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We focus on the exceptional flaring activity of 3C 454.3 in November 2010 and we discuss a theoretical framework addressing all data in their overall evolution. For two weeks the source has shown a plateau of enhanced GeV emission preceding a sudden major flare lasting about 3 days before decaying. The gamma-ray flare onset is abrupt (about 6 hours), and is characterized by a prominent Compton dominance with the GeV flux exceeding the pre-flare values by a factor of 4-5, whereas the optical and X-ray fluxes increased only by a factor 2. We explore two alternatives. Case 1, with high-energy emission originating within the BLR; and Case 2, with most of it produced outside. We show that Case 1 has considerable problems in explaining the whole set of multifrequency data. Case 2, instead, leads to a consistent and interesting interpretation based on the enhanced inverse Compton radiation that is produced as the jet crashes onto a mirror cloud positioned at few parsec from the BH. This model explains the gamma-ray vs. optical/X-ray behavior of 3C 454.3, including the otherwise puzzling phenomena such as the prominent orphan optical flare, and the enhanced line emission with no appreciable gamma-ray counterpart that preceded the GeV flare. It also accounts for the delayed onset of the latter on top of the long plateau. Our modelling of the exceptional 3C 454.3 gamma-ray flare shows that, while emission inside the canonical BLR is problematic, major and rapid variations can be produced at parsec scales with moderate bulk Lorentz factors $Gammaapprox 15$.
We will present our study of the flux and spectral variability of the Crab above 100 MeV on different timescales ranging from days to weeks. In addition to the four main intense and day-long flares detected by AGILE and Fermi-LAT between Sept. 2007 and Sept. 2012, we find evidence for week-long and less intense episodes of enhanced gamma-ray emission that we call waves. Statistically significant waves show timescales of 1-2 weeks, and can occur by themselves or in association with shorter flares. The Sept. - Oct. 2007 gamma-ray enhancement episode detected by AGILE shows both wave and flaring behavior. We extend our analysis to the publicly available Fermi-LAT dataset and show that several additional wave episodes can be identified. We discuss the spectral properties of the September 2007 wave/flare event and show that the physical properties of the waves are intermediate between steady and flaring states. Plasma instabilities inducing waves appear to involve spatial distances $ l sim 10^{16} ,$cm and enhanced magnetic fields $B sim (0.5 - 1),$}mG. Day-long flares are characterized by smaller distances and larger local magnetic fields. Typically, the deduced total energy associated with the wave phenomenon ($E_w sim 10^{42} , rm erg$, where $E_w$ is the kinetic energy of the emitting particles) is comparable with that associated to the flares, and can reach a few percent of the total available pulsar spindown energy. Most likely, flares and waves are the product of the same class of plasma instabilities that we show acting on different timescales and radiation intensities.
The AGILE satellite detected several episodes of transient gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-3. Cross-correlating the AGILE light curve with both X-ray and radio monitoring data, we found that the main events of gamma-ray activity were detected while the system was in soft spectral X-ray states, that coincide with local and often sharp minima of the hard X-ray flux, a few days before intense radio outbursts. This repetitive temporal coincidence between the gamma-ray transient emission and spectral state changes of the source turns out to be the spectral signature of high-energy activity from this microquasar. The gamma-ray differential spectrum of Cygnus X-3 (100 MeV - 3 GeV), which was obtained by averaging the data collected by AGILE during the gamma-ray events, is consistent with a power law of photon index {alpha} = 2.0 +/- 0.2. Finally, we examined leptonic and hadronic emission models for the gamma-ray activity and found that both scenarios are valid. In particular, in the leptonic model - based on inverse Compton scatterings of mildly relativistic electrons on soft photons from both the Wolf-Rayet companion star and the accretion disk - the emitting particles may also contribute to the overall hard X-ray spectrum, possibly explaining the hard non-thermal power-law tail seen during special soft X-ray states in Cygnus X-3.
Gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula has been recently shown to be unsteady. In this paper, we study the flux and spectral variability of the Crab above 100 MeV on different timescales ranging from days to weeks. In addition to the four main intense and day-long flares detected by AGILE and Fermi-LAT between Sept. 2007 and Sept. 2012, we find evidence for week-long and less intense episodes of enhanced gamma-ray emission that we call waves. Statistically significant waves show timescales of 1-2 weeks, and can occur by themselves or in association with shorter flares. We present a refined flux and spectral analysis of the Sept. - Oct. 2007 gamma-ray enhancement episode detected by AGILE that shows both wave and flaring behavior. We extend our analysis to the publicly available Fermi-LAT dataset and show that several additional wave episodes can be identified. We discuss the spectral properties of the September 2007 wave/flare event and show that the physical properties of the waves are intermediate between steady and flaring states. Plasma instabilities inducing waves appear to involve spatial distances l sim 10^{16} cm and enhanced magnetic fields B sim (0.5 - 1) mG. Day-long flares are characterized by smaller distances and larger local magnetic fields. Typically, the deduced total energy associated with the wave phenomenon (E_w sim 10^{42} erg, where E_w is the kinetic energy of the emitting particles) is comparable with that associated to the flares, and can reach a few percent of the total available pulsar spindown energy. Most likely, flares and waves are the product of the same class of plasma instabilities that we show acting on different timescales and radiation intensities.
We present the AGILE-GRID monitoring of Cygnus X-3, during the period between November 2007 and July 2009. We report here the whole AGILE-GRID monitoring of Cygnus X-3 in the AGILE pointing mode data-taking, to confirm that the gamma-ray activity coincides with the same repetitive pattern of multiwavelength emission and to analyze in depth the overall gamma-ray spectrum by assuming both leptonic and hadronic scenarios. Seven intense gamma-ray events were detected in this period, with a typical event lasting one or two days. These durations are longer than the likely cooling times of the gamma-ray emitting particles, implying we see continuous acceleration rather than the result of an impulsive event such as the ejection of a single plasmoid which then cools as it propagates outwards. Cross-correlating the AGILE-GRID light curve with X-ray and radio monitoring data, we find that the main events of gamma-ray activity have been detected while the system was in soft spectral X-ray states (RXTE/ASM count rate > 3 counts/s), that coincide with local and often sharp minima of the hard X-ray flux (Swift/BAT count rate < 0.02 counts/cm^2/s), a few days before intense radio outbursts. [...] These gamma-ray events may thus reflect a sharp transition in the structure of the accretion disk and its corona, which leads to a rebirth of the microquasar jet and subsequent enhanced radio activity. [...] Finally, we examine leptonic and hadronic emission models for the gamma-ray events and find that both scenarios are valid. In the leptonic model - based on inverse Compton scatterings of mildly relativistic electrons on soft photons from the Wolf-Rayet companion star and from the accretion disk - the emitting particles may also contribute to the overall hard X-ray spectrum, possibly explaining the hard non-thermal power-law tail sometimes seen during special soft X-ray states in Cygnus X-3.
Since 2005, the blazar 3C 454.3 has shown remarkable flaring activity at all frequencies, and during the last four years it has exhibited more than one gamma-ray flare per year, becoming the most active gamma-ray blazar in the sky. We present for the first time the multi-wavelength AGILE, SWIFT, INTEGRAL, and GASP-WEBT data collected in order to explain the extraordinary gamma-ray flare of 3C 454.3 which occurred in November 2010. On 2010 November 20 (MJD 55520), 3C 454.3 reached a peak flux (E>100 MeV) of F_gamma(p) = (6.8+-1.0)E-5 ph/cm2/s on a time scale of about 12 hours, more than a factor of 6 higher than the flux of the brightest steady gamma-ray source, the Vela pulsar, and more than a factor of 3 brighter than its previous super-flare on 2009 December 2-3. The multi-wavelength data make a thorough study of the present event possible: the comparison with the previous outbursts indicates a close similarity to the one that occurred in 2009. By comparing the broadband emission before, during, and after the gamma-ray flare, we find that the radio, optical and X-ray emission varies within a factor 2-3, whereas the gamma-ray flux by a factor of 10. This remarkable behavior is modeled by an external Compton component driven by a substantial local enhancement of soft seed photons.
We report the extraordinary gamma-ray activity (E>100 MeV) of the gravitationally lensed blazar PKS 1830-211 (z=2.507) detected by AGILE between October and November 2010. The source experienced on October 14 a flux increase of a factor of ~ 12 with respect to its average value and kept brightest at this flux level (~ 500 x 10^{-8} ph cm^-2 sec^-1) for about 4 days. The 1-month gamma-ray light curve across the flare showed a mean flux F(E>100 MeV)= 200 x 10^{-8} ph cm^-2 sec^-1, which resulted in an enhancement by a factor of 4 with respect to the average value. Following the gamma-ray flare, the source was observed in NIR-Optical energy bands at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and in X-rays by Swift/XRT and INTEGRAL/IBIS. The main result of these multifrequency observations is that the large variability observed in gamma-rays has not a significant counterpart at lower frequencies: no variation greater than a factor of ~ 1.5 resulted in NIR and X-ray energy bands. PKS 1830-211 is then a good gamma-ray only flaring blazar showing substantial variability only above 10-100 MeV. We discuss the theoretical implications of our findings.
The well known Crab Nebula is at the center of the SN1054 supernova remnant. It consists of a rotationally-powered pulsar interacting with a surrounding nebula through a relativistic particle wind. The emissions originating from the pulsar and nebula have been considered to be essentially stable. Here we report the detection of strong gamma-ray (100 MeV-10 GeV) flares observed by the AGILE satellite in September, 2010 and October, 2007. In both cases, the unpulsed flux increased by a factor of 3 compared to the non-flaring flux. The flare luminosity and short timescale favor an origin near the pulsar, and we discuss Chandra Observatory X-ray and HST optical follow-up observations of the nebula. Our observations challenge standard models of nebular emission and require power-law acceleration by shock-driven plasma wave turbulence within a ~1-day timescale.
During the month of December, 2009 the blazar 3C 454.3 became the brightest gamma-ray source in the sky, reaching a peak flux F ~2000E-8 ph/cm2/s for E > 100 MeV. Starting in November, 2009 intensive multifrequency campaigns monitored the 3C 454 gamma-ray outburst. Here we report the results of a 2-month campaign involving AGILE, INTEGRAL, Swift/XRT, Swift/BAT, RossiXTE for the high-energy observations, and Swift/UVOT, KANATA, GRT, REM for the near-IR/optical/UV data. The GASP/WEBT provided radio and additional optical data. We detected a long-term active emission phase lasting ~1 month at all wavelengths: in the gamma-ray band, peak emission was reached on December 2-3, 2009. Remarkably, this gamma-ray super-flare was not accompanied by correspondingly intense emission in the optical/UV band that reached a level substantially lower than the previous observations in 2007-2008. The lack of strong simultaneous optical brightening during the super-flare and the determination of the broad-band spectral evolution severely constrain the theoretical modelling. We find that the pre- and post-flare broad-band behavior can be explained by a one-zone model involving SSC plus external Compton emission from an accretion disk and a broad-line region. However, the spectra of the Dec. 2-3, 2009 super-flare and of the secondary peak emission on Dec. 9, 2009 cannot be satisfactorily modelled by a simple one-zone model. An additional particle component is most likely active during these states.
We report on 18 months of multiwavelength observations of the blazar 3C 454.3 (Crazy Diamond) carried out in July 2007-January 2009. We show the results of the AGILE campaigns which took place on May-June 2008, July-August 2008, and October 2008-January 2009. During the May 2008-January 2009 period, the source average flux was highly variable, from an average gamma-ray flux F(E>100MeV) > 200E-8 ph/cm2/s in May-June 2008, to F(E>100MeV)~80E-8 ph/cm2/s in October 2008-January 2009. The average gamma-ray spectrum between 100 MeV and 1 GeV can be fit by a simple power law (Gamma_GRID ~ 2.0 to 2.2). Only 3-sigma upper limits can be derived in the 20-60 keV energy band with Super-AGILE. During July-August 2007 and May-June 2008, RXTE measured a flux of F(3-20 keV)= 8.4E-11 erg/cm2/s, and F(3-20 keV)=4.5E-11 erg/cm2/s, respectively and a constant photon index Gamma_PCA=1.65. Swift/XRT observations were carried out during all AGILE campaigns, obtaining a F(2-10 keV)=(0.9-7.5)E-11 erg/cm2/s and a photon index Gamma_XRT=1.33-2.04. BAT measured an average flux of ~5 mCrab. GASP-WEBT monitored 3C 454.3 during the whole 2007-2008 period from the radio to the optical. A correlation analysis between the optical and the gamma-ray fluxes shows a time lag of tau=-0.4 days. An analysis of 15 GHz and 43 GHz VLBI core radio flux observations shows an increasing trend of the core radio flux, anti- correlated with the higher frequency data. The modeling SEDs, and the behavior of the long-term light curves in different energy bands, allow us to compare the jet properties during different emission states, and to study the geometrical properties of the jet on a time-span longer than one year.

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