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80 - Zhixin Wang , Xiu Gu , Lian-Ao Wu 2014
Although a universal quantum computer is still far from reach, the tremendous advances in controllable quantum devices, in particular with solid-state systems, make it possible to physically implement quantum simulators. Quantum simulators are physical setups able to simulate other quantum systems efficiently that are intractable on classical computers. Based on solid-state qubit systems with various types of nearest-neighbor interactions, we propose a complete set of algorithms for simulating pairing Hamiltonians. Fidelity of the target states corresponding to each algorithm is numerically studied. We also compare algorithms designed for different types of experimentally available Hamiltonians and analyze their complexity. Furthermore, we design a measurement scheme to extract energy spectra from the simulators. Our simulation algorithms might be feasible with state-of-the-art technology in solid-state quantum devices.
117 - Hui Wang , Xiu Gu , Yu-xi Liu 2014
Some optomechanical systems can be transparent to a probe field when a strong driving field is applied. These systems can provide an optomechanical analogue of electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT). We study the transmission of a probe field through a hybrid optomechanical system consisting of a cavity and a mechanical resonator with a two-level system (qubit). The qubit might be an intrinsic defect inside the mechanical resonator, a superconducting artificial atom, or another two-level system. The mechanical resonator is coupled to the cavity field via radiation pressure and to the qubit via the Jaynes-Cummings interaction. We find that the dressed two-level system and mechanical phonon can form two sets of three-level systems. Thus, there are two transparency windows in the discussed system. We interpret this effect as an optomechanical analog of two-color EIT (or double-EIT). We demonstrate how to switch between one and two EIT windows by changing the transition frequency of the qubit. We show that the absorption and dispersion of the system are mainly affected by the qubit-phonon coupling strength and the transition frequency of the qubit.

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