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This fluid dynamics video submitted to the Gallery of Fluid motion shows a turbulent boundary layer developing under a 5 metre-long flat plate towed through water. A stationary imaging system provides a unique view of the developing boundary layer as it would form over the hull of a ship or fuselage of an aircraft. The towed plate permits visualisation of the zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer as it develops from the trip to a high Reynolds number state ($Re_tau approx 3000$). An evolving large-scale coherent structure will appear almost stationary in this frame of reference. The visualisations provide an unique view of the evolution of fundamental processes in the boundary layer (such as interfacial bulging, entrainment, vortical motions, etc.). In the more traditional laboratory frame of reference, in which fluid passes over a stationary body, it is difficult to observe the full evolution and lifetime of turbulent coherent structures. An equivalent experiment in a wind/water-tunnel would require a camera and laser that moves with the flow, effectively `chasing eddies as they advect downstream.
We report specific heat capacity measurements on a LiFeAs single crystal at temperatures down to 400 mK and magnetic fields up to 9 Tesla. A small specific heat jump at Tc and finite residual density of states at T=0 K in the superconducting (SC) state indicate that there are strong unitary scatterers that lead to states within the SC gap. A sub-linear magnetic field dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient gamma(H) at T=0 K is equally well fitted by both a nodal d-wave gap as well as a sign changing multiband pm s-wave gap. When impurity effects are taken into account, however, the linear temperature dependence of the electronic specific heat C_{el}/T at low temperatures argues against a nodal d-wave superconducting gap. We conclude that the SC state of LiFeAs is most compatible with the multiband pm s-wave SC state with the gap values Delta_{small}=0.46 Delta_{large}.

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