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We present results from model fitting to the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of a homogeneous sample of Seyfert II galaxies drawn from the $12mu$m Galaxy Sample. Imaging and nuclear flux measurements are presented in an accompanying paper (Videla et al., 2013). Here we add IRS Spitzer observations to further constrain the SEDs after careful subtraction of a starburst component. We use the library of CLUMPY torus models from Nenkova et al.~(2008ab) and also test the two-phase models recently produced by Stalevski et al.~(2012). We find that photometric and spectroscopic observations in the mid-IR (>5mu) are crucial to properly constrain the best-fit torus models. About half of our sources show clear near-IR excess of their SEDs above the best fit models. This problem can be less severe when using the Stalevski et al.~(2012) models. It is not clear what is the nature of this emission since best fitted black body temperatures are very high (~1700-2500 K) and the Type II classification of our sources would correspond to a small probability to peer directly into the hottest regions of the torus. Crucially, the derived torus parameters when using CLUMPY models are quite robust,, independently of whether the sources require an additional black body component or not. Our findings suggest that tori are characterized by N_0 > 5, sigma > 40, tau < 25, i > 40 degrees, Y < 50 and A_v^los ~ 100-300. From these we can determine that typical torus sizes and masses of 0.1-5.0 pc and 10^{4-6} M_odot. We find tentative evidence that those nuclei with a detected Hidden Broad Line Regions are characterized by lower levels of extinction than those without one. Finally, we find no correlation between the torus properties and the presence of circumnuclear or more global star-formation.
We present rest-frame 15 and 24 um luminosity functions and the corresponding star-forming luminosity functions at z<0.3 derived from the 5MUSES sample. Spectroscopic redshifts have been obtained for ~98% of the objects and the median redshift is ~0.12. The 5-35 um IRS spectra allow us to estimate accurately the luminosities and build the luminosity functions. Using a combination of starburst and quasar templates, we quantify the star-formation and AGN contributions in the mid-IR SED. We then compute the star-formation luminosity functions at 15 um and 24 um, and compare with the total 15 um and 24 um luminosity functions. When we remove the contribution of AGN, the bright end of the luminosity function exhibits a strong decline, consistent with the exponential cutoff of a Schechter function. Integrating the differential luminosity function, we find that the fractional contribution by star formation to the energy density is 58% at 15 um and 78% at 24 um, while it goes up to ~86% when we extrapolate our mid-IR results to the total IR luminosity density. We confirm that the active galactic nuclei play more important roles energetically at high luminosities. Finally, we compare our results with work at z~0.7 and confirm that evolution on both luminosity and density is required to explain the difference in the LFs at different redshifts.
We study a 24,$mu$m selected sample of 330 galaxies observed with the Infrared Spectrograph for the 5,mJy Unbiased Spitzer Extragalactic Survey. We estimate accurate total infrared luminosities by combining mid-IR spectroscopy and mid-to-far infrared photometry, and by utilizing new empirical spectral templates from {em Spitzer} data. The infrared luminosities of this sample range mostly from 10$^9$L$_odot$ to $10^{13.5}$L$_odot$, with 83% in the range 10$^{10}$L$_odot$$<$L$_{rm IR}$$<10^{12}$L$_odot$. The redshifts range from 0.008 to 4.27, with a median of 0.144. The equivalent widths of the 6.2,$mu$m aromatic feature have a bimodal distribution. We use the 6.2,$mu$m PAH EW to classify our objects as SB-dominated (44%), SB-AGN composite (22%), and AGN-dominated (34%). The high EW objects (SB-dominated) tend to have steeper mid-IR to far-IR spectral slopes and lower L$_{rm IR}$ and redshifts. The low EW objects (AGN-dominated) tend to have less steep spectral slopes and higher L$_{rm IR}$ and redshifts. This dichotomy leads to a gross correlation between EW and slope, which does not hold within either group. AGN dominated sources tend to have lower log(L$_{rm PAH 7.7mu m}$/L$_{rm PAH 11.3mu m}$) ratios than star-forming galaxies, possibly due to preferential destruction of the smaller aromatics by the AGN. The log(L$_{rm PAH 7.7mu m}$/L$_{rm PAH 11.3mu m}$) ratios for star-forming galaxies are lower in our sample than the ratios measured from the nuclear spectra of nearby normal galaxies, most probably indicating a difference in the ionization state or grain size distribution between the nuclear regions and the entire galaxy. Finally, we provide a calibration relating the monochromatic 5.8, 8, 14 and 24um continuum or Aromatic Feature luminosity to L$_{rm IR}$ for different types of objects.
249 - V. Charmandaris 2009
We performed an analysis of the mid-infared properties of the 12micron Seyfert sample, a complete unbiased 12micron flux limited sample of local Seyfert galaxies selected from the IRAS Faint Source Catalog, based on low resolution spectra obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on-board Spitzer Space Telescope. A detailed presentation of this analysis is dicussed in Wu et al. (2009). We find that on average, the 15-30micron slope of the continuum is -0.85+/-0.61 for Seyfert 1s and -1.53+/-0.84 for Seyfert 2s, and there is substantial scatter in each type. Moreover, nearly 32% of Seyfert 1s, and 9% of Seyfert 2s, display a peak in the mid-infrared spectrum at 20micron, which is attributed to an additional hot dust component. The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) equivalent width decreases with increasing dust temperature, as indicated by the global infrared color of the host galaxies. However, no statistical difference in PAH equivalent width is detected between the two Seyfert types, 1 and 2, of the same bolometric luminosity. Finally, we propose a new method to estimate the AGN contribution to the integrated 12micron galaxy emission, by subtracting the star formation component in the Seyfert galaxies, making use of the tight correlation between PAH 11.2micron luminosity and 12micron luminosity for star forming galaxies.
We present an analysis of the mid-infrared emission lines for a sample of 12 low metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) galaxies based on high resolution observations obtained with Infrared Spectrograph on board the {rm Spitzer} Space Telescope. We compare our sample with a local sample of typical starburst galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGNs), to study the ionization field of starbursts over a broad range of physical parameters and examine its difference from the one produced by AGN. The high-ionization line [OIV]25.89$mu$m is detected in most of the BCDs, starbursts, and AGNs in our sample. We propose a diagnostic diagram of the line ratios [OIV]25.89$mu$m/[SIII]33.48$mu$m as a function of [NeIII]15.56$mu$m/[NeII]12.81$mu$m which can be useful in identifying the principal excitation mechanism in a galaxy. Galaxies in this diagram split naturally into two branches. Classic AGNs as well as starburst galaxies with an AGN component populate the upper branch, with stronger AGNs displaying higher [NeIII]/[NeII] ratios. BCDs and pure starbursts are located in the lower branch. We find that overall the placement of galaxies on this diagram correlates well with their corresponding locations in the log([NII]/H$alpha$) vs. log([OIII]/H$beta$) diagnostic diagram, which has been widely used in the optical. The two diagrams provide consistent classifications of the excitation mechanism in a galaxy. On the other hand, the diagram of [NeIII]15.56$mu$m/[NeII]12.81$mu$m vs. [SIV]10.51$mu$m/[SIII]18.71$mu$m is not as efficient in separating AGNs from BCDs and pure starbursts. (abridged)
We present low-resolution 5.5-35 um spectra for 103 galaxies from the 12 um Seyfert sample, a complete unbiased 12 um flux limited sample of local Seyfert galaxies selected from the IRAS Faint Source Catalog, obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on-board Spitzer Space Telescope. For 70 of the sources observed in the IRS mapping mode, uniformly extracted nuclear spectra are presented for the first time. We performed an analysis of the continuum emission, the strength of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and astronomical silicate features of the sources. We find that on average, the 15-30 um slope of the continuum is alpha_{15-30}=-0.85+-0.61 for Seyfert 1s and -1.53+-0.84 for Seyfert 2s, and there is substantial scatter in each type. Moreover, nearly 32% of Seyfert 1s, and 9% of Seyfert 2s, display a peak in the mid-infrared spectrum at 20 um, which is attributed to an additional hot dust component. The PAH equivalent width decreases with increasing dust temperature, asindicated by the global infrared color of the host galaxies. However, no statistical difference in PAH equivalent width is detected between the two Seyfert types, 1 and 2, of the same bolometric luminosity. The silicate features at 9.7 and 18um in Seyfert 1 galaxies are rather weak, while Seyfert 2s are more likely to display strong silicate absorption. Those Seyfert 2s with the highest silicate absorption also have high infrared luminosity and high absorption (hydrogen column density N_H>10^23 cm^-2 as measured from the X-rays. Finally, we propose a new method to estimate the AGN contribution to the integrated 12 um galaxy emission, by subtracting the star formation component in the Seyfert galaxies, making use of the tight correlation between PAH 11.2 um luminosity and 12 um luminosity for star forming galaxies.
The unprecedented sensitivity of the Spitzer Space Telescope has enabled us for the first time to detect a large sample of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies (BCDs), which are intrinsically faint in the infrared. In the present paper we present a summary of our findings which providing essential information on the presence/absence of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon features in metal-poor environments. In addition, using Spitzer/IRS high-resolution spectroscopy, we study the elemental abundances of neon and sulfur in BCDs and compare with the results from optical studies. Finally, we present an analysis of the mid- and far-infrared to radio correlation in low luminosity low metallicity galaxies.
We study the correlation between the radio, mid-infrared and far-infrared properties for a sample of 28 blue compact dwarf (BCD) and low metallicity star-forming galaxies observed by Spitzer. We find that these sources extend the same far-infrared to radio correlation typical of star forming late type alaxies to lower luminosities. In BCDs, the 24um (or 22um) mid-infrared to radio correlation is similar to starburst galaxies, though there is somewhat larger dispersion in their q_24 parameter compared to their q_FIR. No strong correlations between the q parameter and galaxy metallicity or effective dust temperature have been detected, though there is a hint of decreasing q_24 at low metallicities. The two lowest metallicity dwarfs in our sample, IZw18 and SBS0335-052E, despite their similar chemical abundance, deviate from the average q$_{24}$ ratio in opposite manners, displaying an apparent radio excess and dust excess respectively.
We have used the Spitzer Space Telescope to study the dust properties of a sample of star-forming dwarf galaxies. The differences in the mid-infrared spectral energy distributions for these galaxies which, in general, are low metallicity systems, indicate differences in the physical properties, heating, and/or distribution of the dust. Specifically, these galaxies have more hot dust and/or very small grains and less PAH emission than either spiral or higher luminosity starburst galaxies. As has been shown in previous studies, there is a gradual decrease in PAH emission as a function of metallicity. Because much of the energy from star formation in galaxies is re-radiated in the mid-infrared, star-formation rate indicators based on both line and continuum measurements in this wavelength range are coming into more common usage. We show that the variations in the interstellar medium properties of galaxies in our sample, as measured in the mid-infrared, result in over an order of magnitude spread in the computed star-formation rates.
We present a study of elemental abundances in a sample of thirteen Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) galaxies, using the $sim$10--37$mu$m high resolution spectra obtained with Spitzer/IRS. We derive the abundances of neon and sulfur for our sample using the infrared fine-structure lines probing regions which may be obscured by dust in the optical and compare our results with similar infrared studies of starburst galaxies from ISO. We find a good correlation between the neon and sulfur abundances, though sulfur is under-abundant relative to neon with respect to the solar value. A comparison of the elemental abundances (neon, sulfur) measured from the infrared data with those derived from the optical (neon, sulfur, oxygen) studies reveals a good overall agreement for sulfur, while the infrared derived neon abundances are slightly higher than the optical values. This indicates that either the metallicities of dust enshrouded regions in BCDs are similar to the optically accessible regions, or that if they are different they do not contribute substantially to the total infrared emission of the host galaxy.

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