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In the series of recent publications we have proposed a novel approach to the classification of integrable differential/difference equations in 3D based on the requirement that hydrodynamic reductions of the corresponding dispersionless limits are `inherited by the dispersive equations. In this paper we extend this to the fully discrete case. Our only constraint is that the initial ansatz possesses a non-degenerate dispersionless limit (this is the case for all known Hirota-type equations). Based on the method of deformations of hydrodynamic reductions, we classify discrete 3D integrable Hirota-type equations within various particularly interesting subclasses. Our method can be viewed as an alternative to the conventional multi-dimensional consistency approach.
We address the problem of classification of integrable differential-difference equations in 2+1 dimensions with one/two discrete variables. Our approach is based on the method of hydrodynamic reductions and its generalisation to dispersive equations. We obtain a number of classification results of scalar integrable equations including that of the intermediate long wave and Toda type.
We develop a theory of integrable dispersive deformations of 2+1 dimensional Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type following the scheme proposed by Dubrovin and his collaborators in 1+1 dimensions. Our results show that the multi-dimensional situation is far more rigid, and generic Hamiltonians are not deformable. As an illustration we discuss a particular class of two-component Hamiltonian systems, establishing the triviality of first order deformations and classifying Hamiltonians possessing nontrivial deformations of the second order.
We consider evolutionary equations of the form $u_t=F(u, w)$ where $w=D_x^{-1}D_yu$ is the nonlocality, and the right hand side $F$ is polynomial in the derivatives of $u$ and $w$. The recent paper cite{FMN} provides a complete list of integrable third order equations of this kind. Here we extend the classification to fifth order equations. Besides the known examples of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP), Veselov-Novikov (VN) and Harry Dym (HD) equations, as well as fifth order analogues and modifications thereof, our list contains a number of equations which are apparently new. We conjecture that our examples exhaust the list of scalar polynomial integrable equations with the nonlocality $w$. The classification procedure consists of two steps. First, we classify quasilinear systems which may (potentially) occur as dispersionless limits of integrable scalar evolutionary equations. After that we reconstruct dispersive terms based on the requirement of the inheritance of hydrodynamic reductions of the dispersionless limit by the full dispersive equation.
We classify integrable third order equations in 2+1 dimensions which generalize the examples of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili, Veselov-Novikov and Harry Dym equations. Our approach is based on the observation that dispersionless limits of integrable systems in 2+1 dimensions possess infinitely many multi-phase solutions coming from the so-called hydrodynamic reductions. %Conversely, the requirement of the existence of hydrodynamic reductions proves to be an efficient classification criterion. In this paper we adopt a novel perturbative approach to the classification problem. Based on the method of hydrodynamic reductions, we first classify integrable quasilinear systems which may (potentially) occur as dispersionless limits of soliton equations in 2+1 dimensions. To reconstruct dispersive deformations, we require that all hydrodynamic reductions of the dispersionless limit are inherited by the corresponding dispersive counterpart. This procedure leads to a complete list of integrable third order equations, some of which are apparently new.

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