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We report the discovery of HAT-P-56b by the HATNet survey, an inflated hot Jupiter transiting a bright F type star in Field 0 of NASAs K2 mission. We combine ground-based discovery and follow-up light curves with high precision photometry from K2, as well as ground-based radial velocities from TRES on the FLWO 1.5m telescope to determine the physical properties of this system. HAT-P-56b has a mass of $2.18 M_J$, radius of $1.47 R_J$, and transits its host star on a near-grazing orbit with a period of 2.7908 d. The radius of HAT-P-56b is among the largest known for a planet with $M_p > 2 M_J$. The host star has a V-band magnitude of 10.9, mass of 1.30 $M_odot$, and radius of 1.43 $R_odot$. The periodogram of the K2 light curve suggests the star is a $gamma$ Dor variable. HAT-P-56b is an example of a ground-based discovery of a transiting planet, where space-based observations greatly improve the confidence in the confirmation of its planetary nature, and also improve the accuracy of the planetary parameters.
We show that the extended main sequence turnoffs seen in intermediate age Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) clusters, often attributed to age spreads of several hundred Myr, may be easily accounted for by variable stellar rotation in a coeval population. We compute synthetic photometry for grids of rotating stellar evolution models and interpolate them to produce isochrones at a variety of rotation rates and orientations. An extended main sequence turnoff naturally appears in color-magnitude diagrams at ages just under 1 Gyr, peaks in extent between ~1 and 1.5 Gyr, and gradually disappears by around 2 Gyr in age. We then fit our interpolated isochrones by eye to four LMC clusters with very extended main sequence turnoffs: NGC 1783, 1806, 1846, and 1987. In each case, stellar populations with a single age and metallicity can comfortably account for the observed extent of the turnoff region. The new stellar models predict almost no correlation of turnoff color with rotational vsini: the red edge of the turnoff is populated by a combination of slow rotators and edge-on rapid rotators.
344 - S. X. Huang , Jian Kang , Fei Chen 2014
The B20 magnets with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (D-M) interaction exhibit spin helix and Skyrmion spin textures unattainable in traditional Heisenberg ferromagnets. We have determined the intrinsic resistivity of the spin helix, which is a macroscopic Bloch domain wall, in B20 (Fe-Co)Si magnets. We found a universal resistance ratio of gamma = 1.35 with current parallel and perpendicular to the helix, independent of composition and temperature. This gamma value is much smaller than 3, the well-known minimum value for domain wall resistivity in traditional ferromagnets, due to the significant spin-orbit coupling in the B20 magnets.
The B20 chiral magnets with broken inversion symmetry and C4 rotation symmetry have attracted much attention. The broken inversion symmetry leads to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya that gives rise to the helical and Skyrmion states. We report the unusual magnetoresistance (MR) of B20 chiral magnet Fe0.85Co0.15Si that directly reveals the broken C4 rotation symmetry. We present a microscopic theory, a minimal theory with two spin-orbit terms, that satisfies all the symmetry requirements and accounts for the transport experiments.
Hilbert-Huang transform is a method that has been introduced recently to decompose nonlinear, nonstationary time series into a sum of different modes, each one having a characteristic frequency. Here we show the first successful application of this approach to homogeneous turbulence time series. We associate each mode to dissipation, inertial range and integral scales. We then generalize this approach in order to characterize the scaling intermittency of turbulence in the inertial range, in an amplitude-frequency space. The new method is first validated using fractional Brownian motion simulations. We then obtain a 2D amplitude-frequency representation of the pdf of turbulent fluctuations with a scaling trend, and we show how multifractal exponents can be retrieved using this approach. We also find that the log-Poisson distribution fits the velocity amplitude pdf better than the lognormal distribution.
121 - X. Huang , W. Dietsche , M. Hauser 2012
We study ring shaped (Corbino) devices made of bilayer two-dimensional electron gases in the total filling factor one quantized Hall phase which is considered to be a coherent BCS-like state of interlayer excitons. Identical Josephson currents are observed at the two edges while only a negligible conductance between them is found. The maximum Josephson current observed at either edge can be controlled by passing a second interlayer Josephson current at the other edge. Due to the large electric resistance between the two edges, the interaction between them can only be mediated by the neutral interlayer excitonic groundstate.
We report the discovery of a multiply lensed Ly Alpha (Lya) emitter at z = 3.90 behind the massive galaxy cluster WARPS J1415.1+3612 at z = 1.026. Images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope(HST) using ACS reveal a complex lensing system that produces a prominent, highly magnified arc and a triplet of smaller arcs grouped tightly around a spectroscopically confirmed cluster member. Spectroscopic observations using FOCAS on Subaru confirm strong Lya emission in the source galaxy and provide redshifts for more than 21 cluster members, from which we obtain a velocity dispersion of 807+/-185 km/s. Assuming a singular isothermal sphere profile, the mass within the Einstein ring (7.13+/-0.38) corresponds to a central velocity dispersion of 686+15-19 km/s for the cluster, consistent with the value estimated from cluster member redshifts. Our mass profile estimate from combining strong lensing and dynamical analyses is in good agreement with both X-ray and weak lensing results.
The superconducting gap in FeAs-based superconductor SmFeAs(O1-xFx) (x = 0.15 and 0.30) and the temperature dependence of the sample with x = 0.15 have been measured by Andreev reflection spectroscopy. The intrinsic superconducting gap is independent of contacts while many other gap-like features vary appreciably for different contacts. The determined gap value of 2D = 13.34 +/-0.47 meV for SmFeAs(O0.85F0.15) gives 2D/kBTC = 3.68, close to the BCS prediction of 3.53. The superconducting gap decreases with temperature and vanishes at TC, in a manner similar to the BCS behavior but dramatically different from that of the nodal pseudogap behavior in cuprate superconductors.
We look for $DeltaDelta$ and $NDelta$ resonances by calculating $NN$ scattering phase shifts of two interacting baryon clusters of quarks with explicit coupling to these dibaryon channels. Two phenomenological nonrelativistic chiral quark models giving similar low-energy $NN$ properties are found to give significantly different dibaryon resonance structures. In the chiral quark model (ChQM), the dibaryon system does not resonate in the $NN$ $S$-waves, in agreement with the experimental SP07 $NN$ partial-wave scattering amplitudes. In the quark delocalization and color screening model (QDCSM), the $S$-wave NN resonances disappear when the nucleon size $b$ falls below 0.53 fm. Both quark models give an $IJ^P = 03^+$ $DeltaDelta$ resonance. At $b=0.52 $fm, the value favored by baryon spectrum, the resonance mass is 2390 (2420) MeV for the ChQM with quadratic (linear) confinement, and 2360 MeV for the QDCSM. Accessible from the $^3D_3^{NN}$ channel, this resonance is a promising candidate for the known isoscalar ABC structure seen more clearly in the $pn$$to $$dpipi$ production cross section at 2410 MeV in the recent preliminary data reported by the CELSIUS-WASA Collaboration. In the isovector dibaryon sector, our quark models give a bound or almost bound $^5S_2^{DeltaDelta}$ state that can give rise to a $^1D_2^{NN}$ resonance. None of the quark models used has bound $NDelta$ $P$-states that might generate odd-parity resonances.
110 - X. Huang , E. Szirmai , F. Gebhard 2008
We investigate the half-filled Hubbard chain with additional nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor spin exchange, J1 and J2, using bosonization and the density-matrix renormalization group. For J2 = 0 we find a spin-density-wave phase for all positive values of the Hubbard interaction U and the Heisenberg exchange J1. A frustrating spin exchange J2 induces a bond-order-wave phase. For some values of J1, J2 and U, we observe a spin-gapped metallic Luther-Emery phase.

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