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We compute the Newton--Okounkov bodies of line bundles on the complete flag variety of GL_n for a geometric valuation coming from a flag of translated Schubert subvarieties. The Schubert subvarieties correspond to the terminal subwords in the decomposition (s_1)(s_2s_1)(s_3s_2s_1)(...)(s_{n-1}...s_1) of the longest element in the Weyl group. The resulting Newton--Okounkov bodies coincide with the Feigin--Fourier--Littelmann--Vinberg polytopes in type A.
We describe an elementary convex geometric algorithm for realizing Schubert cycles in complete flag varieties by unions of faces of polytopes. For GL_n and Gelfand--Zetlin polytopes, combinatorics of this algorithm coincides with that of the mitosis on pipe dreams introduced by Knutson and Miller. For Sp_4 and a Newton--Okounkov polytope of the symplectic flag variety, the algorithm yields a new combinatorial rule that extends to Sp_{2n}.
We define convex-geometric counterparts of divided difference (or Demazure) operators from the Schubert calculus and representation theory. These operators are used to construct inductively polytopes that capture Demazure characters of representations of reductive groups. In particular, Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes and twisted cubes of Grossberg-Karshon are obtained in a uniform way.
Given a spherical homogeneous space G/H of minimal rank, we provide a simple procedure to describe its embeddings as varieties with torus action in terms of divisorial fans. The torus in question is obtained as the identity component of the quotient group N/H, where N is the normalizer of H in G. The resulting Chow quotient is equal to (a blowup of) the simple toroidal compactification of G/(H N^0). In the horospherical case, for example, it is equal to a flag variety, and the slices (coefficients) of the divisorial fan are merely shifts of the colored fan along the colors.
We describe a new approach to the Schubert calculus on complete flag varieties using the volume polynomial associated with Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes. This approach allows us to compute the intersection products of Schubert cycles by intersecting faces of a polytope.
I construct a correspondence between the Schubert cycles on the variety of complete flags in C^n and some faces of the Gelfand-Zetlin polytope associated with the irreducible representation of SL_n(C) with a strictly dominant highest weight. The construction is based on a geometric presentation of Schubert cells by Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand using Demazure modules. The correspondence between the Schubert cycles and faces is then used to interpret the classical Chevalley formula in Schubert calculus in terms of the Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes. The whole picture resembles the picture for toric varieties and their polytopes.

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