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112 - Y. Li , W. Yuan , H. Y. Zhou 2014
We report the finding of an unobscured type II Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) candidate, SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 at a relatively high redshift of 0.601,which shows a number of unusual properties. It varies significantly on timescales of years as typical type I AGNs and marginally on timescales of weeks. The color-magnitude relation and the structure function are also consistent with that of type I AGNs, which imply that its variability likely originates from the black hole accretion system .However, no broad emission line is detected in the SDSS spectrum, and the upper limit of the equivalent width of the H$rm beta$ broad emission line is much less than that of type I AGNs. These properties suggest that SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 may be an unobscured quasar without broad emission lines intrinsically, namely an unobscured type II AGN or true type II AGN. Furthermore, its continuum luminosity is at least one order of magnitude fainter than the average value of thepast century expected from the [OIII] emission line. It indicates that SDSS J012032.19-005501.9 may be switching off. Additional possible scenarios to explain this intriguing source are also discussed. Future deep observations at multi-wavelengths are needed to reveal the nature of this peculiar and intriguing AGN.
241 - W. Yuan 2014
We report on Chandra X-ray observations of four candidate low-mass black hole (<10^6Msun) active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that have the estimated Eddington ratios among the lowest (~10^(-2)) found for this class. The aims are to validate the nature of their AGNs and to confirm the low Eddington ratios that are derived from the broad H_alpha line, and to explore this poorly studied regime in the AGN parameter space. Among them, two objects with the lowest significance of the broad lines are also observed with Multi-Mirror Telescope, and the high-quality optical spectra taken confirm them as Seyfert 1 AGNs and as having small black hole masses. X-ray emission is detected from the nuclei of two of the galaxies, which is variable on timescales of 10^3s, whereas no significant (or only marginal at best) detection is found for the remaining two. The X-ray luminosities are on the order of 10^(41) ergs/s or even lower, on the order of 10^(40) ergs/s for non-detections, which are among the lowest regimes ever probed for Seyfert galaxies. The low X-ray luminosities, compared to their black hole masses derived from H_alpha, confirm their low accretion rates assuming typical bolometric corrections. Our results hint at the existence of a possibly large population of under-luminous low-mass black holes in the local universe. An off-nucleus ultra-luminous X-ray source (ULX) in one of the dwarf galaxies is detected serendipitously, with a luminosity (6-9)x10^(39) ergs/s in 2-10 keV.
101 - Y. L. Ai , W. Yuan , H. Zhou 2013
The ensemble optical/ultraviolet variability of narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) type active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is investigated, based on a sample selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe-82 region with multi-epoch photometric scanning data. As a comparison a control sample of broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLS1) type AGNs is also incorporated. To quantify properly the intrinsic variation amplitudes and their uncertainties, a novel method of parametric maximum-likelihood is introduced, that has, as we argued, certain virtues over previously used methods. The majority of NLS1-type AGNs exhibit significant variability on timescales from about ten days to a few years with, however, on average smaller amplitudes compared to BLS1-type AGNs. About 20 NLS1- type AGNs showing relatively large variations are presented, that may deserve future monitoring observations, for instance, reverberation mapping. The averaged structure functions of variability, constructed using the same maximumlikelihood method, show remarkable similarity in shape for the two types of AGNs on timescales longer than about 10 days, which can be approximated by a power-law or an exponential function. This, along with other similar properties, such as the wavelength-dependent variability, are indicative of a common dominant mechanism responsible for the long-term optical/UV variability of both NLS1- and BLS1-type AGNs. Towards the short timescales, however, there is tentative evidence that the structure function of NLS1-type AGNs continues declining, whereas that of BLS1-type AGNs flattens with some residual variability on timescales of days. If this can be confirmed, it may suggest that an alternative mechanism, such as X-ray reprocessing, starts to become dominating in BLS1-type AGNs, but not in NLS1-, on such timescales.
The truncation of an optically thick, geometrically thin accretion disk is investigated in the context of low luminosity AGN (LLAGN). We generalize the disk evaporation model used in the interpretative framework of black hole X-ray binaries by including the effect of a magnetic field in accretion disks surrounding supermassive black holes. The critical transition mass accretion rate for which the disk is truncated is found to be insensitive to magnetic effects, but its inclusion leads to a smaller truncation radius in comparison to a model without its consideration. That is, a thin viscous disk is truncated for LLAGN at an Eddington ratio less than 0.03 for a standard viscosity parameter ($alpha = 0.3$). An increase of the viscosity parameter results in a higher critical transition mass accretion rate and a correspondingly smaller truncation distance, the latter accentuated by greater magnetic energy densities in the disk. Based on these results, the truncation radii inferred from spectral fits of LLAGN published in the literature are consistent with the disk evaporation model. The infrared emission arising from the truncated geometrically thin accretion disks may be responsible for the red bump seen in such LLAGN.
282 - Y. L. Ai , W. Yuan , H. Y. Zhou 2010
Narrow-line Seyfert,1 galaxies (NLS1s) with very small broad-line widths (say, FWHM(hb) $la $ 1200,kms) represent the extreme type of Seyfert,1 galaxies that have small black hole masses (mbh) and/or high Eddington ratios (redd). Here we study the X-ray properties of a homogeneously and optically selected sample of 13 such objects, termed as very narrow line Seyfert,1 galaxies (VNLS1s), using archival xmm data. It is found that the Fe K$alpha$ emission line is at most weak in these objects. A soft X-ray excess is ubiquitous, with the thermal temperatures falling within a strict range of 0.1--0.2,keV. Our result highlights the puzzling independence of the thermal temperature by extending the relations to even smaller FWHM(hb), i.e., smaller mbh ($sim 10^6$ msun) and/or higher redd. The excess emission can be modeled by a range of viable models, though the disk reflection and Comptonization models generally give somewhat better fits over the smeared absorption and the $p$-free models. At the Eddington ratios around unity and above, the X-ray spectral slopes in the 2--10,keV band are systematically flatter than the Risaliti et al.s predictions of the relationship with redd suggested previously. Short timescale (1--2 hours) X-ray variability is common, which, together with the variability amplitude computed for some of the objects, are supportive of the scenario that NLS1s are indeed AGN with relatively small mbh.
199 - Y. L. Ai , W. Yuan , H. Y. Zhou 2010
The dependence of the long-term optical/UV variability on the spectral and the fundamental physical parameters for radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is investigated. The multi-epoch repeated photometric scanning data in the Stripe-82 region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are exploited for two comparative AGN samples (mostly quasars) selected therein, a broad-line Seyfert,1 (BLS1) type sample and a narrow-line Seyfert,1 (NLS1) type AGN sample within redshifts 0.3--0.8. Their spectral parameters are derived from the SDSS spectroscopic data. It is found that on rest-frame timescales of several years the NLS1-type AGNs show systematically smaller variability compared to the BLS1-type. In fact, the variability amplitude is found to correlate, though only moderately, with the Eigenvector,1 parameters, i.e., the smaller the hb linewidth, the weaker the [O,III] and the stronger the feii emission, the smaller the variability amplitude is. Moreover, an interesting inverse correlation is found between the variability and the Eddington ratio, which is perhaps more fundamental. The previously known dependence of the variability on luminosity is not significant, and that on black hole mass---as claimed in recent papers and also present in our data---fades out when controlling for the Eddington ratio in the correlation analysis, though these may be partly due to the limited ranges of luminosity and black hole mass of our samples. Our result strongly supports that an accretion disk is likely to play a major role in producing the opitcal/UV variability.
100 - W. Yuan 2008
(abridged) We present a comprehensive study of a sample of 23 genuine radio-loud NLS1 galaxies which have the radio-loudness parameters greater than 100. The radio sources of the sample are ubiquitously compact. A significant fraction of these objects show interesting radio to X-ray properties that are unusual to most of the previously known radio-loud NLS1 AGN, but are reminiscent of blazars. These include flat radio spectra, large amplitude flux and spectral variability, compact VLBI cores, very high brightness temperatures derived from variability, enhanced optical emission in excess of the normal ionising continuum, flat X-ray spectra, and blazar-like SEDs. We interpret them as evidence for the postulated blazar nature of these very radio-loud NLS1 AGN, which might possess at least moderately relativistic jets. Intrinsically, some of the objects have relatively low radio power and would have been classified as radio-intermediate AGN. The black hole masses are estimated to be within 10^{6-8}Msun, and the inferred Eddington ratios are around unity. The results imply that radio-loud AGN may be powered by black holes with moderate masses (10^{6-7}Msun) accreting at high rates. We find that a significant fraction of the objects, despite having strong emission lines, resemble high-energy peaked BL Lacs (HBL) in their SED. Given the peculiarities of blazar-like NLS1 galaxies, questions arise as to whether they are plain downsizing extensions of normal radio-loud AGN, or whether they form a previously unrecognised population.

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