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221 - Yajiang Hao , Yafei Song , 2015
In the present paper we investigate the Tonks-Girardeau gas confined in a harmonic trap at finite temperature with thermal Bose-Fermi mapping method. The pair distribution, density distribution, reduced one-body density matrix, the occupations number of natural orbitals, and momentum distribution are evaluated. In the whole temperature regime the pair distribution and density distribution exhibit the same properties as those of polarized free Fermions because both of them depend on the modulus of wavefunction rather than wavefunction. While the reduced one-body density matrix, the natural orbital occupation, momentum distribution, which depend on wavefunction, of Tonks gas displays Bose properties different from polarized free Fermions at low temperature. At high temperature we can not distinguish Tonks gas from the polarized free Fermi gas by all properties qualitatively.
We present the implementation of an electronic-structure approach dedicated to ionization dynamics of molecules interacting with x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) pulses. In our scheme, molecular orbitals for molecular core-hole states are represented by linear combination of numerical atomic orbitals that are solutions of corresponding atomic core-hole states. We demonstrate that our scheme efficiently calculates all possible multiple-hole configurations of molecules formed during XFEL pulses. The present method is suitable to investigate x-ray multiphoton multiple ionization dynamics and accompanying nuclear dynamics, providing essential information on the chemical dynamics relevant for high-intensity x-ray imaging.
Dynamical properties of the Bose-Einstein condensate in double-well potential subject to Gaussian white noise are investigated by numerically solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The Gaussian white noise is used to describe influence of the random environmental disturbance on the double-well condensate. Dynamical evolutions from three different initial states, the Josephson oscillation state, the running phase and $pi$-mode macroscopic quantum self-trapping states are considered. It is shown that the system is rather robust with respect to the weak noise whose strength is small and change rate is high. If the evolution time is sufficiently long, the weak noise will finally drive the system to evolve from high energy states to low energy states, but in a manner rather different from the energy-dissipation effect. In presence of strong noise with either large strength or slow change rate, the double-well condensate may exhibit very irregular dynamical behaviors.
Dynamics of the double-well Bose-Einstein condensate subject to energy dissipation is studied by solving a reduced one-dimensional time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation numerically. We first reproduce the phase space diagram of the system without dissipation systematically, and then calculate evolutionary trajectories of dissipated systems. It is clearly shown that the dissipation can drive the system to evolve gradually from the $pi$-mode quantum macroscopic self-trapping state, a state with relatively higher energy, to the lowest energy stationary state in which particles distribute equally in the two wells. The average phase and phase distribution in each well are discussed as well. We show that the phase distribution varies slowly in each well but may exhibit abrupt changes near the barrier. This sudden change occurs at the minimum position in particle density profile. We also note that the average phase in each well varies much faster with time than the phase difference between two wells.
We investigate the lowest scattering state of one-dimensional Bose gas with attractive interactions trapped in a hard wall trap. By solving the Bethe ansatz equation numerically we determine the full energy spectrum and the exact wave function for different attractive interaction parameters. The resultant density distribution, momentum distribution, reduced one body density matrix and two body correlation show that the decreased attractive interaction induces rich density profiles and specific correlation properties in the weakly attractive Bose gas.
In this paper we investigate the von Neumann entropy in the ground state of one-dimensional anyonic systems with the repulsive interaction. Based on the Bethe-ansatz method, the entanglement properties for the arbitrary statistical parameter ($0leqkappaleq1$) are obtained from the one-particle reduced density matrix in the full interacting regime. It is shown that the entanglement entropy increases with the increase in the interaction strength and statistical parameter. The statistic parameter affects the entanglement properties from two aspects: renormalizing of the effective interaction strength and introducing an additional anyonic phase. We also evaluate the entanglement entropy of hard-core anyons for different statistical parameters in order to clarify solely the effect induced by the anyonic phase.
We investigate ground-state properties of interacting two-component Bose gases in a hard-wall trap using both the Bethe ansatz and exact numerical diagonalization method. For equal intra- and inter-atomic interaction, the system is exactly solvable. Thus the exact ground state wavefunction and density distributions for the whole interacting regime can be obtained from the Bethe ansatz solutions. Since the ground state is a degenerate state with total spin S=N/2, the total density distribution are same for each degenerate state. The total density distribution evolves from a Gauss-like Bose distribution to a Fermi-like one as the repulsive interaction increases. The distribution of each component is N_i/N of the total density distribution. This is approximately true even in the experimental situation. In addition the numerical results show that with the increase of interspecies interaction the distributions of two Tonks-Girardeau gases exhibit composite fermionization crossover with each component developing N peaks in the strongly interacting regime.

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