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Transmission eigenchannels and associated eigenvalues, that give a full account of wave propagation in random media, have recently emerged as a major theme in theoretical and applied optics. Here we demonstrate, both analytically and numerically, that in quasi one-dimensional ($1$D) diffusive samples, their behavior is governed mostly by the asymmetry in the reflections of the sample edges rather than by the absolute values of the reflection coefficients themselves. We show that there exists a threshold value of the asymmetry parameter, below which high transmission eigenchannels exist, giving rise to a singularity in the distribution of the transmission eigenvalues, $rho({cal T}rightarrow 1)sim(1-{cal T})^{-frac{1}{2}}$. At the threshold, $rho({cal T})$ exhibits critical statistics with a distinct singularity $sim(1-{cal T})^{-frac{1}{3}}$; above it the high transmission eigenchannels disappear and $rho({cal T})$ vanishes for ${cal T}$ exceeding a maximal transmission eigenvalue. We show that such statistical behavior of the transmission eigenvalues can be explained in terms of effective cavities (resonators), analogous to those in which the states are trapped in $1$D strong Anderson localization. In particular, the $rho ( mathcal{T}) $-transition can be mapped onto the shuffling of the resonator with perfect transmittance from the sample center to the edge with stronger reflection. We also find a similar transition in the distribution of resonant transmittances in $1$D layered samples. These results reveal a physical connection between high transmission eigenchannels in diffusive systems and $1$D strong Anderson localization. They open up a fresh opportunity for practically useful application: controlling the transparency of opaque media by tuning their coupling to the environment.
We explore numerically, analytically, and experimentally the relationship between quasi-normal modes (QNMs) and transmission resonance (TR) peaks in the transmission spectrum of one-dimensional (1D) and quasi-1D open disordered systems. It is shown that for weak disorder there exist two types of the eigenstates: ordinary QNMs which are associated with a TR, and hidden QNMs which do not exhibit peaks in transmission or within the sample. The distinctive feature of the hidden modes is that unlike ordinary ones, their lifetimes remain constant in a wide range of the strength of disorder. In this range, the averaged ratio of the number of transmission peaks $N_{rm res}$ to the number of QNMs $N_{rm mod}$, $N_{rm res}/N_{rm mod}$, is insensitive to the type and degree of disorder and is close to the value $sqrt{2/5}$, which we derive analytically in the weak-scattering approximation. The physical nature of the hidden modes is illustrated in simple examples with a few scatterers. The analogy between ordinary and hidden QNMs and the segregation of superradiant states and trapped modes is discussed. When the coupling to the environment is tuned by an external edge reflectors, the superradiace transition is reproduced. Hidden modes have been also found in microwave measurements in quasi-1D open disordered samples. The microwave measurements and modal analysis of transmission in the crossover to localization in quasi-1D systems give a ratio of $N_{rm res}/N_{rm mod}$ close to $sqrt{2/5}$. In diffusive quasi-1D samples, however, $N_{rm res}/N_{rm mod}$ falls as the effective number of transmission eigenchannels $M$ increases. Once $N_{rm mod}$ is divided by $M$, however, the ratio $N_{rm res}/N_{rm mod}$ is close to the ratio found in 1D.
We explore the optical properties of periodic layered media containing left-handed metamaterials. This study is based on several analogies between the propagation of light in metamaterials and charge transport in graphene. We derive the conditions for these two problems become equivalent, i.e., the equations and the boundary conditions when the corresponding wave functions coincide. We show that the photonic band-gap structure of a periodic system built of alternating left- and right-handed dielectric slabs contains conical singularities similar to the Dirac points in the energy spectrum of charged quasiparticles in graphene. Such singularities in the zone structure of the infinite systems give rise to rather unusual properties of light transport in finite samples. In an insightful numerical experiment (the propagation of a Gaussian beam through a mixed stack of normal and meta-dielectrics) we simultaneously demonstrate four Dirac point-induced anomalies: (i) diffusion-like decay of the intensity at forbidden frequencies, (ii) focusing and defocussing of the beam, (iii) absence of the transverse shift of the beam, and (iv) a spatial analogue of the Zitterbewegung effect. All of these phenomena take place in media with non-zero average refractive index, and can be tuned by changing either the geometrical and electromagnetic parameters of the sample,or the frequency and the polarization of light.
The Ferromagnetic Inductively Coupled Plasma (FICP) source, which is a version of the common inductively coupled plasma sources, has a number of well known advantages such as high efficiency, high level of ionization, low minimal gas pressure, very low required driver frequency, and even a possibility to be driven by single current pulses. We present an experimental study of such an FICP source which showed that above a certain value of the driving pulse power the properties of this device changed rather drastically. Namely, the plasma became non-stationary and non-uniform contrary to the stationary and uniform plasmas typical for this kind of plasma sources. In this case the plasma appeared as a narrow dense spike which was short compared to the driving pulse. The local plasma density could exceed the neutral atoms density by a few orders of magnitude. When that happened, the afterglow plasma decay time after the end of the pulse was long compared to an ordinary case with no plasma spike. Experiments were performed with various gases and in a wide range of pressures which enabled us to understand the physical mechanism and derive the parameters responsible for such plasma behavior. A qualitative model of this phenomenon is discussed.
This brief review discusses electronic properties of mesoscopic graphene-based structures. These allow controlling the confinement and transport of charge and spin; thus, they are of interest not only for fundamental research, but also for applications. The graphene-related topics covered here are: edges, nanoribbons, quantum dots, $pn$-junctions, $pnp$-structures, and quantum barriers and waveguides. This review is partly intended as a short introduction to graphene mesoscopics.
Magnetic barriers in graphene are not easily tunable. However, introducing both electric and magnetic fields, provides tunable and far more controllable electronic states in graphene. Here we study such systems. A one-dimensional channel can be formed in graphene using perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. This channel (quantum wire) supports localized electron-hole states, with parameters that can be controlled by an electric field. Such quantum wire offers peculiar conducting properties, like unidirectional conductivity and robustness to disorder. Two separate quantum wires comprise a waveguide with two types of eigenmodes: one type is similar to traditional waveguides, the other type is formed by coupled surface waves propagating along the boundaries of the waveguide.
We study charge transport in one-dimensional graphene superlattices created by applying layered periodic and disordered potentials. It is shown that the transport and spectral properties of such structures are strongly anisotropic. In the direction perpendicular to the layers, the eigenstates in a disordered sample are delocalized for all energies and provide a minimal non-zero conductivity, which cannot be destroyed by disorder, no matter how strong this is. However, along with extended states, there exist discrete sets of angles and energies with exponentially localized eigenfunctions (disorder-induced resonances). It is shown that, depending on the type of the unperturbed system, the disorder could either suppress or enhance the transmission. Most remarkable properties of the transmission have been found in graphene systems built of alternating p-n and n-p junctions. This transmission has anomalously narrow angular spectrum and, surprisingly, in some range of directions it is practically independent of the amplitude of fluctuations of the potential. Owing to these features, such samples could be used as building blocks in tunable electronic circuits. To better understand the physical implications of the results presented here, most of our results have been contrasted with those for analogous wave systems. Along with similarities, a number of quite surprising differences have been found.
We predict that two electron beams can develop an instability when passing through a slab of left-handed media (LHM). This instability, which is inherent only for LHM, originates from the backward Cherenkov radiation and results in a self-modulation of the beams and radiation of electromagnetic waves. These waves leave the sample via the rear surface of the slab (the beam injection plane) and form two shifted bright circles centered at the beams. A simulated spectrum of radiation has well-separated lines on top of a broad continuous spectrum, which indicates dynamical chaos in the system. The radiation intensity and its spectrum can be controlled either by the beams current or by the distance between the two beams.

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