robot can reconfigure itself into any specified n-module configuration. Additionally, we provide an algorithm that efficiently plans and executes cubic robot motion. Our results directly extend to a d-dimensional model.
Polyominoes are a subset of polygons which can be constructed from integer-length squares fused at their edges. A system of polygons P is interlocked if no subset of the polygons in P can be removed arbitrarily far away from the rest. It is already known that polyominoes with four or fewer squares cannot interlock. It is also known that determining the interlockedness of polyominoes with an arbitrary number of squares is PSPACE hard. Here, we prove that a system of polyominoes with five or fewer squares cannot interlock, and that determining interlockedness of a system of polyominoes including hexominoes (polyominoes with six squares) or larger polyominoes is PSPACE hard.
Ultrafilters are useful mathematical objects having applications in nonstandard analysis, Ramsey theory, Boolean algebra, topology, and other areas of mathematics. In this note, we provide a categorical construction of ultrafilters in terms of the inverse limit of an inverse family of finite partitions; this is an elementary and intuitive presentation of a consequence of the profiniteness of Stone spaces. We then apply this construction to answer a question of Rosinger posed in arXiv:0709.0084v2 in the negative.
We prove the following generalised empty pentagon theorem: for every integer $ell geq 2$, every sufficiently large set of points in the plane contains $ell$ collinear points or an empty pentagon. As an application, we settle the next open case of the big line or big clique conjecture of Kara, Por, and Wood [emph{Discrete Comput. Geom.} 34(3):497--506, 2005].
We propose a variant of Cauchys Lemma, proving that when a convex chain on one sphere is redrawn (with the same lengths and angles) on a larger sphere, the distance between its endpoints increases. The main focus of this work is a comparison of three alternate proofs, to show the links between Toponogovs Comparison Theorem, Legendres Theorem and Cauchys Arm Lemma.
We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years. Our result generalizes and indeed builds upon the result from 1814 that polygons have common dissections (without hinges). We also extend our common dissection result to edge-hinged dissections of solid 3D polyhedra that have a common (unhinged) dissection, as determined by Dehns 1900 solution to Hilberts Third Problem. Our proofs are constructive, giving explicit algorithms in all cases. For a constant number of planar polygons, both the number of pieces and running time required by our construction are pseudopolynomial. This bound is the best possible, even for unhinged dissections. Hinged dissections have possible applications to reconfigurable robotics, programmable matter, and nanomanufacturing.
We show that if L is an extremal even unimodular lattice of rank 40r with r=1,2,3 then L is generated by its vectors of norms 4r and 4r+2. Our result is an extension of Ozekis result for the case r=1.

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