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176 - L. Jiao , Y. Chen , Y. Kohama 2015
Conventional, thermally-driven continuous phase transitions are described by universal critical behaviour that is independent of the specific microscopic details of a material. However, many current studies focus on materials that exhibit quantum-driven continuous phase transitions (quantum critical points, or QCPs) at absolute zero temperature. The classification of such QCPs and the question of whether they show universal behaviour remain open issues. Here we report measurements of heat capacity and de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations at low temperatures across a field-induced antiferromagnetic QCP (B$_{c0}simeq$ 50 T) in the heavy-fermion metal CeRhIn$_5$. A sharp, magnetic-field-induced change in Fermi surface is detected both in the dHvA effect and Hall resistivity at B$_0^*simeq$ 30 T, well inside the antiferromagnetic phase. Comparisons with band-structure calculations and properties of isostructural CeCoIn$_5$ suggest that the Fermi-surface change at B$_0^*$ is associated with a localized to itinerant transition of the Ce-4f electrons in CeRhIn$_5$. Taken in conjunction with pressure data, our results demonstrate that at least two distinct classes of QCP are observable in CeRhIn$_5$, a significant step towards the derivation of a universal phase diagram for QCPs.
189 - L. Jiao , H. Q. Yuan , Y. Kohama 2013
We report measurements of magnetic quantum oscillations and specific heat at low temperatures across a field-induced antiferromagnetic quantum critical point (QCP)(B_{c0}approx50T) of the heavy-fermion metal CeRhIn_5. A sharp magnetic-field induced Fermi surface reconstruction is observed inside the antiferromagnetic phase. Our results demonstrate multiple classes of QCPs in the field-pressure phase diagram of this heavy-fermion metal, pointing to a universal description of QCPs. They also suggest that robust superconductivity is promoted by unconventional quantum criticality of a fluctuating Fermi surface.
Magneto-caloric effects (MCEs) measurement system in adiabatic condition is proposed to investigate the thermodynamic properties in pulsed magnetic fields up to 55 T. With taking the advantage of the fast field- sweep rate in pulsed field, adiabatic measurements of MCEs were carried out at various temperatures. To obtain the prompt response of the thermometer in the pulsed field, a thin film thermometer is grown directly on the sample surfaces. The validity of the present setup was demonstrated in the wide temperature range through the measurements on Gd at about room temperature and on Gd3Ga5O12 at low temperatures. The both results show reasonable agreement with the data reported earlier. By comparing the MCE data with the specific heat data, we could estimate the entropy as functions of magnetic field and temperature. The results demonstrate the possibility that our approach can trace the change in transition temperature caused by the external field.
The electrical resistivity (Rxx) and Hall resistivity (Rxy) of LaFeAsO1-xFx have been measured over a wide fluorine doping range 0 =< x =< 0.14 using 60 T pulsed magnets. While the superconducting phase diagram (Tc, x) displays the classic dome-shaped structure, we find that the resistive upper critical field (Hc2) increases monotonically with decreasing fluorine concentration, with the largest Hc2 >= 75 T for x = 0.05. This is reminiscent of the composition dependence in high-Tc cuprates and might correlate with opening of a pseudo-gap in the underdoped region. Further, the temperature dependence of Hc2(T) for superconducting samples can be understood in terms of multi-band superconductivity. Rxy data for non-superconducting samples show non-linear field dependence, which is also consistent with a multi-carrier scenario.
236 - Y. Kohama , Y. Kamihara , S. Riggs 2008
The electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient of LaFeAsO0.95F0.05 polycrystalline samples were measured in pulsed magnetic fields up to m0H = 60 T from room temperature to 1.5 K. The resistance of the normal state shows a negative temperature coefficient (dr/dT < 0) below 70 K for this composition, indicating insulating ground state in underdoped LaFeAsO system in contrast to heavily doped compound. The charge carrier density obtained from Hall effect can be described as constant plus a thermally activated term with an energy gap DE = 630 K. Upper critical field, Hc2, estimated from resistivity measurements, exceeds 75 T with zero-field Tc = 26.3 K, suggesting an unconventional nature for superconductivity.

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