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116 - Y. Zhao , Z. Wan , X. Xu 2015
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is drawing increasing attention as an insulator and substrate material to develop next generation graphene-based electronic devices. In this paper, we investigate the quantum transport in heterostructures consisting of a few atomic layers thick hBN film sandwiched between graphene nanoribbon electrodes. We show a gate-controllable vertical transistor exhibiting strong negative differential resistance (NDR) effect with multiple resonant peaks, which stay pronounced for various device dimensions. We find two distinct mechanisms that are responsible for NDR, depending on the gate and applied biases, in the same device. The origin of first mechanism is a Fabry-Pe like interference and that of the second mechanism is an in-plane wave vector matching when the Dirac points of the electrodes align. The hBN layers can induce an asymmetry in the current-voltage characteristics which can be further modulated by an applied bias. We find that the electron-phonon scattering introduces the decoherence and therefore suppresses first mechanism whereas second mechanism remains relatively unaffected. We also show that the NDR features are tunable by varying device dimensions. The NDR feature with multiple resonant peaks, combined with the ultrafast tunneling speed provides prospect for the graphene-hBN-graphene heterostructure in the high-performance electronics.
36 - Z. Y. Zhao , B. Tong , X. Zhao 2015
The heat transport of the spin-gapped material (CH_3)_2CHNH_3CuCl_3 (IPA-CuCl_3), a candidate quantum magnet with Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), is studied at ultra-low temperatures and in high magnetic fields. Due to the presence of the spin gap, the zero-field thermal conductivity (kappa) is purely phononic and shows a ballistic behavior at T < 1 K. When the gap is closed by magnetic field at H = H_{c1}, where a long-range antiferromanetic (AF) order of Cu^{2+} moments is developed, the magnons contribute significantly to heat transport and exhibit a ballistic T^3 behavior at T < 600 mK. In addition, the low-T kappa(H) isotherms show sharp peaks at H_{c1}, which indicates a gap re-opening in the AF state (H > H_{c1}) and demonstrates limited applicability of the BEC model to IPA-CuCl_3.
97 - H. B. Cao , Z. Y. Zhao , M. Lee 2015
High quality single crystals of BaFe$_{12}$O$_{19}$ were grown using the floating zone technique in flowing oxygen pressurized to 100 atm. Single crystal neutron diffraction was used to determine the nuclear and magnetic structure of BaFe$_{12}$O$_{19}$ at 4 K and 295 K. At both temperatures, there exist local electric dipoles formed by the off-mirror-plane displacements of magnetic Fe$^{3+}$ ions at the bipyramidal sites. The displacement at 4 K is about half of that at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the specific heat shows no anomaly associated with long range polar ordering in the temperature range from 1.90-300 K. The inverse dielectric permittivity, $1/varepsilon$, along the c-axis shows a $T^2$ temperature dependence between 10 K and 20 K, with a significantly reduced temperature dependence displayed below 10 K. Moreover, as the sample is cooled below 1.4 K there is an anomalous sharp upturn in $1/varepsilon$. These features resemble those of classic quantum paraelectrics such as SrTiO$_3$. The presence of the upturn in $1/varepsilon$ indicates that BaFe$_{12}$O$_{19}$ is a critical quantum paraelectric system with Fe$^{3+}$ ions involved in both magnetic and electric dipole formation.
63 - M. Y. Zhao , Y. Liu , A. Elmhamdi 2014
The Sky Brightness Monitor (SBM) is an important instrument to measure the brightness level for the sky condition, which is a critical parameter for judging a site for solar coronal observations. In this paper we present an automatic method for the processing of SBM data in large quantity, which can separate the regions of the Sun and the nearby sky as well as recognize the regions of the supporting arms in the field of view. These processes are implemented on the data acquired by more than one SBM instruments during our site survey project in western China. An analysis applying the result from our processes has been done for the assessment of the scattered-light levels by the instrument. Those results are considerably significant for further investigations and studies, notably to derive a series of the other important atmospheric parameters such as extinctions, aerosol content and precipitable water vapor content for candidate sites. Our processes also provide a possible way for full-disk solar telescopes to track the Sun without an extra guiding system.
123 - N. Lu , Y. Zhao , C. K. Xu 2014
We present our initial results on the CO rotational spectral line energy distribution (SLED) of the $J$ to $J$$-$1 transitions from $J=4$ up to $13$ from Herschel SPIRE spectroscopic observations of 65 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) in the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). The observed SLEDs change on average from one peaking at $J le 4$ to a broad distribution peaking around $J sim,$6$-$7 as the IRAS 60-to-100 um color, $C(60/100)$, increases. However, the ratios of a CO line luminosity to the total infrared luminosity, $L_{rm IR}$, show the smallest variation for $J$ around 6 or 7. This suggests that, for most LIRGs, ongoing star formation (SF) is also responsible for a warm gas component that emits CO lines primarily in the mid-$J$ regime ($5 lesssim J lesssim 10$). As a result, the logarithmic ratios of the CO line luminosity summed over CO (5$-$4), (6$-$5), (7$-$6), (8$-$7) and (10$-$9) transitions to $L_{rm IR}$, $log R_{rm midCO}$, remain largely independent of $C(60/100)$, and show a mean value of $-4.13$ ($equiv log R^{rm SF}_{rm midCO}$) and a sample standard deviation of only 0.10 for the SF-dominated galaxies. Including additional galaxies from the literature, we show, albeit with small number of cases, the possibility that galaxies, which bear powerful interstellar shocks unrelated to the current SF, and galaxies, in which an energetic active galactic nucleus contributes significantly to the bolometric luminosity, have their $R_{rm midCO}$ higher and lower than $R^{rm SF}_{rm midCO}$, respectively.
118 - Z. Y. Zhao , M. F. Liu , X. Li 2014
The multiferroic RMn2O5 family, where R is rare-earth ion or Y, exhibits rich physics of multiferroicity which has not yet well understood, noting that multiferroicity is receiving attentions for promising application potentials. DyMn2O5 is a representative member of this family. The ferroelectric polarization in DyMn2O5 is claimed to have two anti-parallel components: one (PDM) from the symmetric exchange striction between the Dy3+-Mn4+ interactions and the other (PMM) from the symmetric exchange striction between the Mn3+-Mn4+ interactions. We investigate the evolutions of the two components upon a partial substitution of Mn3+ by nonmagnetic Al3+ in order to tailor the Mn-Mn interactions and then to modulate component PMM in DyMn2-x/2Alx/2O5. It is revealed that the ferroelectric polarization can be successfully reversed by the Al-substitution via substantially suppressing the Mn3+-Mn4+ interactions and thus the PMM. The Dy3+-Mn4+ interactions and the polarization component PDM can sustain against the substitution until a level as high as x=0.2. In addition, the independent Dy spin ordering is shifted remarkably down to an extremely low temperature due to the Al3+ substitution. The present work not only confirms the existence of the two anti-parallel polarization components but also unveils the possibility of tailoring them independently.
We report a systematic study on the low-temperature thermal conductivity (kappa) of R_2Ti_2O_7 (R = Gd and Er) single crystals with different directions of magnetic field and heat current. It is found that the magnetic excitations mainly act as phonon scatterers rather than heat carriers, although these two materials have long-range magnetic orders at low temperatures. The low-T kappa(H) isotherms of both compounds show rather complicated behaviors and have good correspondences with the magnetic transitions, where the kappa(H) curves show drastic dip- or step-like changes. In comparison, the field dependencies of kappa are more complicated in Gd_2Ti_2O_7, due to the complexity of its low-T phase diagram and field-induced magnetic transitions. These results demonstrate the significant coupling between spins and phonons in these materials and the ability of heat-transport properties probing the magnetic transitions.
163 - L. M. Chen , W. Tao , Z. Y. Zhao 2013
The bulk single crystals of of low-dimensional magnet (CH$_3$)$_2$NH$_2$CuCl$_3$ (DMACuCl$_3$ or MCCL) are grown by a slow evaporation method with different kinds of solvents, different degrees of super-saturation of solution and different temperatures of solution, respectively. Among three kinds of solvent, methanol, alcohol and water, alcohol is found to be the best one for growing MCCL crystals because of its structural similarity to the raw materials and suitable evaporation rate. The best growth temperature is in the vicinity of 35 $^{circ}$C. The problem of the crystals deliquescing in air has been solved through recrystallization process. The crystals are characterized by means of x-ray diffraction, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility.
97 - Z. Y. Zhao , M. F. Liu , X. Li 2013
The electric polarization and its magnetic origins in multiferroic RMn2O5, where R is rare-earth ion, are still issues under debate. In this work, the temperature-dependent electric polarization of DyMn2O5, the most attractive member of this RMn2O5 family, is investigated using the pyroelectric current method upon varying endpoint temperature of the electric cooling, plus the positive-up-negative-down (PUND) technique. It is revealed that DyMn2O5 at low temperature does exhibit the unusual ferrielectricity rather than ferroelectricity, characterized by two interactive and anti-parallel ferroelectric sublattices which show different temperature-dependences. The two ferroelectric sublattices are believed to be generated from the symmetric exchange-striction mechanisms associated with the Mn-Mn spin interactions and Dy-Mn spin interactions, respectively. The path-dependent electric polarization reflects the first-order magnetic transitions in the low temperature regime. The magnetoelectric effect is mainly attributed to the Dy spin order which is sensitive to magnetic field. The present experiments may be helpful for clarifying the puzzling issues on the multiferroicity in DyMn2O5 and probably other RMn2O5 multiferroics.
Modeling nanoscale devices quantum mechanically is a computationally challenging problem where new methods to solve the underlying equations are in a dire need. In this paper, we present an approach to calculate the charge density in nanoscale devices, within the context of the non equilibrium Greens function approach. Our approach exploits recent advances in using an established graph partitioning approach. The developed method has the capability to handle open boundary conditions that are represented by full self energy matrices required for realistic modeling of nanoscale devices. Our method to calculate the electron density has a reduced complexity compared to the established recursive Greens function approach. As an example, we apply our algorithm to a quantum well superlattice and a carbon nanotube, which are represented by a continuum and tight binding Hamiltonian respectively, and demonstrate significant speed up over the recursive method.

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