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398 - Y. Ao , Y. Matsuda , A. Beelen 2015
Lyman alpha blobs (LABs) are spatially extended lyman alpha nebulae seen at high redshift. The origin of Lyman alpha emission in the LABs is still unclear and under debate. To study their heating mechanism(s), we present Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the 20 cm radio emission and Herschel PACS and SPIRE measurements of the far-infrared (FIR) emission towards the four LABs in the protocluster J2143-4423 at z=2.38. Among the four LABs, B6 and B7 are detected in the radio with fluxes of 67+/-17 microJy and 77+/-16 microJy, respectively, and B5 is marginally detected at 3 sigma (51+/-16 microJy). For all detected sources, their radio positions are consistent with the central positions of the LABs. B6 and B7 are obviously also detected in the FIR. By fitting the data with different templates, we obtained redshifts of 2.20$^{+0.30}_{-0.35}$ for B6 and 2.20$^{+0.45}_{-0.30}$ for B7 which are consistent with the redshift of the lyman alpha emission within uncertainties, indicating that both FIR sources are likely associated with the LABs. The associated FIR emission in B6 and B7 and high star formation rates strongly favor star formation in galaxies as an important powering source for the lyman alpha emission in both LABs. However, the other two, B1 and B5, are predominantly driven by the active galactic nuclei or other sources of energy still to be specified, but not mainly by star formation. In general, the LABs are powered by quite diverse sources of energy.
133 - Y. Matsuda , T. Nagao , D. Iono 2015
We present a result of a blind search for [CII] 158 $mu$m emitters at $zsim 4.5$ using ALMA Cycle~0 archival data. We collected extra-galactic data covering at 330-360 GHz (band~7) from 8 Cycle~0 projects from which initial results have been already published. The total number of fields is 243 and the total on-source exposure time is 19.2 hours. We searched for line emitters in continuum-subtracted data cubes with spectral resolutions of 50, 100, 300 and 500 km/s. We could not detect any new line emitters above a 6-$sigma$ significance level. This result provides upper limits to the [CII] luminosity function at $zsim 4.5$ over $L_{rm [CII]} sim 10^8 - 10^{10} L_{odot}$ or star formation rate, SFR $sim$ 10-1000 M$_{^odot}$/yr. These limits are at least 2 orders of magnitude larger than the [CII] luminosity functions expected from the $z sim 4$ UV luminosity function or from numerical simulation. However, this study demonstrates that we would be able to better constrain the [CII] luminosity function and to investigate possible contributions from dusty galaxies to the cosmic star-formation rate density by collecting Cycle~1+2 archival data as the ALMA Patchy Deep Survey.
To resolve the nature of the hidden order below 17.5,K in the heavy fermion compound URu$_2$Si$_2$, identifying which symmetries are broken below the hidden order transition is one of the most important steps. Several recent experiments on the electronic structure have shown that the Fermi surface in the hidden order phase is quite close to the result of band-structure calculations within the framework of itinerant electron picture assuming the antiferromagnetism. This provides strong evidence for the band folding along the c-axis with the ordering vector of $(0,0,1)$, corresponding to broken translational symmetry. In addition to this, there is growing evidence for fourfold rotational symmetry breaking in the hidden-order phase from measurements of the in-plane magnetic anisotropy and the effective mass anisotropy in the electronic structure, as well as the orthorhombic lattice distortion. This broken fourfold symmetry gives a stringent constraint that the symmetry of the hidden order parameter should belong to the degenerate $E$-type irreducible representation. We also discuss a possibility that time reversal symmetry is also broken, which further narrows down the order parameter that characterizes the hidden order.
133 - Y. Matsuda 2012
Using stacks of Ly-a images of 2128 Ly-a emitters (LAEs) and 24 protocluster UV-selected galaxies (LBGs) at z=3.1, we examine the surface brightness profiles of Ly-a haloes around high-z galaxies as a function of environment and UV luminosity. We find that the slopes of the Ly-a radial profiles become flatter as the Mpc-scale LAE surface densities increase, but they are almost independent of the central UV luminosities. The characteristic exponential scale lengths of the Ly-a haloes appear to be proportional to the square of the LAE surface densities (r(Lya) propto Sigma(LAE)^2). Including the diffuse, extended Ly-a haloes, the rest-frame Ly-a equivalent width of the LAEs in the densest regions approaches EW_0(Lya) ~ 200 A, the maximum value expected for young (< 10^7 yr) galaxies. This suggests that Ly-a photons formed via shock compression by gas outflows or cooling radiation by gravitational gas inflows may partly contribute to illuminate the Ly-a haloes; however, most of their Ly-a luminosity can be explained by photo-ionisation by ionising photons or scattering of Ly-a photons produced in HII regions in and around the central galaxies. Regardless of the source of Ly-a photons, if the Ly-a haloes trace the overall gaseous structure following the dark matter distributions, it is not surprising that the Ly-a spatial extents depend more strongly on the surrounding Mpc-scale environment than on the activities of the central galaxies.
We present the results of the extensive narrow-band survey of Lyalpha emission-line objects at z=3.1 in the 1.38 deg^2 area surrounding the high density region of star-forming galaxies at z=3.09 in the SSA22 field, as well as in the 1.04 deg^2 area of the three separated general blank fields. In total of 2161 Lyalpha emitters, 1394 in the SSA22 fields and 767 in the general fields, respectively, are detected to the narrow-band AB magnitude limit of 25.73, which corresponds to the line flux of 1.8 x 10^{-17} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} or luminosity of 1.5 x 10^{42} erg s^{-1} at z=3.1, above the observed equivalent width threshold, 190AA . The average surface number density of the emitters at z=3.1 in the whole general fields above the thresholds is 0.20+-0.01 arcmin^{-2}. The SSA22 high-density region at z=3.09 whose peak local density is 6 times the average is found to be the most prominent outstanding structure in the whole surveyed area and is firmly identified as a robust `protocluster with the enough large sample. We also compared the overdensity of the 100 arcmin^2 and 700 arcmin^2 areas which contain the protocluster with the expected fluctuation of the dark matter as well as those of the model galaxies in cosmological simulations. We found that the peak height values of the overdensity correspond to be 8-10 times and 3-4 times of the expected standard deviations of the counts of Lyalpha emitters at z=3.1 in the corresponding volume, respectively. We conclude that the structure at z=3.09 in the SSA22 field is a very significant and rare density peak up to the scale of 60 Mpc.
76 - Y. Matsuda 2011
We present the results of a narrow-band (H2S1, 2.121/0.021um) imaging search with WFCAM/UKIRT for H-alpha emitters around several potential signposts of rare (10^-7-10^-8 Mpc^-3) over-dense regions at z=2.23: an over-density of QSOs (2QZ cluster), a powerful, high-redshift radio galaxy (HzRG), and a concentration of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) and optically faint radio galaxies (OFRGs). In total, we detect 137 narrow-band emitter candidates down to emission-line fluxes of 0.5-1 x 10^-16 erg s^-1 cm^-2, across a total area of 0.56 sq. degrees (2.1 x 10^5 comoving Mpc at z=2.23) in these fields. The BzK colours of the emitters suggest that at least 80% of our sample are likely to be H-alpha emitters (HAEs) at z=2.23. This is one of the largest HAE samples known at z>2. We find modest (~3-sigma) local over-densities of emitters associated with all the three targets. In the 2QZ cluster field, the emitters show a striking filamentary structure connecting four of the z=2.23 QSOs extending over 30Mpc (comoving). In the HzRG and SMG/OFRG fields, the structures appear to be smaller and seen only in the vicinities of the targets. The K-band magnitudes and the H-alpha equivalent widths of the emitters are weakly correlated with the over-density of the emitters: emitters in over-dense region are more evolved systems compared to those in under-dense regions at z=2.23. We find several examples of extended HAEs in our target fields, including a striking example with a spatial extent of 7.5 arcsec (60 kpc at z=2.23) in the 2QZ field, suggesting that these are relatively common in high-density regions. We conclude that narrow-band H-alpha surveys are efficient routes to map over-dense regions at high-z and thus to understand the relation between the growth of galaxies and their surrounding large-scale structures.
133 - Y. Matsuda 2010
We present results of a survey for giant Ly-alpha nebulae (LABs) at z=3 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. We obtained Ly-alpha imaging at z=3.09+-0.03 around the SSA22 protocluster and in several blank fields. The total survey area is 2.1 square degrees, corresponding to a comoving volume of 1.6 x 10^6 Mpc^3. Using a uniform detection threshold of 1.4 x 10^{-18} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} arcsec^{-2} for the Ly-alpha images, we construct a sample of 14 LAB candidates with major-axis diameters larger than 100 kpc, including five previously known blobs and two known quasars. This survey triples the number of known LABs over 100 kpc. The giant LAB sample shows a possible morphology-density relation: filamentary LABs reside in average density environments as derived from compact Ly-alpha emitters, while circular LABs reside in both average density and overdense environments. Although it is hard to examine the formation mechanisms of LABs only from the Ly-alpha morphologies, more filamentary LABs may relate to cold gas accretion from the surrounding inter-galactic medium (IGM) and more circular LABs may relate to large-scale gas outflows, which are driven by intense starbursts and/or by AGN activities. Our survey highlights the potential usefulness of giant LABs to investigate the interactions between galaxies and the surrounding IGM from the field to overdense environments at high-redshift.
81 - Y. Matsuda 2010
We present the discovery of a large-scale structure of emission-line galaxies at redshift z=4.86 behind a massive cluster of galaxies, A1689. Previous spectroscopic observations of a galaxy, A1689-7.1 at z=4.87, near this structure, revealed a possible overdense region of inter-galactic medium (IGM) around the galaxy, which extends at least ~80 comoving Mpc along the line of sight. In order to investigate whether this z~5 IGM overdense region contains a galaxy overdensity, we undertook narrow- and broad-band imaging observations around A1689-7.1 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. We detected 51 candidate Ly-alpha emitters at redshift z=4.86+-0.03 in the 32 x 24 arcmin^2 field of view. After correction for lensing by the foreground cluster, we found a large-scale (~20 x 60 comoving Mpc) overdense region of galaxies around A1689-7.1 in the source plane at z=4.86. The densest peak in this region has an overdensity of delta~4, suggesting that this structure is probably a good candidate for a protocluster. A1689-7.1 is located at the edge of this region, where the local galaxy density is ~1.6 times the mean density and is close to the density contrast in the IGM along the line of sight to A1689-7.1 estimated from the optical depth. The overdensities of galaxies we have found may suggest that at least some parts of the IGM overdense region have already started to form galaxies and moreover they relate to the formation of a protocluster. Although we lack information on the three dimensional distributions of both IGM and galaxy overdense regions, the similarity of the scales of both regions may suggest that the two are parts of a single large-scale structure, which would be an large edge-on sheet along the line of sight with a size of ~20 x 60 x 80 comoving Mpc.
152 - Y. Matsuda 2009
We present the discovery of a candidate of giant radio-quiet Lyman-alpha (Lya) blob (RQLAB) in a large-scale structure around a high-redshift radio galaxy (HzRG) lying in a giant Lya halo, B3 J2330+3927 at redshift z=3.087. We obtained Lya imaging around B3 J2330+3927 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam to search for Lya emitters (LAEs) and absorbers (LAAs) at redshift z=3.09+-0.03. We detected candidate 127 LAEs and 26 LAAs in the field of view of 31 x 24. We found that B3 J2330+3927 is surrounded by a 130 kpc Lya halo and a large-scale (60 x 20 comoving Mpc) filamentary structure. The large-scale structure contains one prominent local density peak with an overdensity of greater than 5, which is 8 (15 comoving Mpc) away from B3 J2330+3927. In this peak, we discovered a candidate 100 kpc RQLAB. The existence of both types of Lya nebulae in the same large-scale structure suggests that giant Lya nebulae need special large-scale environments to form. On smaller scales, however, the location of B3 J2330+3927 is not a significant local density peak in this structure, in contrast to the RQLAB. There are two possible interpretations of the difference of the local environments of these two Lya nebulae. Firstly, RQLAB may need a prominent (delta ~ 5) density peak of galaxies to form through intense star-bursts due to frequent galaxy interactions/mergers and/or continuous gas accretion in an overdense environment. On the other hand, Lya halo around HzRG may not always need a prominent density peak to form if the surrounding Lya halo is mainly powered by its radio and AGN activities. Alternatively, both RQLAB and Lya halo around HzRG may need prominent density peaks to form but we could not completely trace the density of galaxies because we missed evolved and dusty galaxies in this survey.
Knowing the amount of ionizing photons from young star-forming galaxies is of particular importance to understanding the reionization process. Here we report initial results of Subaru/Suprime-Cam deep imaging observation of the SSA22 proto-cluster region at z=3.09, using a special narrow-band filter to optimally trace Lyman continuum (LyC) from galaxies at z~3. The unique wide field-of-view of Suprime-Cam enabled us to search for ionizing photons from 198 galaxies (73 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and 125 Ly-alpha emitters (LAEs)) with spectroscopically measured redshifts z~3.1. We detected LyC from 7 LBGs, as well as from 10 LAE candidates. Some of the detected galaxies show significant spatial offsets of LyC from non-ionizing UV emission. For some LBGs the observed non-ionizing UV to LyC flux density ratios are smaller than values expected from population synthesis models with a standard Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) with moderate dust attenuation (which is suggested from the observed UV slopes), even if we assume very transparent IGM along the sightlines of these objects. This implies an intrinsically bluer spectral energy distribution, e.g, that produced by a top-heavy IMF, for these LBGs. The observed flux desity ratios of non-ionizing UV to LyC of 7 detected LBGs range from 2.4 to 23.8 and the median is 6.6. The observed flux density ratios of the detected LAEs are even smaller than LBGs, if they are truly at z~3.1. We find that the median value of the flux density ratio for the deteced LBGs suggest that their escape fractions is likely to be higher than 4%, if the LyC escape is isotropic. The results imply that some of the LBGs in the proto-cluster at z~3 have the escape fraction significantly higher than that of galaxies (in a general field) at z~1 studied previously.

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