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A defining feature of many large empirical networks is their intrinsic complexity. However, many networks also contain a large degree of structural repetition. An immediate question then arises: can we characterize essential network complexity while excluding structural redundancy? In this article we utilize inherent network symmetry to collapse all redundant information from a network, resulting in a coarse-graining which we show to carry the essential structural information of the `parent network. In the context of algebraic combinatorics, this coarse-graining is known as the emph{quotient}. We systematically explore the theoretical properties of network quotients and summarize key statistics of a variety of `real-world quotients with respect to those of their parent networks. In particular, we find that quotients can be substantially smaller than their parent networks yet typically preserve various key functional properties such as complexity (heterogeneity and hubs vertices) and communication (diameter and mean geodesic distance), suggesting that quotients constitute the essential structural skeleton of their parent network. We summarize with a discussion of potential uses of quotients in analysis of biological regulatory networks and ways in which using quotients can reduce the computational complexity of network algorithms.
Precisely quantifying the heterogeneity or disorder of a network system is very important and desired in studies of behavior and function of the network system. Although many degree-based entropies have been proposed to measure the heterogeneity of real networks, heterogeneity implicated in the structure of networks can not be precisely quantified yet. Hence, we propose a new structure entropy based on automorphism partition to precisely quantify the structural heterogeneity of networks. Analysis of extreme cases shows that entropy based on automorphism partition can quantify the structural heterogeneity of networks more precisely than degree-based entropy. We also summarized symmetry and heterogeneity statistics of many real networks, finding that real networks are indeed more heterogenous in the view of automorphism partition than what have been depicted under the measurement of degree based entropies; and that structural heterogeneity is strongly negatively correlated to symmetry of real networks.
Many real networks have been found to have a rich degree of symmetry, which is a very important structural property of complex network, yet has been rarely studied so far. And where does symmetry comes from has not been explained. To explore the mechanism underlying symmetry of the networks, we studied statistics of certain local symmetric motifs, such as symmetric bicliques and generalized symmetric bicliques, which contribute to local symmetry of networks. We found that symmetry of complex networks is a consequence of similar linkage pattern, which means that nodes with similar degree tend to share similar linkage targets. A improved version of BA model integrating similar linkage pattern successfully reproduces the symmetry of real networks, indicating that similar linkage pattern is the underlying ingredient that responsible for the emergence of the symmetry in complex networks.
Recently, great efforts have been dedicated to researches on the management of large scale graph based data such as WWW, social networks, biological networks. In the study of graph based data management, node disjoint subgraph homeomorphism relation between graphs is more suitable than (sub)graph isomorphism in many cases, especially in those cases that node skipping and node mismatching are allowed. However, no efficient node disjoint subgraph homeomorphism determination (ndSHD) algorithms have been available. In this paper, we propose two computationally efficient ndSHD algorithms based on state spaces searching with backtracking, which employ many heuristics to prune the search spaces. Experimental results on synthetic data sets show that the proposed algorithms are efficient, require relative little time in most of the testing cases, can scale to large or dense graphs, and can accommodate to more complex fuzzy matching cases.

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