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142 - J. Gustafson , K. Abe , Y. Haga 2015
A search for dinucleon decay into pions with the Super-Kamiokande detector has been performed with an exposure of 282.1 kiloton-years. Dinucleon decay is a process that violates baryon number by two units. We present the first search for dinucleon decay to pions in a large water Cherenkov detector. The modes $^{16}$O$(pp) rightarrow$ $^{14}$C$pi^{+}pi^{+}$, $^{16}$O$(pn) rightarrow$ $^{14}$N$pi^{+}pi^{0}$, and $^{16}$O$(nn) rightarrow$ $^{14}$O$pi^{0}pi^{0}$ are investigated. No significant excess in the Super-Kamiokande data has been found, so a lower limit on the lifetime of the process per oxygen nucleus is determined. These limits are: $tau_{pprightarrowpi^{+}pi^{+}} > 7.22 times 10^{31}$ years, $tau_{pnrightarrowpi^{+}pi^{0}} > 1.70 times 10^{32}$ years, and $tau_{nnrightarrowpi^{0}pi^{0}} > 4.04 times 10^{32}$ years. The lower limits on each mode are about two orders of magnitude better than previous limits from searches for dinucleon decay in iron.
When a superconductor is heated above its critical temperature $T_c$, macroscopic coherence vanishes, leaving behind droplets of thermally fluctuating Cooper pair. This superconducting fluctuation effect above $T_c$ has been investigated for many decades and its influence on the transport, thermoelectric and thermodynamic quantities in most superconductors is well understood by the standard Gaussian fluctuation theories. The transverse thermoelectric (Nernst) effect is particularly sensitive to the fluctuations, and the large Nernst signal found in the pseudogap regime of the underdoped high-$T_c$ cuprates has raised much debate on its connection to the origin of superconductivity. Here we report on the observation of a colossal Nernst signal due to the superconducting fluctuations in the heavy-fermion superconductor URu$_2$Si$_2$. The Nernst coefficient is enhanced by as large as one million times over the theoretically expected value within the standard framework of superconducting fluctuations. This, for the first time in any known material, results in a sizeable thermomagnetic figure of merit approaching unity. Moreover, contrary to the conventional wisdom, the enhancement in the Nernst signal is more significant with the reduction of the impurity scattering rate. This anomalous Nernst effect intimately reflects the highly unusual superconducting state embedded in the so-called hidden-order phase of URu$_2$Si$_2$. The results invoke possible chiral or Berry-phase fluctuations originated from the topological aspect of this superconductor, which are associated with the effective magnetic field intrinsically induced by broken time-reversal symmetry of the superconducting order parameter.
A search for neutrino oscillations induced by Lorentz violation has been performed using 4,438 live-days of Super-Kamiokande atmospheric neutrino data. The Lorentz violation is included in addition to standard three-flavor oscillations using the non-perturbative Standard Model Extension (SME), allowing the use of the full range of neutrino path lengths, ranging from 15 to 12,800 km, and energies ranging from 100 MeV to more than 100 TeV in the search. No evidence of Lorentz violation was observed, so limits are set on the renormalizable isotropic SME coefficients in the $emu$, $mutau$, and $etau$ sectors, improving the existing limits by up to seven orders of magnitude and setting limits for the first time in the neutrino $mutau$ sector of the SME.
We present limits on sterile neutrino mixing using 4,438 live-days of atmospheric neutrino data from the Super-Kamiokande experiment. We search for fast oscillations driven by an eV$^2$-scale mass splitting and for oscillations into sterile neutrinos instead of tau neutrinos at the atmospheric mass splitting. When performing both these searches we assume that the sterile mass splitting is large, allowing $sin^2(Delta m^2 L/4E)$ to be approximated as $0.5$, and we assume that there is no mixing between electron neutrinos and sterile neutrinos ($|U_{e4}|^2 = 0$). No evidence of sterile oscillations is seen and we limit $|U_{mu4}|^2$ to less than 0.041 and $|U_{tau4}|^2$ to less than 0.18 for $Delta m^2 > 0.8$ eV$^2$ at the 90% C.L. in a 3+1 framework. The approximations that can be made with atmospheric neutrinos allow these limits to be easily applied to 3+N models, and we provide our results in a generic format to allow comparisons with other sterile neutrino models.
163 - V. Takhistov , K. Abe , Y. Haga 2014
The trilepton nucleon decay modes $p rightarrow e^+ u u$ and $p rightarrow mu^+ u u$ violate $|Delta (B - L)|$ by two units. Using data from a 273.4 kiloton year exposure of Super-Kamiokande a search for these decays yields a fit consistent with no signal. Accordingly, lower limits on the partial lifetimes of $tau_{p rightarrow e^+ u u} > 1.7 times 10^{32}$ years and $tau_{p rightarrow mu^+ u u} > 2.2 times 10^{32}$ years at a $90 % $ confidence level are obtained. These limits can constrain Grand Unified Theories which allow for such processes.
We have grown the new uranium compound URhIn$_5$ with the tetragonal HoCoGa$_5$-type by the In self flux method. In contrast to the nonmagnetic ground state of the isoelectronic analogue URhGa$_5$, URhIn$_5$ is an antiferromagnet with antiferromagnetic transition temperature $T_{rm N}$ = 98 K. The moderately large electronic specific heat coefficient $gamma$ = 50 mJ/K$^2$mol demonstrates the contribution of 5$f$ electrons to the conduction band. On the other hand, magnetic susceptibility in the paramagnetic state roughly follows a Curie-Weiss law with a paramagnetic effective moment corresponding to a localized uranium ion. The crossover from localized to itinerant character at low temperature may occur around the characteristic temperature 150 K where the magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity show a marked anomaly.
We report on measurements of the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth of a very high quality single crystal of nonmagnetic superconductor LaPt3Si without inversion symmetry. The results are compared with those previously reported for the isostructural antiferromagnetic superconductor CePt3Si. At low temperatures, the penetration depth follows a BCS exponential behavior that implies an isotropic energy gap in LaPt3Si, in contrast to a linear response that indicates line nodes in CePt3Si. These line nodes have been argued to be protected by symmetry or accidentally generated by parity mixing. The present results provide support for the viewpoint that parity mixing alone does not seem to lead to unconventionality in CePt3Si and that it requires the antiferromagnetic order to be included.
73 - A. Villaume , D. Aoki , Y. Haga 2007
The thermal expansion of the heavy fermion compound CeRh2Si2 has been measured under pressure as a function of temperature using strain gages. A large anomaly associated to the Neel temperature has been detected even above the suspected critical pressure Pc = 1.05 GPa where no indication of antiferromagnetism has been observed in calorimetry experiments sensitive to the entropy change. An unexpected feature is the pressure slowdown of the antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition by comparison to the fast pressure collapse predicted for homogeneous first order quantum phase transition with one unique pressure singularity at Pc. A large pressure dependance is observed in the anisotropy of the thermal expansion measured parallel or perpendicular to the c axis of this tetragonal crystal. The Fermi surface reconstruction associated to the first order transition produces quite different pressure response in the transport scattering measured along different crystallographic directions. A brief discussion is made on other examples of first order quantum transitions in strongly correlated electronic systems : MnSi and CeCoIn5.

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