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The intermediate valence compound YbAl$_3$ is known to undergo a hybridization process between itinerant and localized electrons. The resulting heavy Fermi liquid remains non-magnetic and non-superconducting. A microscopic understanding of the hybridization process in YbAl$_3$ is still lacking although some characteristic temperature and energy scales have been identified. Here we report results from novel spectroscopic measurements based on quasiparticle scattering. From the conductance spectra taken over a wide temperature range, we deduce that the band renormalization and hybridization process begins around 110 K, causing the conductance enhancement with a Fano background. This temperature, a new scale found in this work, is much higher than the coherence temperature (34 K). Our observation is in agreement with the slow crossover scenario discussed recently in the literature. The indirect hybridization gap appears to open concomitantly with the emergence of a coherent Fermi liquid. Thus, we suggest its measurement as a more rigorous way to define the coherence temperature than just taking the temperature for a resistivity peak.
We use point contact spectroscopy to probe $rm{AEFe_2As_2}$ ($rm{AE=Ca, Sr, Ba}$) and $rm{Fe_{1+y}Te}$. For $rm{AE=Sr, Ba}$ we detect orbital fluctuations above $T_S$ while for AE=Ca these fluctuations start below $T_S$. Co doping preserves the orbital fluctuations while K doping suppresses it. The fluctuations are only seen at those dopings and temperatures where an in-plane resistive anisotropy is known to exist. We predict an in-plane resistive anisotropy of $rm{Fe_{1+y}Te}$ above $T_S$. Our data are examined in light of the recent work by W.-C. Lee and P. Phillips (arXiv:1110.5917v2). We also study how joule heating in the PCS junctions impacts the spectra. Spectroscopic information is only obtained from those PCS junctions that are free of heating effects while those PCS junctions that are in the thermal regime display bulk resistivity phenomenon.
The nature of the second order phase transition that occurs in URu2Si2 at 17.5 K remains puzzling despite intensive research over the past two and half decades. A key question emerging in the field is whether a hybridization gap between the renormalized bands can be identified as the long-sought hidden order parameter. We report on the measurement of a hybridization gap in URu2Si2 employing a spectroscopic technique based on quasiparticle scattering across a ballistic metallic junction. The differential conductance exhibits an asymmetric double-peak structure, a clear signature for a Fano resonance in a Kondo lattice. The extracted hybridization gap opens well above the transition temperature, indicating that it is not the hidden order parameter. Our results put stringent constraints on the origin of the hidden order transition in URu2Si2 and demonstrate that quasiparticle scattering spectroscopy can probe the band renormalizations in a Kondo lattice via detection of a novel type of Fano resonance.
Point contact spectroscopy reveals a gap-like feature above the magnetic and structural transition temperatures for underdoped $Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_x)_2As_2$, $SrFe_2As_2$ and $Fe_{1+y}Te$. The conductance spectrum starts showing an enhancement at temperatures as high as 177 K for $BaFe_2As_2$ ($T_N$ $sim$ 132 K) and 250 K for $SrFe_2As_2$ ($T_N$ $sim$ 192 K). Possible origins for this enhancement are discussed in light of recent experimental claims of nematicity in these materials. We construct a modified phase diagram for Co-doped Ba122 showing a gap-like feature existing above $T_N$ and $T_S$ for the underdoped regime.
92 - Xin Lu , W. K. Park , H. Q. Yuan 2009
Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy (PCARS) is applied to investigate the gap structure in iron pnictide single crystal superconductors of the AFe_2As_2 (A=Ba, Sr) family (Fe-122). The observed point-contact junction conductance curves, G(V), can be divided into two categories: one where Andreev reflection is present for both (Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4})Fe_2As_2 and Ba(Fe_{0.9}Co_{0.1})_2As_2, and the other with a V^{2/3} background conductance universally observed extending even up to 100 meV for Sr_{0.6}Na_{0.4}Fe_2As_2 and Sr(Fe_{0.9}Co_{0.1})_2As_2. The latter is also observed in point-contact junctions on the nonsuperconducting parent compound BaFe_2As_2. Mesoscopic phase-separated coexistence of magnetic and superconducting orders is considered to explain distinct behaviors in the superconducting samples. For Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4}Fe_2As_2, double peaks due to Andreev reflection with strongly-sloping background are frequently observed for point-contacts on freshly-cleaved c-axis surfaces. If normalized by a background baseline and analyzed by the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk model, the data show a gap size ~3.0-4.0 meV with 2Delta_0/k_BT_c ~ 2.0-2.6, consistent with the smaller gap size reported in the LnFeAsO family (Fe-1111). For the Ba(Fe_{0.9}Co_{0.1})_2As_2, G(V) curves typically display a zero-bias conductance peak.
Our previous point-contact Andreev reflection studies of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn$_5$ using Au tips have shown two clear features: reduced Andreev signal and asymmetric background conductance [1]. To explore their physical origins, we have extended our measurements to point-contact junctions between single crystalline heavy-fermion metals and superconducting Nb tips. Differential conductance spectra are taken on junctions with three heavy-fermion metals, CeCoIn$_5$, CeRhIn$_5$, and YbAl$_3$, each with different electron mass. In contrast with Au/CeCoIn$_5$ junctions, Andreev signal is not reduced and no dependence on effective mass is observed. A possible explanation based on a two-fluid picture for heavy fermions is proposed. [1] W. K. Park et al., Phys. Rev. B 72 052509 (2005); W. K. Park et al., Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5932 59321Q (2005); W. K. Park et al., Physica C (in press) (cond-mat/0606535).

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