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Let F be a global field and A its ring of adeles. Let G:=SL(2). We study the bilinear form B on the space of K-finite smooth compactly supported functions on G(A )/G(F) defined by the formula B (f,g):=B(f,g)-(M^{-1}CT (f),CT (g)), where B is the usual scalar product, CT is the constant term operator, and M is the standard intertwiner. This form is natural from the viewpoint of the geometric Langlands program. To justify this claim, we provide a dictionary between the classical and geometric theory of automorphic forms. We also show that the form B is related to S. Schieders Picard-Lefschetz oscillators.
We give a new proof of Bradens theorem ([Br]) about emph{hyperbolic restrictions} of constructible sheaves/D-modules. The main geometric ingredient in the proof is a 1-parameter family that degenerates a given scheme Z equipped with a G_m-action to the product of the attractor and repeller loci.
In this article we formulate and prove the main theorems of the theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0. In particular, we show that every admissible pair for such a group G gives rise to an L-packet of character sheaves on G, and that, conversely, every L-packet of character sheaves on G arises from a (non-unique) admissible pair. In the appendices we discuss two abstract category theory patterns related to the study of character sheaves. The first appendix sketches a theory of duality for monoidal categories, which generalizes the notion of a rigid monoidal category and is close in spirit to the Grothendieck-Verdier duality theory. In the second one we use a topological field theory approach to define the canonical braided monoidal structure and twist on the equivariant derived category of constructible sheaves on an algebraic group; moreover, we show that this category carries an action of the surface operad. The third appendix proves that the naive definition of the equivariant constructible derived category with respect to a unipotent algebraic group is equivalent to the correct one.
We characterize a natural class of modular categories of prime power Frobenius-Perron dimension as representation categories of twisted doubles of finite p-groups. We also show that a nilpotent braided fusion category C admits an analogue of the Sylow decomposition. If the simple objects of C have integral Frobenius-Perron dimensions then C is group-theoretical. As a consequence, we obtain that semisimple quasi-Hopf algebras of prime power dimension are group-theoretical. Our arguments are based on a reconstruction of twisted group doubles from Lagrangian subcategories of modular categories (this is reminiscent to the characterization of doubles of quasi-Lie bialgebras in terms of Manin pairs).

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