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The expected return time to the original state is a key concept characterizing systems obeying both classical or quantum dynamics. We consider iterated open quantum dynamical systems in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, a broad class of systems that includes classical Markov chains and unitary discrete time quantum walks on networks. Starting from a pure state, the time evolution is induced by repeated applications of a general quantum channel, in each timestep followed by a measurement to detect whether the system has returned to the original state. We prove that if the superoperator is unital in the relevant Hilbert space (the part of the Hilbert space explored by the system), then the expectation value of the return time is an integer, equal to the dimension of this relevant Hilbert space. We illustrate our results on partially coherent quantum walks on finite graphs. Our work connects the previously known quantization of the expected return time for bistochastic Markov chains and for unitary quantum walks, and shows that these are special cases of a more general statement. The expected return time is thus a quantitative measure of the size of the part of the Hilbert space available to the system when the dynamics is started from a certain state.
76 - Z. Darazs , Z. Kurucz , O. Kalman 2013
We consider the possibility of parametric amplification of a mechanical vibration mode of a nanowire due to its interaction with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of ultracold atoms. The magneto-mechanical coupling is mediated by the vibrationally modulated magnetic field around the current-carrying nanowire, which can induce atomic transitions between different hyperfine sublevels. We theoretically analyze the limitations arising from the fact that the spin inverted atomic medium which feeds the mechanical oscillation has a finite bandwidth in the range of the chemical potential of the condensate.
In large ensembles of identical atoms or spins, the interaction with a mode of the electromagnetic radiation field concentrates in a single superradiant degree of freedom with a collectively enhanced coupling. Given a controllable inhomogeneous broadening, such ensembles may be used for multi-mode storage of quantum states of the radiation field with applications in quantum communication networks and quantum computers. In this paper we analyze how the width and shape of the inhomogeneous broadening influence the collective enhancement and the dynamics of the cavity-ensemble system with focus on the consequences for the ensembles applicability for quantum information processing tasks.
We present a mechanism to protect quantum information stored in an ensemble of nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum dot. When the dot is charged the nuclei interact with the spin of the excess electron through the hyperfine coupling. If this coupling is made off-resonant it leads to an energy gap between the collective storage states and all other states. We show that the energy gap protects the quantum memory from local spin-flip and spin-dephasing noise. Effects of non-perfect initial spin polarization and inhomogeneous hyperfine coupling are discussed.

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