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97 - Z. Wu , Y. Chen , G. Li 2014
We report observations of the acceleration and trapping of energetic ions and electrons between a pair of corotating interaction regions (CIRs). The event occurred in Carrington Rotation 2060. Observed at spacecraft STEREO-B, the two CIRs were separated by less than 5 days. In contrast to other CIR events, the fluxes of energetic ions and electrons in this event reached their maxima between the trailing-edge of the first CIR and the leading edge of the second CIR. The radial magnetic field (Br) reversed its sense and the anisotropy of the flux also changed from sunward to anti-sunward between the two CIRs. Furthermore, there was an extended period of counter-streaming suprathermal electrons between the two CIRs. Similar observations for this event were also obtained for ACE and STEREO-A. We conjecture that these observations were due to a U-shape large scale magnetic field topology connecting the reverse shock of the first CIR and the forward shock of the second CIR. Such a disconnected U-shaped magnetic field topology may have formed due to magnetic reconnection in the upper corona.
95 - L. Z. Deng 2013
Recent reports of interface-induced superconductivity in the unit-cell films of FeSe on SrTiO3 with a Tc up to ~ 65+-5 K, highest among the Fe-based superconductors and second only to that of the cuprates, have generated great excitement. Here we show results of the first magnetic and resistive investigation on the 1-4 unit-cell FeSe-films on SrTiO3. The samples display the Meissner state below ~ 20 K with a penetration field as low as 0.1 Oe due to large edge effect at 2 K, a mesoscopic superconducting state comprising patches of dimension < 1 micrometer up to 45~55 K and an unusual relaxation of the diamagnetic signal up to 80 K, suggesting possible superconductivity at this high temperature. The observations demonstrate the heterogeneous nature of the superconducting state in these films and offer new insights into the role of interfaces in high temperature superconductivity proposed and future superconducting electronics fabricated.
68 - F. L. Zheng , S. Z. Wu , H. C. Wu 2011
Proton acceleration by ultra-intense laser pulse irradiating a target with cross-section smaller than the laser spot size and connected to a parabolic density channel is investigated. The target splits the laser into two parallel propagating parts, which snowplow the back-side plasma electrons along their paths, creating two adjacent parallel wakes and an intense return current in the gap between them. The radiation-pressure pre-accelerated target protons trapped in the wake fields now undergo acceleration as well as collimation by the quasistatic wake electrostatic and magnetic fields. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation shows that stable long-distance acceleration can be realized, and a 30 fs monoenergetic ion beam of > 10 GeV peak energy and < 2degree divergence can be produced by a 9.8 *10^21 W/cm2 circularly polarized laser pulse.
196 - Yuan Xu , Xi Mi , Y. Z. Wu 2007
The spin dependent reflection at the interface is the key element to understand the spin transport. By completely solving the scattering problem based on first principles method, we obtained the spin resolved reflectivity spectra. The comparison of our theoretical results with experiment is good in a large energy scale from Fermi level to energy above vacuum level. It is found that interfacial distortion is crucial for understanding the spin dependence of the phase gain at the Cu$|$Co interface. Near the Fermi level, image state plays an important role to the phase accumulation in the copper film.

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