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88 - M. Henze , W. Pietsch , F. Haberl 2013
[Abridged] Classical novae (CNe) represent the major class of supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) in the central region of our neighbouring galaxy M31. We performed a dedicated monitoring of the M31 central region, aimed to detect SSS counterparts of CNe, with XMM-Newton and Chandra between Nov and Mar of the years 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. In total we detected 24 novae in X-rays. Seven of these sources were known from previous observations, including the M31 nova with the longest SSS phase, M31N~1996-08b, which was found to fade below our X-ray detection limit 13.8 yr after outburst. Of the new discoveries several novae exhibit significant variability in their short-term X-ray light curves with one object showing a suspected period of about 1.3 h. We studied the SSS state of the most recent outburst of a recurrent nova which had previously shown the shortest time ever observed between two outbursts (about 5 yr). The total number of M31 novae with X-ray counterpart was increased to 79 and we subjected this extended catalogue to detailed statistical studies. Four previously indicated correlations between optical and X-ray parameters could be confirmed and improved. We found indications that the multi-dimensional parameter space of nova properties might be dominated by a single physical parameter. We discuss evidence for a different X-ray behaviour of novae in the M31 bulge and disk. Exploration of the multi-wavelength parameter space of optical and X-ray measurements is shown to be a powerful tool for examining properties of extragalactic nova populations. While there are hints that the different stellar populations of M31 (bulge vs disk) produce dissimilar nova outbursts, there is also growing evidence that the overall behaviour of an average nova might be understood in surprisingly simple terms.
90 - R. Sturm , F. Haberl , W. Pietsch 2013
Local-Group galaxies provide access to samples of X-ray source populations of whole galaxies. The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) completely covers the bar and eastern wing with a 5.6 deg^2 area in the (0.2-12.0) keV band. To characterise the X-ray sources in the SMC field, we created a catalogue of point sources and sources with moderate extent. Sources with high extent (>40) have been presented in a companion paper. We searched for point sources in the EPIC images using sliding-box and maximum-likelihood techniques and classified the sources using hardness ratios, X-ray variability, and their multi-wavelength properties. The catalogue comprises 3053 unique X-ray sources with a median position uncertainty of 1.3 down to a flux limit for point sources of ~10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1 in the (0.2-4.5) keV band, corresponding to 5x10^33 erg s^-1 for sources in the SMC. We discuss statistical properties, like the spatial distribution, X-ray colour diagrams, luminosity functions, and time variability. We identified 49 SMC high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXB), four super-soft X-ray sources (SSS), 34 foreground stars, and 72 active galactic nuclei (AGN) behind the SMC. In addition, we found candidates for SMC HMXBs (45) and faint SSSs (8) as well as AGN (2092) and galaxy clusters (13). We present the most up-to-date catalogue of the X-ray source population in the SMC field. In particular, the known population of X-ray binaries is greatly increased. We find that the bright-end slope of the luminosity function of Be/X-ray binaries significantly deviates from the expected universal high-mass X-ray binary luminosity function.
135 - F. Hofmann , W. Pietsch , M. Henze 2013
[Abridged] The central field of the Andromeda galaxy (M 31) has been monitored, using the Chandra HRC-I detector (about 0.1-10 keV energy range) from 2006 to 2012 with the main aim to detect X-rays from optical novae. We present a systematic analysis of all X-ray sources found in the 41 nova monitoring observations, along with 23 M 31 central field HRC-I observations available from the Chandra data archive starting in December 1999. Based on these observations, we studied the X-ray long-term variability of the source population and especially of X-ray binaries in M 31. We created a catalogue of sources, detected in the 64 available observations, which add up to a total exposure of about 1 Ms. We present a point-source catalogue, containing 318 X-ray sources with detailed long-term variability information, 28 of which are published for the first time. The spatial and temporal resolution of the catalogue allows us to classify 115 X-ray binary candidates showing high X-ray variability or even outbursts in addition to 14 globular cluster X-ray binary candidates showing no significant variability. The analysis may suggest, that outburst sources are less frequent in globular clusters than in the field of M 31. We detected 7 supernova remnants, one of which is a new candidate and in addition resolved the first X-rays from a known radio supernova remnant. Besides 33 known optical nova/X-ray source correlations, we also discovered one previously unknown super-soft X-ray outburst and several new nova candidates. The catalogue contains a large sample of detailed long-term X-ray light curves in the M 31 central field, which helps to understand the X-ray population of our neighbouring spiral galaxy M 31.
94 - M. Henze , W. Pietsch , F. Haberl 2012
[Abridged] Classical novae (CNe) represent the main class of supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) in the central region of our neighbouring galaxy M 31. Only three confirmed novae and three SSSs have been discovered in globular clusters (GCs) of any galaxy so far, of which one nova and two SSSs (including the nova) were found in M 31 GCs. To study the SSS state of CNe we carried out a high-cadence X-ray monitoring of the M 31 central area with XMM-Newton and Chandra. We analysed X-ray and optical data of a new transient X-ray source in the M 31 GC Bol 126, discovered serendipitously in Swift observations. Our optical data set was based on regular M 31 monitoring programmes from five different small telescopes. Additionally, we made use of Pan-STARRS 1 data obtained during the PAndromeda survey. Our observations reveal that the X-ray source in Bol 126 is the third SSS in an M 31 GC and can be confirmed as the second CN in the M 31 GC system. This nova is named M31N 2010-10f. Its properties in the X-ray and optical regimes agree with a massive white dwarf (M_WD >~ 1.3 M_sun) in the binary system. Incorporating the data on previously found (suspected) novae in M 31 GCs we used our high-cadence X-ray monitoring observations to estimate a tentative nova rate in the M 31 GC system of 0.05 /yr/GC. An optical estimate, based on the recent 10.5-year WeCAPP survey, gives a lower nova rate, which is compatible with the X-ray rate on the 95% confidence level. There is growing evidence that the nova rate in GCs is higher than expected from primordial binary formation and under conditions as in the field. Dynamical binary formation and/or additional accretion from the intracluster medium are possible scenarios for an increased nova rate, but observational confirmation for this enhancement has been absent, so far. Regular X-ray monitoring observations of M 31 provide a promising strategy to find these novae.
157 - R. Sturm , F. Haberl , W. Pietsch 2011
The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) hosts a large number of Be/X-ray binaries, however no Be/white dwarf system is known so far, although population synthesis calculations predict that they might be more frequent than Be/neutron star systems. XMMUJ010147.5-715550 was found as a new faint super-soft X-ray source (SSS) with a likely Be star optical counterpart. We investigate the nature of this system and search for further high-absorbed candidates in the SMC. We analysed the XMM-Newton X-ray spectrum and light curve, optical photometry, and the I-band OGLE III light curve. The X-ray spectrum is well represented by black-body and white dwarf atmosphere models with highly model-dependent temperature between 20 and 100 eV. The likely optical counterpart AzV 281 showed low near infrared emission during X-ray activity, followed by a brightening in the I-band afterwards. We find further candidates for high-absorbed SSSs with a blue star as counterpart. We discuss XMMUJ010147.5-715550 as the first candidate for a Be/white dwarf binary system in the SMC.
105 - M. Henze , W. Pietsch , F. Haberl 2010
[Abridged] Classical novae (CNe) represent the major class of supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) in the central region of our neighbouring galaxy M 31. We performed a dedicated monitoring of the M 31 central region with XMM-Newton and Chandra between Nov 2007 and Feb 2008 and between Nov 2008 and Feb 2009 respectively, in order to find SSS counterparts of CNe, determine the duration of their SSS phase and derive physical outburst parameters. We systematically searched our data for X-ray counterparts of CNe and determined their X-ray light curves and spectral properties. We detected in total 17 X-ray counterparts of CNe in M 31, only four of which were known previously. These latter sources are still active 12.5, 11.0, 7.4 and 4.8 years after the optical outburst. From the 17 X-ray counterparts 13 were classified as SSSs. Four novae displayed short SSS phases (< 100 d). Based on these results and previous studies we compiled a catalogue of all novae with SSS counterparts in M 31 known so far. We used this catalogue to derive correlations between the following X-ray and optical nova parameters: turn-on time, turn-off time, effective temperature (X-ray), t2 decay time and expansion velocity of the ejected envelope (optical). Furthermore, we found a first hint for the existence of a difference between SSS parameters of novae associated with the stellar populations of the M 31 bulge and disk. Additionally, we conducted a Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulation on the intrinsic fraction of novae with SSS phase. This simulation showed that the relatively high fraction of novae without detected SSS emission might be explained by the inevitably incomplete coverage with X-ray observations in combination with a large fraction of novae with short SSS states, as expected from the WD mass distribution. In order to verify our results with an increased sample further monitoring observations are needed.
133 - M. Henze , W. Pietsch , F. Haberl 2009
Classical novae (CNe) have been found to represent the major class of supersoft X-ray sources (SSS) in our neighbour galaxy M 31. We determine properties and evolution of the two first SSSs ever discovered in the M 31 globular cluster (GC) system. We have used XMM-Newton, Chandra and Swift observations of the centre region of M 31 to discover both SSS and to determine their X-ray light curves and spectra. We performed detailed analysis of XMM-Newton EPIC PN spectra of the source in Bol 111 (SS1) using blackbody and NLTE white dwarf (WD) atmosphere models. For the SSS in Bol 194 (SS2) we used optical monitoring data to search for an optical counterpart. Both GC X-ray sources were classified as SSS. We identify SS1 with the CN M31N 2007-06b recently discovered in the M 31 GC Bol 111. For SS2 we did not find evidence for a recent nova outburst and can only provide useful constraints on the time of the outburst of a hypothetical nova. The only known CN in a M 31 GC can be identified with the first SSS found in a M31 GC. We discuss the impact of our observations on the nova rate for the M 31 GC system.
Chandra data of the X-ray source [PMH2004] 47 were obtained in the ACIS Survey of M 33 (ChASeM33) in 2006. During one of the observations, the source varied from a high state to a low state and back, in two other observations it varied from a low state to respectively intermediate states. These transitions are interpreted as eclipse ingress and egresses of a compact object in a high mass X-ray binary system. The phase of mid eclipse is given by HJD 2453997.476+-0.006, the eclipse half angle is 30.6+-1.2 degree. Adding XMM-Newton observations of [PMH2004] 47 in 2001 we determine the binary period to be 1.732479+-0.000027 d. This period is also consistent with ROSAT HRI observations of the source in 1994. No short term periodicity compatible with a rotation period of the compact object is detected. There are indications for a long term variability similar to that detected for Her X-1. During the high state the spectrum of the source is hard (power law spectrum with photon index ~0.85) with an unabsorbed luminosity of 2E37 erg/cm2/s (0.2-4.5 keV). We identify as an optical counterpart a V ~ 21.0mag star with T_eff > 19000 K, log(g) > 2.5. CFHT optical light curves for this star show an ellipsoidal variation with the same period as the X-ray light curve. The optical light curve together with the X-ray eclipse can be modeled by a compact object with a mass consistent with a neutron star or a black hole in a high mass X-ray binary. However, the hard power law X-ray spectrum favors a neutron star as the compact object in this second eclipsing X-ray binary in M 33. Assuming a neutron star with a canonical mass of 1.4 M_sun and the best fit companion temperature of 33000 K, a system inclination i = 72 degree and a companion mass of 10.9 M_sun are implied.
Aims: We present a study of the diffuse X-ray emission in the halo and the disc of the starburst galaxy NGC 253. Methods: After removing point-like sources, we analysed XMM-Newton images, hardness ratio maps and spectra from several regions in the halo and the disc. We introduce a method to produce vignetting corrected images from the EPIC pn data, and we developed a procedure that allows a correct background treatment for low surface brightness spectra, using a local background, together with closed filter observations. Results: Most of the emission from the halo is at energies below 1 keV. In the disc, also emission at higher energies is present. The extent of the diffuse emission along the major axis of the disc is 13.6 kpc. The halo resembles a horn structure and reaches out to ~9 kpc perpendicular to the disc. Disc regions that cover star forming regions, like spiral arms, show harder spectra than regions with lower star forming activity. Models for spectral fits of the disc regions need at least three components: two thermal plasmas with solar abundances plus a power law and galactic foreground absorption. Temperatures are between 0.1 and 0.3 keV and between 0.3 and 0.9 keV for the soft and the hard component, respectively. The power law component may indicate an unresolved contribution from X-ray binaries in the disc. The halo emission is not uniform, neither spatially nor spectrally. The southeastern halo is softer than the northwestern halo. To model the spectra in the halo, we needed two thermal plasmas with solar abundances plus galactic foreground absorption. Temperatures are around 0.1 and 0.3 keV. A comparison between X-ray and UV emission shows that both originate from the same regions.
391 - R. Voss 2008
The purpose of this study is to find transient X-ray sources in M31, and to investigate and classify their nature. Three X-ray transients were observed with Swift. For each of the three X-ray transients we use the Swift X-ray and optical data together with observations from XMM-Newton and Chandra to investigate the lightcurves and the spectra of the outburst, and thereby to identify the source types. The outburst of XMMU J004215.8+411924 lasted for about one month. The source had a hard power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.6. It was previously identified as a Be/X-ray binary based on the optical identification with a star. However, we show that with improved source coordinates it is clear that the optical source is not the counterpart to the X-ray source. The source SWIFT J004217.3+411532 had a bright outburst, after which it slowly decayed over half a year. The spectrum was soft, corresponding to a thermal accretion disk with innermost temperature of 250-600 eV. The source was not seen in the optical, and the soft spectrum indicates that the source is most likely a black hole low mass X-ray binary. M31N 2006-11a is a nova that was previously observed in the optical. We detected it both in X-rays and UV with Swift half a year after the optical maximum, after which it decayed below the Swift detection threshold within a month. The spectrum of the X-ray transient can be modelled by a black-body with a temperature of 50 eV. We use catalogues of X-ray transients in M31 to estimate their rate, and we find a lower limit of 9/yr.

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