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127 - Ta Khongsap , Weiqiang Wang 2009
We introduce an odd double affine Hecke algebra (DaHa) generated by a classical Weyl group W and two skew-polynomial subalgebras of anticommuting generators. This algebra is shown to be Morita equivalent to another new DaHa which are generated by W and two polynomial-Clifford subalgebras. There is yet a third algebra containing a spin Weyl group algebra which is Morita (super)equivalent to the above two algebras. We establish the PBW properties and construct Verma-type representations via Dunkl operators for these algebras.
137 - Ta Khongsap , Weiqiang Wang 2008
The notion of rational spin double affine Hecke algebras (sDaHa) and rational double affine Hecke-Clifford algebras (DaHCa) associated to classical Weyl groups are introduced. The basic properties of these algebras such as the PBW basis and Dunkl operator representations are established. An algebra isomorphism relating the rational DaHCa to the rational sDaHa is obtained. We further develop a link between the usual rational Cherednik algebra and the rational sDaHa by introducing a notion of rational covering double affine Hecke algebras.
We formulate a general super duality conjecture on connections between parabolic categories O of modules over Lie superalgebras and Lie algebras of type A, based on a Fock space formalism of their Kazhdan-Lusztig theories which was initiated by Brundan. We show that the Brundan-Kazhdan-Lusztig (BKL) polynomials for Lie superalgebra gl(m|n) in our parabolic setup can be identified with the usual parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. We establish some special cases of the BKL conjecture on the parabolic category O of gl(m|n)-modules and additional results which support the BKL conjecture and super duality conjecture.
We examine in detail the Jacobi-Trudi characters over the ortho-symplectic Lie superalgebras spo(2|2m+1) and spo(2n|3). We furthermore relate them to Serganovas notion of Euler characters.
125 - Ta Khongsap , Weiqiang Wang 2007
Associated to the classical Weyl groups, we introduce the notion of degenerate spin affine Hecke algebras and affine Hecke-Clifford algebras. For these algebras, we establish the PBW properties, formulate the intertwiners, and describe the centers. We further develop connections of these algebras with the usual degenerate (i.e. graded) affine Hecke algebras of Lusztig by introducing a notion of degenerate covering affine Hecke algebras.
Bloch and Okounkov introduced an $n$-point correlation function on the fermionic Fock space and found a closed formula in terms of theta functions. This function affords several distinguished interpretations and in particular can be formulated as correlation functions on irreducible $hat{gl}_infty$-modules of level one. These correlation functions have been generalized for irreducible integrable modules of $hat{gl}_infty$ and its classical Lie subalgebras of positive levels by the authors. In this paper we extend further these results and compute the correlation functions as well as the $q$-dimensions for modules of $hat{gl}_infty$ and its classical subalgebras at negative levels.

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