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We construct Holstein-Primakoff Hamiltonian for magnons in arbitrary slowly varying spin background, for a microscopic spin Hamiltonian consisting of ferromagnetic spin exchange,Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange, and the Zeeman term. The Gross-Pitaevskii-type equation for magnon dynamics contains several background gauge fields pertaining to local spin chirality, inhomogeneous potential, and anomalous scattering that violates the boson number conservation. Non-trivial corrections to previous formulas derived in the literature are given. Subsequent mapping to hydrodynamic fields yields the continuity equation and the Euler equation of the magnon fluid dynamics. Magnon wave scattering off a localized Skyrmion is examined numerically based on our Gross-Pitaevskii formulation. Dependence of the effective flux experienced by the impinging magnon on the Skyrmion radius is pointed out, and compared with analysis of the same problem using the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation.
One of the excitements generated by the cold atom systems is the possibility to realize, and explore, varied topological phases stemming from multi-component nature of the condensate. Popular examples are the antiferromagnetic (AFM) and the ferromagnetic (FM) phases in the three-component atomic condensate with effective spin-1, to which different topological manifolds can be assigned. It follows, from consideration of homotopy, that different sorts of topological defects will be stable in each manifold. For instance, Skyrmionic texture is believed to be a stable topological object in two-dimensional AFM spin-1 condensate. Countering such common perceptions, here we show on the basis of a new wave function decomposition scheme that there is no physical parameter regime wherein the temporal dynamics of spin-1 condensate can be described solely within AFM or FM manifold. Initial state of definite topological number prepared entirely within one particular phase must immediately evolve into a mixed state. Accordingly, the very notion of topology and topological stability within the sub-manifold of AFM or FM become invalid. Numerical simulation reveals the linear Zeeman effect to be an efficient catalyst to extract the alternate component from an initial topological object prepared entirely within one particular sub-manifold, serving as a potential new tool for topology engineering in multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates.

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