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We show that the Wigner-Bargmann program of grounding non-relativistic quantum mechanics in the unitary projective representations of the Galilei group can be extended to include all non-inertial reference frames. The key concept is the emph{Galilean line group}, the group of transformations that ties together all accelerating reference frames, and its representations. These representations are constructed under the natural constraint that they reduce to the well-known unitary, projective representations of the Galilei group when the transformations are restricted to inertial reference frames. This constraint can be accommodated only for a class of representations with a sufficiently rich cocycle structure. Unlike the projective representations of the Galilei group, these cocycle representations of the Galilean line group do not correspond to central extensions of the group. Rather, they correspond to a class of non-associative extensions, known as emph{loop prolongations}, that are determined by three-cocycles. As an application, we show that the phase shifts due to the rotation of the earth that have been observed in neutron interferometry experiments and the rotational effects that lead to simulated magnetic fields in optical lattices can be rigorously derived from the representations of the loop prolongations of the Galilean line group.
This is the fourth in a series of papers on developing a formulation of quantum mechanics in non-inertial reference frames. This formulation is grounded in a class of unitary cocycle representations of what we have called the Galilean line group, the generalization of the Galilei group to include transformations amongst non-inertial reference frames. These representations show that in quantum mechanics, just as the case in classical mechanics, the transformations to accelerating reference frames give rise to fictitious forces. In previous work, we have shown that there exist representations of the Galilean line group that uphold the non-relativistic equivalence principle as well as representations that violate the equivalence principle. In these previous studies, the focus was on linear accelerations. In this paper, we undertake an extension of the formulation to include rotational accelarations. We show that the incorporation of rotational accelerations requires a class of emph{loop prolongations} of the Galilean line group and their unitary cocycle representations. We recover the centrifugal and Coriolis force effects from these loop representations. Loops are more general than groups in that their multiplication law need not be associative. Hence, our broad theoretical claim is that a Galilean quantum theory that holds in arbitrary non-inertial reference frames requires going beyond groups and group representations, the well-stablished framework for implementing symmetry transformations in quantum mechanics.
In previous work we have developed a formulation of quantum mechanics in non-inertial reference frames. This formulation is grounded in a class of unitary cocycle representations of what we have called the Galilean line group, the generalization of the Galilei group that includes transformations amongst non-inertial reference frames. These representations show that in quantum mechanics, just as is the case in classical mechanics, the transformations to accelerating reference frames give rise to fictitious forces. A special feature of these previously constructed representations is that they all respect the non-relativistic equivalence principle, wherein the fictitious forces associated with linear acceleration can equivalently be described by gravitational forces. In this paper we exhibit a large class of cocycle representations of the Galilean line group that violate the equivalence principle. Nevertheless the classical mechanics analogue of these cocycle representations all respect the equivalence principle.
We shortly review point-form quantum field theory, i.e. the canonical quantization of a relativistic field theory on a Lorentz-invariant surface of the form $x_mu x^mu = tau^2$. As an example of how point-form quantum field theory may enter the framework of relativistic quantum mechanics we discuss the calculation of the electromagnetic form factor of a confined quark-antiquark pair (e.g. the pion).
We examine canonical quantization of relativistic field theories on the forward hyperboloid, a Lorentz-invariant surface of the form $x_mu x^mu = tau^2$. This choice of quantization surface implies that all components of the 4-momentum operator are affected by interactions (if present), whereas rotation and boost generators remain interaction free -- a feature characteristic of Diracs `` point-formrqrq of relativistic dynamics. Unlike previous attempts to quantize fields on space-time hyperboloids, we keep the usual plane-wave expansion of the field operators and consider evolution of the system generated by the 4-momentum operator. We verify that the Fock-space representations of the Poincare generators for free scalar and spin-1/2 fields look the same as for equal-time quantization. Scattering is formulated for interacting fields in a covariant interaction picture and it is shown that the familiar perturbative expansion of the S-operator is recovered by our approach. An appendix analyzes special distributions, integrals over the forward hyperboloid, that are used repeatedly in the paper.

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