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Recent research advances have revealed the computational secrecy of the compressed sensing (CS) paradigm. Perfect secrecy can also be achieved by normalizing the CS measurement vector. However, these findings are established on real measurements while digital devices can only store measurements at a finite precision. Based on the distribution of measurements of natural images sensed by structurally random ensemble, a joint quantization and diffusion approach is proposed for these real-valued measurements. In this way, a nonlinear cryptographic diffusion is intrinsically imposed on the CS process and the overall security level is thus enhanced. Security analyses show that the proposed scheme is able to resist known-plaintext attack while the original CS scheme without quantization cannot. Experimental results demonstrate that the reconstruction quality of our scheme is comparable to that of the original one.
The energy consumption in wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSN) is much greater than that in traditional wireless sensor networks. Thus, it is a huge challenge to remain the perpetual operation for WMSN. In this paper, we propose a new heterogeneous energy supply model for WMSN through the coexistence of renewable energy and electricity grid. We address to cross-layer optimization for the multiple multicast with distributed source coding and intra-session network coding in heterogeneous powered wireless multimedia sensor networks (HPWMSN) with correlated sources. The aim is to achieve the optimal reconstruct distortion at sinks and the minimal cost of purchasing electricity from electricity grid. Based on the Lyapunov drift-plus-penalty with perturbation technique and dual decomposition technique, we propose a fully distributed dynamic cross-layer algorithm, including multicast routing, source rate control, network coding, session scheduling and energy management, only requiring knowledge of the instantaneous system state. The explicit trade-off between the optimization objective and queue backlog is theoretically proven. Finally, the simulation results verify the theoretic claims.
Recently, utilizing renewable energy for wireless system has attracted extensive attention. However, due to the instable energy supply and the limited battery capacity, renewable energy cannot guarantee to provide the perpetual operation for wireless sensor networks (WSN). The coexistence of renewable energy and electricity grid is expected as a promising energy supply manner to remain function for a potentially infinite lifetime. In this paper, we propose a new system model suitable for WSN, taking into account multiple energy consumptions due to sensing, transmission and reception, heterogeneous energy supplies from renewable energy, electricity grid and mixed energy, and multidimension stochastic natures due to energy harvesting profile, electricity price and channel condition. A discrete-time stochastic cross-layer optimization problem is formulated to achieve the optimal trade-off between the time-average rate utility and electricity cost subject to the data and energy queuing stability constraints. The Lyapunov drift-plus-penalty with perturbation technique and block coordinate descent method is applied to obtain a fully distributed and low-complexity cross-layer algorithm only requiring knowledge of the instantaneous system state. The explicit trade-off between the optimization objective and queue backlog is theoretically proven. Finally, the extensive simulations verify the theoretic claims.
Some pioneering works have investigated embedding cryptographic properties in compressive sampling (CS) in a way similar to one-time pad symmetric cipher. This paper tackles the problem of constructing a CS-based symmetric cipher under the key reuse circumstance, i.e., the cipher is resistant to common attacks even a fixed measurement matrix is used multiple times. To this end, we suggest a bi-level protected CS (BLP-CS) model which makes use of the advantage of the non-RIP measurement matrix construction. Specifically, two kinds of artificial basis mismatch techniques are investigated to construct key-related sparsifying bases. It is demonstrated that the encoding process of BLP-CS is simply a random linear projection, which is the same as the basic CS model. However, decoding the linear measurements requires knowledge of both the key-dependent sensing matrix and its sparsifying basis. The proposed model is exemplified by sampling images as a joint data acquisition and protection layer for resource-limited wireless sensors. Simulation results and numerical analyses have justified that the new model can be applied in circumstances where the measurement matrix can be re-used.
The robust coding of natural images and the effective compression of encrypted images have been studied individually in recent years. However, little work has been done in the robust coding of encrypted images. The existing results in these two individual research areas cannot be combined directly for the robust coding of encrypted images. This is because the robust coding of natural images relies on the elimination of spatial correlations using sparse transforms such as discrete wavelet transform (DWT), which is ineffective to encrypted images due to the weak correlation between encrypted pixels. Moreover, the compression of encrypted images always generates code streams with different significance. If one or more such streams are lost, the quality of the reconstructed images may drop substantially or decoding error may exist, which violates the goal of robust coding of encrypted images. In this work, we intend to design a robust coder, based on compressive sensing with structurally random matrix, for encrypted images over packet transmission networks. The proposed coder can be applied in the scenario that Alice needs a semi-trusted channel provider Charlie to encode and transmit the encrypted image to Bob. In particular, Alice first encrypts an image using globally random permutation and then sends the encrypted image to Charlie who samples the encrypted image using a structural matrix. Through an imperfect channel with packet loss, Bob receives the compressive measurements and reconstructs the original image by joint decryption and decoding. Experimental results show that the proposed coder can be considered as an efficient multiple description coder with a number of descriptions against packet loss.
Compressive sensing (CS) has been widely studied and applied in many fields. Recently, the way to perform secure compressive sensing (SCS) has become a topic of growing interest. The existing works on SCS usually take the sensing matrix as a key and the resultant security level is not evaluated in depth. They can only be considered as a preliminary exploration on SCS, but a concrete and operable encipher model is not given yet. In this paper, we are going to investigate SCS in a systematic way. The relationship between CS and symmetric-key cipher indicates some possible encryption models. To this end, we propose the two-level protection models (TLPM) for SCS which are developed from measurements taking and something else, respectively. It is believed that these models will provide a new point of view and stimulate further research in both CS and cryptography. Specifically, an efficient and secure encryption scheme for parallel compressive sensing (PCS) is designed by embedding a two-layer protection in PCS using chaos. The first layer is undertaken by random permutation on a two-dimensional signal, which is proved to be an acceptable permutation with overwhelming probability. The other layer is to sample the permuted signal column by column with the same chaotic measurement matrix, which satisfies the restricted isometry property of PCS with overwhelming probability. Both the random permutation and the measurement matrix are constructed under the control of a chaotic system. Simulation results show that unlike the general joint compression and encryption schemes in which encryption always leads to the same or a lower compression ratio, the proposed approach of embedding encryption in PCS actually improves the compression performance. Besides, the proposed approach possesses high transmission robustness against additive Gaussian white noise and cropping attack.

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