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Superbubbles are crucial for stellar feedback, with supposedly high (of the order of 10 per cent) thermalization rates. We combined multiband radio continuum observations from the Very Large Array (VLA) with Effelsberg data to study the non-thermal superbubble (NSB) in IC 10, a starburst dwarf irregular galaxy in the Local Group. Thermal emission was subtracted using a combination of Balmer H$alpha$ and VLA 32 GHz continuum maps. The bubbles non-thermal spectrum between 1.5 and 8.8 GHz displays curvature and can be well fitted with a standard model of an ageing cosmic ray electron population. With a derived equipartition magnetic field strength of $44pm 8 rmmu G$, and measuring the radiation energy density from Spitzer MIPS maps as $5pm 1times 10^{-11} rm erg, cm^{-3}$, we determine, based on the spectral curvature, a spectral age of the bubble of $1.0pm 0.3 rm Myr$. Analysis of the LITTLE THINGS HI data cube shows an expanding HI hole with 100 pc diameter and a dynamical age of $3.8pm 0.3 rm Myr$, centred to within 16 pc on IC 10 X-1, a massive stellar mass black hole ($M > 23 M_odot$). The results are consistent with the expected evolution for a superbubble with a few massive stars, where a very energetic event like a Type Ic supernova/hypernova has taken place about 1 Myr ago. We discuss alternatives to this interpretation.
100 - Volker Heesen 2014
We study the spatially resolved Radio Continuum-Star Formation Rate (RC-SFR) relation using state-of-the-art star-formation (SF) tracers in a sample of 17 THINGS galaxies. We use hybrid Sigma_SFR maps (GALEX FUV plus Spitzer 24 mu), RC maps at 22/18 cm from the WSRT SINGS survey, and H-alpha maps to correct for thermal RC emission. We compare azimuthally averaged radial profiles of the RC and FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR maps and study pixel-by-pixel correlations at fixed linear scales of 1.2 and 0.7 kpc. The ratio of the integrated SFRs from the RC emission to that of the FUV/MIR-based SF tracers is R_int = 0.78 +/- 0.38, consistent with Condons relation. We find a tight correlation between the radial profiles of the radio and FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR for the entire extent of the disk. The ratio R of the azimuthally averaged radio to FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR agrees with the integrated ratio with only small quasi-random fluctuations as function of radius. Pixel-by-pixel plots show a tight correlation in log-log diagrams of radio to FUV/MIR-based Sigma_SFR, with a typical standard deviation of a factor of two. Averaged over our sample we find (Sigma_SFR)_RC ~ (Sigma_SFR)_hyb^{0.63+/-0.25} implying that data points with high Sigma_SFR are relatively radio dim, whereas the reverse is true for low Sigma_SFR. We interpret this as a result of spectral ageing of CRe, which is supported by the radio spectral index: data points dominated by young CRe are relatively radio dim, those dominated by old CRe are relatively radio bright. The ratio of radio to FUV/MIR-based integrated SFR is independent of global galaxy parameters, suggesting that we can use RC emission as a universal SF tracer for galaxies, if we restrict ourselves to global or azimuthally averaged measurements. A magnetic field-SFR relation, B ~ SFR_hyb^{0.30+/-0.02}, holding both globally and locally, can explain our results. (abridged)
167 - Volker Heesen 2014
In the framework of hierarchical structure formation AGN feedback shapes the galaxy luminosity function. Low luminosity, galaxy-scale double radio sources are ideal targets to investigate the interplay between AGN feedback and star formation. We use VLA and BIMA observations to study the radio continuum emission of NGC 3801 between 1.4 and 112.4 GHz. We find a prominent spectral break at ~10 GHz, where the spectrum steepens as expected from cosmic-ray electron (CRe) ageing. Using the equipartition magnetic field and fitting JP models locally we create a spatially resolved map of the spectral age of the CRe population. The spectral age of tau_int = 2.0 +/- 0.2 Myr agrees within a factor of two with the dynamical age of the expanding X-ray emitting shells. The spectral age varies only little across the lobes, requiring an effective mixing process of the CRe such as a convective backflow of magnetized plasma. The jet termination points have a slightly younger CRe spectral age, hinting at in-situ CRe re-acceleration. Our findings support the scenario where the supersonically expanding radio lobes heat the ISM of NGC 3801 via shock waves, and, as their energy is comparable to the energy of the ISM, are clearly able to influence the galaxys further evolution.
125 - Volker Heesen 2011
Magnetic fields are a good tracer for gas compression by shock waves, which can be caused by interaction of star-formation driven outflows from individual star formation sites as described in the chimney model. We study the magnetic field structure in the central part of the nuclear starburst galaxy NGC 253 with spatial resolutions between 40 and 150 pc to detect any filamentary emission associated with the nuclear outflow. New VLA observations at 3 cm with 7.5 resolution were combined with archive data at 20 and 6 cm. We find filamentary radio continuum emission in a geometrical distribution that we interpret as the boundary of the northwestern nuclear outflow cone. The scaleheight of the continuum emission is 150+/-20 pc, regardless of the observing frequency. The equipartition magnetic field strength is 46+/-10 microG for the total field and 21+/-5 microG for the regular field in the filaments. The ordered magnetic field is aligned along the filaments, in agreement with amplification due to compression. The perpendicular diffusion coefficient across the filaments is kappa_perp = 1.5 x 10^28 cm^2 s^-1 E(GeV)^(0.5+/-0.7). In the SE part of the nuclear outflow cone the magnetic field is pointing away from the disc in form of a helix, with an azimuthal component increasing up to at least 1200 pc height, where it is about equal to the total component. The ordered magnetic field in the disc is anisotropic within a radius of 2.2 kpc. At larger radii, the large-scale field is regular and of even parity. The magnetic field is able to collimate the outflow, which can explain the observed small opening angle of ~26 degree. Due to angular momentum conservation, the field lines are frozen into the plasma and are wound up into a helix. Strong adiabatic losses of the cosmic-ray electrons can partly explain why the radio luminosity of the nucleus lies below the radio-FIR correlation.
99 - Volker Heesen 2011
We exploit the vastly increased sensitivity of the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) to study the radio continuum and polarization properties of the post-starburst, dwarf irregular galaxy IC10 at 6 cm, at a linear resolution of ~50 pc. We find close agreement between radio continuum and Halpha emission, from the brightest HII regions to the weaker emission in the disk. A quantitative analysis shows a strictly linear correlation, where the thermal component contributes 50% to the total radio emission, the remainder being due to a non-thermal component with a surprisingly steep radio spectral index of between -0.7 and -1.0 suggesting substantial radiation losses of the cosmic-ray electrons. We confirm and clearly resolve polarized emission at the 10-20% level associated with a non-thermal superbubble, where the ordered magnetic field is possibly enhanced due to the compression of the expanding bubble. A fraction of the cosmic-ray electrons has likely escaped because the measured radio emission is a factor of 3 lower than what is suggested by the Halpha inferred SFR.
Magnetic fields on a range of scales play a large role in the ecosystems of galaxies, both in the galactic disk and in the extended layers of gas away from the plane. Observing magnetic field strength, structure and orientation is complex, and necessarily indirect. Observational data of magnetic fields in the halo of the Milky Way are scarce, and non-conclusive about the large-scale structure of the field. In external galaxies, various large-scale configurations of magnetic fields are measured, but many uncertainties about exact configurations and their origin remain. There is a strong interaction between magnetic fields and other components in the interstellar medium such as ionized and neutral gas and cosmic rays. The energy densities of these components are comparable on large scales, indicating that magnetic fields are not passive tracers but that magnetic field feedback on the other interstellar medium components needs to be taken into account.
194 - Volker Heesen 2009
Radio halos require the coexistence of extra-planar cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Because cosmic rays are injected and accelerated by processes related to star formation in the disk, they have to be transported from the disk into the halo. A vertical large-scale magnetic field can significantly enhance this transport. We observed NGC 253 using radio continuum polarimetry with the Effelsberg and VLA telescopes. The radio halo of NGC 253 has a dumbbell shape with the smallest vertical extension near the center. With an estimate for the electron lifetime, we measured the cosmic-ray bulk speed as 300+/-30 km/s which is constant over the extent of the disk. This shows the presence of a disk wind in NGC 253. We propose that the large-scale magnetic field is the superposition of a disk (r,phi) and a halo (r,z) component. The disk field is an inward-pointing spiral with even parity. The conical (even) halo field appears in projection as an X-shaped structure, as observed in other edge-on galaxies. Interaction by compression in the walls of the superbubbles may explain the observed alignment between the halo field and the lobes of hot Halpha- and soft X-ray emitting gas. The disk wind is a good candidate for the transport of small-scale helical fields, required for efficient dynamo action, and as a source for the neutral hydrogen observed in the halo.

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