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We investigate entanglement purification protocols based on hashing, where a large number of noisy entangled pairs is jointly processed to obtain a reduced number of perfect, noiseless copies. While hashing and breeding protocols are the only purification protocols that asymptotically obtain a nonzero yield, they are not applicable in a realistic scenario if local gates and measurements are imperfect. We show that such problems can be overcome by a compact measurement-based implementation, yielding entanglement purification schemes with nonzero yield that are applicable also in noisy scenarios, with tolerable noise per particle of several percent. We also generalize these findings to multiparty purification protocols for arbitrary graph states.
We present a hybrid scheme for quantum computation that combines the modular structure of elementary building blocks used in the circuit model with the advantages of a measurement-based approach to quantum computation. We show how to construct optimal resource states of minimal size to implement elementary building blocks for encoded quantum computation in a measurement-based way, including states for error correction and encoded gates. The performance of the scheme is determined by the quality of the resource states, where within this error model we find a threshold of the order of 10% local noise per particle for fault-tolerant quantum computation and quantum communication.
We investigate measurement-based entanglement purification protocols (EPP) in the presence of local noise and imperfections. We derive a universal, protocol-independent threshold for the required quality of the local resource states, where we show that local noise per particle of up to 24% is tolerable. This corresponds to an increase of the noise threshold by almost an order of magnitude, based on the joint measurement-based implementation of sequential rounds of few-particle EPP. We generalize our results to multipartite EPP, where we encounter similarly high error thresholds.
We introduce measurement-based quantum repeaters, where small-scale measurement-based quantum processors are used to perform entanglement purification and entanglement swapping in a long-range quantum communication protocol. In the scheme, pre-prepared entangled states stored at intermediate repeater stations are coupled with incoming photons by simple Bell-measurements, without the need of performing additional quantum gates or measurements. We show how to construct the required resource states, and how to minimize their size. We analyze the performance of the scheme under noise and imperfections, with focus on small-scale implementations involving entangled states of few qubits. We find measurement-based purification protocols with significantly improved noise thresholds. Furthermore we show that already resource states of small size suffice to significantly increase the maximal communication distance. We also discuss possible advantages of our scheme for different set-ups.
We give efficient quantum algorithms to estimate the partition function of (i) the six vertex model on a two-dimensional (2D) square lattice, (ii) the Ising model with magnetic fields on a planar graph, (iii) the Potts model on a quasi 2D square lattice, and (iv) the Z_2 lattice gauge theory on a three-dimensional square lattice. Moreover, we prove that these problems are BQP-complete, that is, that estimating these partition functions is as hard as simulating arbitrary quantum computation. The results are proven for a complex parameter regime of the models. The proofs are based on a mapping relating partition functions to quantum circuits introduced in [Van den Nest et al., Phys. Rev. A 80, 052334 (2009)] and extended here.
In our recent work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 230502 (2009)] we showed that the partition function of all classical spin models, including all discrete standard statistical models and all Abelian discrete lattice gauge theories (LGTs), can be expressed as a special instance of the partition function of a 4-dimensional pure LGT with gauge group Z_2 (4D Z_2 LGT). This provides a unification of models with apparently very different features into a single complete model. The result uses an equality between the Hamilton function of any classical spin model and the Hamilton function of a model with all possible k-body Ising-type interactions, for all k, which we also prove. Here, we elaborate on the proof of the result, and we illustrate it by computing quantities of a specific model as a function of the partition function of the 4D Z_2 LGT. The result also allows one to establish a new method to compute the mean-field theory of Z_2 LGTs with d > 3, and to show that computing the partition function of the 4D Z_2 LGT is computationally hard (#P hard). The proof uses techniques from quantum information.
Quantum computation offers a promising new kind of information processing, where the non-classical features of quantum mechanics can be harnessed and exploited. A number of models of quantum computation exist, including the now well-studied quantum circuit model. Although these models have been shown to be formally equivalent, their underlying elementary concepts and the requirements for their practical realization can differ significantly. The new paradigm of measurement-based quantum computation, where the processing of quantum information takes place by rounds of simple measurements on qubits prepared in a highly entangled state, is particularly exciting in this regard. In this article we discuss a number of recent developments in measurement-based quantum computation in both fundamental and practical issues, in particular regarding the power of quantum computation, the protection against noise (fault tolerance) and steps toward experimental realization. Moreover, we highlight a number of surprising connections between this field and other branches of physics and mathematics.
We present general mappings between classical spin systems and quantum physics. More precisely, we show how to express partition functions and correlation functions of arbitrary classical spin models as inner products between quantum stabilizer states and product states, thereby generalizing mappings for some specific models established in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117207 (2007)]. For Ising- and Potts-type models with and without external magnetic field, we show how the entanglement features of the corresponding stabilizer states are related to the interaction pattern of the classical model, while the choice of product states encodes the details of interaction. These mappings establish a link between the fields of classical statistical mechanics and quantum information theory, which we utilize to transfer techniques and methods developed in one field to gain insight into the other. For example, we use quantum information techniques to recover well known duality relations and local symmetries of classical models in a simple way, and provide new classical simulation methods to simulate certain types of classical spin models. We show that in this way all inhomogeneous models of q-dimensional spins with pairwise interaction pattern specified by a graph of bounded tree-width can be simulated efficiently. Finally, we show relations between classical spin models and measurement-based quantum computation.
We show that the partition function of all classical spin models, including all discrete Standard Statistical Models and all abelian discrete Lattice Gauge Theories (LGTs), can be expressed as a special instance of the partition function of the 4D Z_2 LGT. In this way, all classical spin models with apparently very different features are unified in a single complete model, and a physical relation between all models is established. As applications of this result, we present a new method to do mean field theory for abelian discrete LGTs with d>3, and we show that the computation of the partition function of the 4D Z_2 LGT is a computationally hard (#P-hard) problem. We also extend our results to abelian continuous models, where we show the approximate completeness of the 4D Z_2 LGT. All results are proven using quantum information techniques.
Recently, a framework was established to systematically construct novel universal resource states for measurement-based quantum computation using techniques involving finitely correlated states. With these methods, universal states were found which are in certain ways much less entangled than the original cluster state model, and it was hence believed that with this approach many of the extremal entanglement features of the cluster states could be relaxed. The new resources were constructed as computationally universal states--i.e. they allow one to efficiently reproduce the classical output of each quantum computation--whereas the cluster states are universal in a stronger sense since they are universal state preparators. Here we show that the new resources are universal state preparators after all, and must therefore exhibit a whole class of extremal entanglement features, similar to the cluster states.

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