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We report the multi-wavelength identification of the X-ray sources found in the Subaru-XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) using deep imaging data covering the wavelength range between the far-UV to the mid-IR. We select a primary counterpart of each X-ray source by applying the likelihood ratio method to R-band, 3.6micron, near-UV, and 24micron source catalogs as well as matching catalogs of AGN candidates selected in 1.4GHz radio and i-band variability surveys. Once candidates of Galactic stars, ultra-luminous X-ray sources in a nearby galaxy, and clusters of galaxies are removed there are 896 AGN candidates in the sample. We conduct spectroscopic observations of the primary counterparts with multi-object spectrographs in the optical and NIR; 65% of the X-ray AGN candidates are spectroscopically-identified. For the remaining X-ray AGN candidates, we evaluate their photometric redshift with photometric data in 15 bands. Utilising the multi-wavelength photometric data of the large sample of X-ray selected AGNs, we evaluate the stellar masses, M*, of the host galaxies of the narrow-line AGNs. The distribution of the stellar mass is remarkably constant from z=0.1 to 4.0. The relation between M* and 2--10 keV luminosity can be explained with strong cosmological evolution of the relationship between the black hole mass and M*. We also evaluate the scatter of the UV-MIR spectral energy distribution (SED) of the X-ray AGNs as a function of X-ray luminosity and absorption to the nucleus. The scatter is compared with galaxies which have redshift and stellar mass distribution matched with the X-ray AGN. The UV-NIR SEDs of obscured X-ray AGNs are similar to those of the galaxies in the matched sample. In the NIR-MIR range, the median SEDs of X-ray AGNs are redder, but the scatter of the SEDs of the X-ray AGN broadly overlaps that of the galaxies in the matched sample.
Monitor of All sky X-ray Image (MAXI) discovered a new outburst of an X-ray transient source named MAXI J1421-613. Because of the detection of three X-ray bursts from the source, it was identified as a neutron star low-mass X-ray binary. The results of data analyses of the MAXI GSC and the Swift XRT follow-up observations suggest that the spectral hardness remained unchanged during the first two weeks of the outburst. All the XRT spectra in the 0.5-10 keV band can be well explained by thermal Comptonization of multi-color disk blackbody emission. The photon index of the Comptonized component is $approx$ 2, which is typical of low-mass X-ray binaries in the low/hard state. Since X-ray bursts have a maximum peak luminosity, it is possible to estimate the (maximum) distance from its observed peak flux. The peak flux of the second X-ray burst, which was observed by the GSC, is about 5 photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. By assuming a blackbody spectrum of 2.5 keV, the maximum distance to the source is estimated as 7 kpc. The position of this source is contained by the large error regions of two bright X-ray sources detected with Orbiting Solar Observatory-7 (OSO-7) in 1970s. Besides this, no past activities at the XRT position are reported in the literature. If MAXI J1421-613 is the same source as (one of) them, the outburst observed with MAXI may have occurred after the quiescence of 30-40 years.
The archetypical very-high-energy gamma-ray blazar Mrk 421 was monitored for more than 3 years with the Gas Slit Camera onboard Monitor of All Sky X-ray Image (MAXI), and its longterm X-ray variability was investigated. The MAXI lightcurve in the 3 -- 10 keV range was transformed to the periodogram in the frequency range $f = 1 times 10^{-8}$ -- $2 times 10^{-6}$ Hz. The artifacts on the periodogram, resulting from data gaps in the observed lightcurve, were extensively simulated for variations with a power-law like Power Spectrum Density (PSD). By comparing the observed and simulated periodograms, the PSD index was evaluated as $alpha = 1.60 pm 0.25$. This index is smaller than that obtained in the higher frequency range ($f > 1 times 10^{-5}$ Hz), namely, $alpha = 2.14 pm 0.06$ in the 1998 ASCA observation of the object. The MAXI data impose a lower limit on the PSD break at $f_{rm b} = 5 times 10^{-6}$ Hz, consistent with the break of $f_{rm b} = 9.5 times 10^{-6}$ Hz, suggested from the ASCA data. The low frequency PSD index of Mrk 421 derived with MAXI falls well within the range of the typical value among nearby Seyfert galaxies ($alpha = 1$ -- $2$). The physical implications from these results are briefly discussed.
We present the result of a systematic infrared 2.5-5 um spectroscopic study of 22 nearby infrared galaxies over a wide infrared luminosity range (10 < log(L_IR / Lsun) < 13) obtained from AKARI Infrared Camera (IRC). The unique band of the AKARI IRC spectroscopy enables us to access both the 3.3 um polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature from star forming activity and the continuum of torus-dust emission heated by an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Applying our AGN diagnostics to the AKARI spectra, we discover 14 buried AGNs. The large fraction of buried AGNs suggests that AGN activity behind the dust is almost ubiquitous in ultra-/luminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs). We also find that both the fraction and energy contribution of buried AGNs increase with infrared luminosity from 10 < log(L_IR / Lsun) < 13, including normal infrared galaxies with log (L_IR / Lsun) < 11. The energy contribution from AGNs in the total infrared luminosity is only ~7% in LIRGs and ~20% in ULIRGs, suggesting that the majority of the infrared luminosity originates from starburst activity. Using the PAH emission, we investigate the luminosity relation between star formation and AGN. We find that these infrared galaxies exhibit higher star formation rates than optically selected Seyfert galaxies with the same AGN luminosities, implying that infrared galaxies could be an early evolutionary phase of AGN.
We report the results from an X-ray and near-infrared observation of the Galactic black hole binary 4U 1630--47 in the very high state, performed with {it Suzaku} and IRSF around the peak of the 2012 September-October outburst. The X-ray spectrum is approximated by a steep power law, with photon index of 3.2, identifying the source as being in the very high state. A more detailed fit shows that the X-ray continuum is well described by a multi-color disc, together with thermal and non-thermal Comptonization. The inner disc appears slightly truncated by comparison with a previous high/soft state of this source, even taking into account energetic coupling between the disc and corona, although there are uncertainties due to the dust scattering correction. The near-infrared fluxes are higher than the extrapolated disc model, showing that there is a contribution from irradiation in the outer disk and/or the companion star at these wavelengths. Our X-ray spectra do not show the Doppler shifted iron emission lines indicating a baryonic jet which were seen four days previously in an XMM-Newton observation, despite the source being in a similar state. There are also no significant absorption lines from highly ionized irons as are seen in the previous high/soft state data. We show that the increased source luminosity is not enough on its own to make the wind so highly ionized as to be undetectable. This shows that the disc wind has changed in terms of its launch radius and/or density compared to the high/soft state.
We present the catalog of high Galactic-latitude ($|b|>10^{circ}$) X-ray sources detected in the first 37-month data of Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) / Gas Slit Camera (GSC). To achieve the best sensitivity, we develop a background model of the GSC that well reproduces the data based on the detailed on-board calibration. Source detection is performed through image fit with the Poisson likelihood algorithm. The catalog contains 500 objects detected in the 4--10 keV band with significance of $s_{rm D, 4-10 keV} geq 7$. The limiting sensitivity is $approx 7.5times10^{-12}$ ergs cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ ($approx 0.6$ mCrab) in the 4--10 keV band for 50% of the survey area, which is the highest ever achieved as an all-sky survey mission covering this energy band. We summarize the statistical properties of the catalog and results from cross matching with the Swift/BAT 70-month catalog, the meta-catalog of X-ray detected clusters of galaxies, and the MAXI/GSC 7-month catalog. Our catalog lists the source name (2MAXI), position and its error, detection significances and fluxes in the 4--10 keV and 3--4 keV bands, their hardness ratio, and basic information of the likely counterpart available for 296 sources.
We study the comoving space density of X-ray-selected luminous active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and the obscured AGN fraction at high redshifts ($3 < z < 5$) in the Subaru/{it XMM-Newton} Deep Survey (SXDS) field. From an X-ray source catalog with high completeness of optical identification thanks to deep optical images, we select a sample of 30 AGNs at $z > 3$ with intrinsic (de-absorbed and rest-frame 2--10 keV) luminosities of $L_{rm X} = 10^{44-45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ detected in the 0.5--2 keV band, consisting of 20 and 10 objects with spectroscopic and photometric redshifts, respectively. Utilizing the $1/V_{rm max}$ method, we confirm that the comoving space density of luminous AGNs decreases with redshift above $z > 3$. When combined with the {it Chandra}-COSMOS result of Civano et al. (2011), the density decline of AGNs with $L_{rm X} = 10^{44-45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ is well represented by a power law of $(1 + z)^{-6.2 pm 0.9}$. We also determine the fraction of X-ray obscured AGNs with $N_{rm H} > 10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the Compton-thin population to be 0.54$^{+0.17}_{-0.19}$, by carefully taking into account observational biases including the effects of photon statistics for each source. This result is consistent with an independent determination of the type-2 AGN fraction based on optical properties, for which the fraction is found to be 0.59$pm$0.09. Comparing our result with that obtained in the local Universe, we conclude that the obscured fraction of luminous AGNs increases significantly from $z=0$ to $z>3$ by a factor of 2.5$pm$1.1.
We present the results of monitoring the Galactic black hole candidate GX 339-4 with the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) / Gas Slit Camera (GSC) in the high/soft state during the outburst in 2010. All the spectra throughout the 8-month period are well reproduced with a model consisting of multi-color disk (MCD) emission and its Comptonization component, whose fraction is <= 25% in the total flux. In spite of the flux variability over a factor of 3, the innermost disk radius is constant at R_in = 61 +/- 2 km for the inclination angle of i = 46 deg and the distance of d=8 kpc. This R_in value is consistent with those of the past measurements with Tenma in the high/soft state. Assuming that the disk extends to the innermost stable circular orbit of a non-spinning black hole, we estimate the black hole mass to be M = 6.8 +/- 0.2 M_sun for i = 46 deg and d = 8 kpc, which is consistent with that estimated from the Suzaku observation of the previous low/hard state. Further combined with the mass function, we obtain the mass constraint of 4.3 M_sun < M < 13.3 M_sun for the allowed range of d = 6-15 kpc and i < 60 deg. We also discuss the spin parameter of the black hole in GX 339-4 by applying relativistic accretion disk models to the Swift/XRT data.
We report on the X-ray spectral analysis of the black hole candidate XTE J1752--223 in the 2009--2010 outburst, utilizing data obtained with the MAXI/Gas Slit Camera (GSC), the Swift/XRT, and Suzaku, which work complementarily. As already reported by Nakahira et al. (2010) MAXI monitored the source continuously throughout the entire outburst for about eight months. All the MAXI/GSC energy spectra in the high/soft state lasting for 2 months are well represented by a multi-color disk plus power-law model. The innermost disk temperature changed from $sim$0.7 keV to $sim$0.4 keV and the disk flux decreased by an order of magnitude. Nevertheless, the innermost radius is constant at $sim$41 $D_{3.5}(cos{it i})^{-1/2}$ km, where $D_{3.5}$ is the source distance in units of 3.5 kpc and $i$ the inclination. The multi-color disk parameters obtained with the MAXI/GSC are consistent with those with the Swift/XRT and Suzaku. The Suzaku data also suggests a possibility that the disk emission is slightly Comptonized, which could account for broad iron-K features reported previously. Assuming that the obtained innermost radius represents the innermost stable circular orbit for a non-rotating black hole, we estimate the mass of the black hole to be 5.51$pm$0.28 $M_{odot}$ $D_{3.5}(cos{it i})^{-1/2}$, where the correction for the stress-free inner boundary condition and color hardening factor of 1.7 are taken into account. If the inclination is less than 49$^{circ}$ as suggested from the radio monitoring of transient jets and the soft-to-hard transition in 2010 April occurred at 1--4% of Eddignton luminosity, the fitting of the Suzaku spectra with a relativistic accretion-disk model derives constraints on the mass and the distance to be 3.1--55 $M_{odot}$ and 2.3--22 {rm kpc}, respectively. This confirms that the compact object in XTE J1752--223 is a black hole.
We construct a new X-ray (2--10 keV) luminosity function of Compton-thin active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the local universe, using the first MAXI/GSC source catalog surveyed in the 4--10 keV band. The sample consists of 37 non-blazar AGNs at $z=0.002-0.2$, whose identification is highly ($>97%$) complete. We confirm the trend that the fraction of absorbed AGNs with $N_{rm H} > 10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$ rapidly decreases against luminosity ($L_{rm X}$), from 0.73$pm$0.25 at $L_{rm X} = 10^{42-43.5}$ erg s$^{-1}$ to 0.12$pm0.09$ at $L_{rm X} = 10^{43.5-45.5}$ erg s$^{-1}$. The obtained luminosity function is well fitted with a smoothly connected double power-law model whose indices are $gamma_1 = 0.84$ (fixed) and $gamma_2 = 2.0pm0.2$ below and above the break luminosity, $L_{*} = 10^{43.3pm0.4}$ ergs s$^{-1}$, respectively. While the result of the MAXI/GSC agrees well with that of HEAO-1 at $L_{rm X} gtsim 10^{43.5}$ erg s$^{-1}$, it gives a larger number density at the lower luminosity range. Comparison between our luminosity function in the 2--10 keV band and that in the 14--195 keV band obtained from the Swift/BAT survey indicates that the averaged broad band spectra in the 2--200 keV band should depend on luminosity, approximated by $Gammasim1.7$ for $L_{rm X} ltsim 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$ while $Gammasim 2.0$ for $L_{rm X} gtsim 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$. This trend is confirmed by the correlation between the luminosities in the 2--10 keV and 14--195 keV bands in our sample. We argue that there is no contradiction in the luminosity functions between above and below 10 keV once this effect is taken into account.

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