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We propose a new method to determine magnetic fields, by using the magnetic-field induced electric dipole transition $3p^43d,^4mathrm{D}_{7/2}$ $rightarrow$ $3p^5, ^2mathrm{P}_{3/2}$ in Fe$^{9+}$ ions. This ion has a high abundance in astrophysical plasma and is therefore well-suited for direct measurements of even rather weak fields in e.g. solar flares. This transition is induced by an external magnetic field and its rate is proportional to the square of the magnetic field strength. We present theoretical values for what we will label the reduced rate and propose that the critical energy difference between the upper level in this transition and the close to degenerate $3p^43d, ^4mathrm{D}_{5/2}$ should be measured experimentally since it is required to determine the relative intensity of this magnetic line for different magnetic fields.
81 - Wenxian Li , Zhan Shi , Yang Yang 2015
We have recorded extreme ultraviolet spectra from $mathrm{W^{11+}}$ to $mathrm{W^{15+}}$ ions using a new flat field spectrometer installed at the Shanghai high temperature superconducting electron beam ion trap. The spectra were recorded at beam energies ranging between 200 eV and 400 eV and showed spectral lines/transition arrays in the 170 - 260 AA{} region. The charge states and spectra transitions were identified by comparison with calculations using a detailed relativistic configuration interaction method and collisional-radiative model, both incorporated in the Flexible Atomic Code. Atomic structure calculations showed that the dominant emission arises from $5d$ $rightarrow$ $5p$ and $5p$ $rightarrow$ $5s$ transitions. The work also identified the ground-state configuration of $W^{13+}$ as $4f^{13}5s^2$ both theoretically and experimentally.
A major challenge in the molecular simulation of electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs) is the choice of an appropriate model for the electrode. Typically, in such simulations the electrode surface is modeled using a uniform fixed charge on each of the electrode atoms, which ignores the electrode response to local charge fluctuations induced by charge fluctuations in the electrolyte. In this work, we evaluate and compare this Fixed Charge Method (FCM) with the more realistic Constant Potential Method (CPM), [Reed, et al., J. Chem. Phys., 126, 084704 (2007)], in which the electrode charges fluctuate in order to maintain constant electric potential in each electrode. For this comparison, we utilize a simplified LiClO$_4$-acetonitrile/graphite EDLC. At low potential difference ($DeltaPsile 2V$), the two methods yield essentially identical results for ion and solvent density profiles; however, significant differences appear at higher $DeltaPsi$. At $DeltaPsige 4V$, the CPM ion density profiles show significant enhancement (over FCM) of partially electrode solvated Li$^+$ ions very close to the electrode surface. The ability of the CPM electrode to respond to local charge fluctuations in the electrolyte is seen to significantly lower the energy (and barrier) for the approach of Li$^+$ ions to the electrode surface.
Using functional renormalization group we investigated possible superconductivity in doped Sr$_2$IrO$_4$. In the electron doped case, a $d^*_{x^2-y^2}$-wave superconducting phase is found in a narrow doping region. The pairing is driven by spin fluctuations within the single conduction band. In contrast, for hole doping an $s^*_{pm}$-wave phase is established, triggered by spin fluctuations within and across the two conduction bands. In all cases there are comparable singlet and triplet components in the pairing function. The Hunds rule coupling reduces (enhances) superconductivity for electron (hole) doping. Our results imply that hole doping is more promising to achieve a higher transition temperature. Experimental perspectives are discussed.
In iron selenide superconductors only electron-like Fermi pockets survive, challenging the $S^{pm}$ pairing based on the quasi-nesting between the electron and hole Fermi pockets (as in iron arsenides). By functional renormalization group study we show that an in-phase $S$-wave pairing on the electron pockets ($S^{++}_{ee}$) is realized. The pairing mechanism involves two competing driving forces: The strong C-type spin fluctuations cause attractive pair scattering between and within electron pockets via Cooperon excitations on the virtual hole pockets, while the G-type spin fluctuations cause repulsive pair scattering. The latter effect is however weakened by the hybridization splitting of the electron pockets. The resulting $S^{++}_{ee}$-wave pairing symmetry is consistent with experiments. We further propose that the quasiparticle interference pattern in scanning tunneling microscopy and the Andreev reflection in out-of-plane contact tunneling are efficient probes of in-phase versus anti-phase $S$-wave pairing on the electron pockets.
With the implementation of many ambitious observation projects, including LAMOST, FAST, and Antarctic observatory at Doom A, observational astronomy in China is stepping into a brand new era with emerging data avalanche. In the era of e-Science, both these cutting-edge projects and traditional astronomy research need much more powerful data management, sharing and interoperability. Based on data-grid concept, taking advantages of the IVOA interoperability technologies, China-VO is developing a VO-driven astronomical data grid environment to enable multi-wavelength science and large database science. In the paper, latest progress and data flow of the LAMOST, architecture of the data grid, and its supports to the VO are discussed.

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