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Stochastic matrices and positive maps in matrix algebras proved to be very important tools for analysing classical and quantum systems. In particular they represent a natural set of transformations for classical and quantum states, respectively. Here we introduce the notion of pseudo-stochastic matrices and consider their semigroup property. Unlike stochastic matrices, pseudo-stochastic matrices are permitted to have matrix elements which are negative while respecting the requirement that the sum of the elements of each column is one. They also allow for convex combinations, and carry a Lie group structure which permits the introduction of Lie algebra generators. The quantum analog of a pseudo-stochastic matrix exists and is called a pseudo-positive map. They have the property of transforming a subset of quantum states (characterized by maximal purity or minimal von Neumann entropy requirements) into quantum states. Examples of qubit dynamics connected with diamond sets of stochastic matrices and pseudo-positive maps are dealt with.
186 - M. Asorey , P. Facchi , V.I. Manko 2015
We elaborate on the notion of generalized tomograms, both in the classical and quantum domains. We construct a scheme of star-products of thick tomographic symbols and obtain in explicit form the kernels of classical and quantum generalized tomograms. Some of the new tomograms may have interesting applications in quantum optical tomography.
113 - A. Ibort , V.I. Manko , G. Marmo 2013
The existing relation between the tomographic description of quantum states and the convolution algebra of certain discrete groupoids represented on Hilbert spaces will be discussed. The realizations of groupoid algebras based on qudit, photon-number (Fock) states and symplectic tomography quantizers and dequantizers will be constructed. Conditions for identifying the convolution product of groupoid functions and the star--product arising from a quantization--dequantization scheme will be given. A tomographic approach to construct quasi--distributions out of suitable immersions of groupoids into Hilbert spaces will be formulated and, finally, intertwining kernels for such generalized symplectic tomograms will be evaluated explicitly.
119 - M. Asorey , P. Facchi , V.I. Manko 2012
Some non-linear generalizations of classical Radon tomography were recently introduced by M. Asorey et al [Phys. Rev. A 77, 042115 (2008), where the straight lines of the standard Radon map are replaced by quadratic curves (ellipses, hyperbolas, circles) or quadratic surfaces (ellipsoids, hyperboloids, spheres). We consider here the quantum version of this novel non-linear approach and obtain, by systematic use of the Weyl map, a tomographic encoding approach to quantum states. Non-linear quantum tomograms admit a simple formulation within the framework of the star-product quantization scheme and the reconstruction formulae of the density operators are explicitly given in a closed form, with an explicit construction of quantizers and dequantizers. The role of symmetry groups behind the generalized tomographic maps is analyzed in some detail. We also introduce new generalizations of the standard singular dequantizers of the symplectic tomographic schemes, where the Dirac delta-distributions of operator-valued arguments are replaced by smooth window functions, giving rise to the new concept of thick quantum tomography. Applications for quantum state measurements of photons and matter waves are discussed.
109 - V.I. Manko , G. Marmo , A. Porzio 2010
We experimentally verify uncertainty relations for mixed states in the tomographic representation by measuring the radiation field tomograms, i.e. homodyne distributions. Thermal states of single-mode radiation field are discussed in details as paradigm of mixed quantum state. By considering the connection between generalised uncertainty relations and optical tomograms is seen that the purity of the states can be retrieved by statistical analysis of the homodyne data. The purity parameter assumes a relevant role in quantum information where the effective fidelities of protocols depend critically on the purity of the information carrier states. In this contest the homodyne detector becomes an easy to handle purity-meter for the state on-line with a running quantum information protocol.
271 - P. Aniello , V.I. Manko , G. Marmo 2008
Using the notions of frame transform and of square integrable projective representation of a locally compact group $G$, we introduce a class of isometries (tight frame transforms) from the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators in the carrier Hilbert space of the representation into the space of square integrable functions on the direct product group $Gtimes G$. These transforms have remarkable properties. In particular, their ranges are reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces endowed with a suitable star product which mimics, at the level of functions, the original product of operators. A phase space formulation of quantum mechanics relying on the frame transforms introduced in the present paper, and the link of these maps with both the Wigner transform and the wavelet transform are discussed.

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