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116 - Y. Zhao , Z. Wan , X. Xu 2015
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is drawing increasing attention as an insulator and substrate material to develop next generation graphene-based electronic devices. In this paper, we investigate the quantum transport in heterostructures consisting of a few atomic layers thick hBN film sandwiched between graphene nanoribbon electrodes. We show a gate-controllable vertical transistor exhibiting strong negative differential resistance (NDR) effect with multiple resonant peaks, which stay pronounced for various device dimensions. We find two distinct mechanisms that are responsible for NDR, depending on the gate and applied biases, in the same device. The origin of first mechanism is a Fabry-Pe like interference and that of the second mechanism is an in-plane wave vector matching when the Dirac points of the electrodes align. The hBN layers can induce an asymmetry in the current-voltage characteristics which can be further modulated by an applied bias. We find that the electron-phonon scattering introduces the decoherence and therefore suppresses first mechanism whereas second mechanism remains relatively unaffected. We also show that the NDR features are tunable by varying device dimensions. The NDR feature with multiple resonant peaks, combined with the ultrafast tunneling speed provides prospect for the graphene-hBN-graphene heterostructure in the high-performance electronics.
100 - X. W. Liu , R. X. Xu , G. J. Qiao 2012
The very small braking index of PSR J1734-3333, $n=0.9pm0.2$, challenges the current theories of braking mechanisms in pulsars. We present a possible interpretation that this pulsar is surrounded by a fall-back disk and braked by it. A modified braking torque is proposed based on the competition between the magnetic energy density of a pulsar and the kinetic energy density of a fall-back disk. With this torque, a self-similar disk can fit all the observed parameters of PSR J1734-3333 with natural initial parameters. In this regime, the star will evolve to the region having anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma repeaters in the $P-dot{P}$ diagram in about 20000 years and stay there for a very long time. The mass of the disk around PSR J1734-3333 in our model is about $10M_{oplus}$, similar to the observed mass of the disk around AXP 4U 0142+61.
The origin of the 6.67 hr period X-ray source, 1E161348-5055, in the young supernova remnant RCW 103 is puzzling. We propose that it may be the descendant of a Thorne-Zytkow Object (TZO). A TZO may at its formation have a rapidly spinning neutron star as a core, and a slowly rotating envelope. We found that the core could be braked quickly to an extremely long spin period by the coupling between its magnetic field and the envelope, and that the envelope could be disrupted by some powerful bursts or exhausted via stellar wind. If the envelope is disrupted after the core has spun down, the core will become an extremely long-period compact object, with a slow proper motion speed, surrounded by a supernova-remnant-like shell. These features all agree with the observations of 1E161348-5055. TZOs are expected to have produced extraordinary high abundances of lithium and rapid proton process elements that would remain in the remnants and could be used to test this scenario.
To investigate the missing compact star of Supernova 1987A, we analyzed both the cooling and the heating processes of a possible compact star based on the upper limit of observational X-ray luminosity. From the cooling process we found that a solid quark-cluster star, which has a stiffer equation of state than that of conventional liquid quark star, has a heat capacity much smaller than a neutron star. It can cool down quickly, which can naturally explain the non-detection of a point source (neutron star or quark star) in X-ray band. On the other hand, we consider the heating process from magnetospheric activity and possible accretion, and obtain some constraints to the parameters of a possible pulsar. We conclude that a solid quark-cluster star can be fine with the observational limit in a large and acceptable parameter space. A pulsar with a short period and a strong magnetic field (or with a long period and a weak field) would has luminosity higher than the luminosity limit if the optical depth is not large enough to hide the compact star. The constraints of the pulsar parameters can be tested if the central compact object in 1987A is discovered by advanced facilities in the future.
56 - X. H. Cui , R. X. Xu 2011
We analyze the emission plateaus in the X-ray afterglow lightcurves of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and in the optical lightcurves of Type II superpernovae (SNe IIP) in order to study whether they have similar late energy injection behaviors. We show that correlations of bolometric energies (or luminosities) between the prompt explosions and the plateaus for the two phenomena are similar. The Type II SNe are in the low energy end of the GRBs. The bolometric energies (or luminosities) in prompt phase E_{rm expl} (or L_{rm expl}) and in plateau phase E_{rm plateau} (or L_{rm plateau}) share relations of E_{rm expl} propto E_{rm plateau}^{0.73pm 0.14} and L_{rm expl} propto L_{rm plateau}^{sim 0.70}. These results may indicate a similar late energy injection behavior to reproduce the observed plateaus of the plateaus in the two phenomena.
119 - X. Xu , M. White , N. Padmanabhan 2010
We introduce a new statistic omega_l for measuring and analyzing large-scale structure and particularly the baryon acoustic oscillations. omega_l is a band-filtered, configuration space statistic that is easily implemented and has advantages over the traditional power spectrum and correlation function estimators. Unlike these estimators, omega_l can localize most of the acoustic information into a single dip at the acoustic scale while also avoiding sensitivity to the poorly constrained large scale power (i.e., the integral constraint) through the use of a localized and compensated filter. It is also sensitive to anisotropic clustering through pair counting and does not require any binning. We measure the shift in the acoustic peak due to nonlinear effects using the monopole omega_0 derived from subsampled dark matter catalogues as well as from mock galaxy catalogues created via halo occupation distribution (HOD) modeling. All of these are drawn from 44 realizations of 1024^3 particle dark matter simulations in a 1h^{-1}Gpc box at z=1. We compare these shifts with those obtained from the power spectrum and conclude that the results agree. This indicates that any distance measurements obtained from omega_0 and P(k) will be consistent with each other. We also show that it is possible to extract the same amount of acoustic information using either omega_0 or P(k) from equal volume surveys.
We report a detailed magnetotransport study of the highly anisotropic quasi-one-dimensional oxide Li$_{0.9}$Mo$_6$O$_{17}$ whose in-chain electrical resistivity diverges below a temperature $T_{rm min} sim$ 25 K. For $T < T_{rm min}$, a magnetic field applied parallel to the conducting chain induces a large negative magnetoresistance and ultimately, the recovery of a metallic state. We show evidence that this insulator/metal crossover is a consequence of field-induced suppression of a density-wave gap in a highly one-dimensional conductor. At the highest fields studied, there is evidence for the possible emergence of a novel superconducting state with an onset temperature $T_c >$ 10 K.

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