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165 - Yu-Li Dong , Shi-Qun Zhu , 2012
The dynamical behavior of a coupled cavity array is investigated when each cavity contains a three-level atom. For the uniform and staggered intercavity hopping, the whole system Hamiltonian can be analytically diagonalized in the subspace of single-atom excitation. The quantum state transfer along the cavities is analyzed in detail for distinct regimes of parameters, and some interesting phenomena including binary transmission, selective localization of the excitation population are revealed. We demonstrate that the uniform coupling is more suitable for the quantum state transfer. It is shown that the initial state of polariton located in the first cavity is crucial to the transmission fidelity, and the local entanglement depresses the state transfer probability. Exploiting the metastable state, the distance of the quantum state transfer can be much longer than that of Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model. A higher transmission probability and longer distance can be achieved by employing a class of initial encodings and final decodings.
111 - Wen-Long You , Yu-Li Dong 2011
We study the quantum phase transitions in the two-dimensional spin-orbit models in terms of fidelity susceptibility and reduced fidelity susceptibility. An order-to-order phase transition is identified by fidelity susceptibility in the two-dimensional Heisenberg XXZ model with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction on a square lattice. The finite size scaling of fidelity susceptibility shows a power-law divergence at criticality, which indicates the quantum phase transition is of second order. Two distinct types of quantum phase transitions are witnessed by fidelity susceptibility in Kitaev-Heisenberg model on a hexagonal lattice. We exploit the symmetry of two-dimensional quantum compass model, and obtain a simple analytic expression of reduced fidelity susceptibility. Compared with the derivative of ground-state energy, the fidelity susceptibility is a bit more sensitive to phase transition. The violation of power-law behavior for the scaling of reduced fidelity susceptibility at criticality suggests that the quantum phase transition belongs to a first-order transition. We conclude that fidelity susceptibility and reduced fidelity susceptibility show great advantage to characterize diverse quantum phase transitions in spin-orbit models.
108 - Wen-Long You , Yu-Li Dong 2010
We investigate the entanglement dynamics of two interacting qubits in a spin environment, which is described by an XY model with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction. The competing effects of environmental noise and interqubit coupling on entanglement generation for various system parameters are studied. We find that the entanglement generation is suppressed remarkably in weak-coupling region at quantum critical point (QCP). However, the suppression of the entanglement generation at QCP can be compensated both by increasing the DM interaction and by decreasing the anisotropy of the spin chain. Beyond the weak-coupling region, there exist resonance peaks of concurrence when the system-bath coupling equals to external magnetic field. We attribute the presence of resonance peaks to the flat band of the self-Hamiltonian. These peaks are highly sensitive to anisotropy parameter and DM interaction.
We consider the decoherence of photons suffering in phase-damping channels. By exploring the evolutions of single-photon polarization states and two-photon polarization-entangled states, we find that different frequency spectrum envelopes of photons induce different decoherence processes. A white frequency spectrum can lead the decoherence to an ideal Markovian process. Some color frequency spectrums can induce asymptotical decoherence, while, some other color frequency spectrums can make coherence vanish periodically with variable revival amplitudes. These behaviors result from the non-Markovian effects on the decoherence process, which may give rise to a revival of coherence after complete decoherence.

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