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Integral invariants in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are discussed in spacetime dimensions $4leq Dleq 10$ for $SU(k)$ gauge groups. It is shown that, in addition to the action, there are three special invariants in all dimensions. Two of these, the single- and double-trace $F^4$ invariants, are of Chern-Simons type in $D=9,10$ and BPS type in $Dleq 8$, while the third, the double-trace of two derivatives acting on $F^4$, can be expressed in terms of a gauge-invariant super-$D$-form in all dimensions. We show that the super-ten-forms for $D=10$ $F^4$ invariants have interesting cohomological properties and we also discuss some features of other invariants, including the single-trace $d^2 F^4$, which has a special form in $D=10$. The implications of these results for ultra-violet divergences are discussed in the framework of algebraic renormalisation.
We discuss the conditions for extra supersymmetry of the N=(2,2) supersymmetric vector multiplets described in arXiv:0705.3201 [hep-th] and in arXiv:0808.1535 [hep-th]. We find (4,4) supersymmetry for the semichiral vector multiplet but not for the Large Vector Multiplet.
The $alpha^2$ deformation of D=10 SYM is the natural generalisation of the $F^4$ term in the abelian Born-Infeld theory. It is shown that this deformation can be extended to $alpha^4$ in a way which is consistent with supersymmetry. The latter requires the presence of higher-derivative and commutator terms as well as the symmetrised trace of the Born-Infeld $alpha^4$ term.
We describe the conditions for extra supersymmetry in N=(2,2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models written in terms of semichiral superfields. We find that some of these models have additional off-shell supersymmetry. The (4,4) supersymmetry introduces geometrical structures on the target-space which are conveniently described in terms of Yano f-structures and Magri-Morosi concomitants. On-shell, we relate the new structures to the known bi-hypercomplex structures.
The projective superspace formulation for four-dimensional N = 2 matter-coupled supergravity presented in arXiv:0805.4683 makes use of the variant superspace realization for the N = 2 Weyl multiplet in which the structure group is SL(2,C) x SU(2) and the super-Weyl transformations are generated by a covariantly chiral parameter. An extension to Howes realization of N = 2 conformal supergravity in which the tangent space group is SL(2,C) x U(2) and the super-Weyl transformations are generated by a real unconstrained parameter was briefly sketched. Here we give the explicit details of the extension.
This paper presents a projective superspace formulation for 4D N = 2 matter-coupled supergravity. We first describe a variant superspace realization for the N = 2 Weyl multiplet. It differs from that proposed by Howe in 1982 by the choice of the structure group (SO(3,1) x SU(2) versus SO(3,1) x U(2)), which implies that the super-Weyl transformations are generated by a covariantly chiral parameter instead of a real unconstrained one. We introduce various off-shell supermultiplets which are curved superspace analogues of the superconformal projective multiplets in global supersymmetry and which describe matter fields coupled to supergravity. A manifestly locally supersymmetric and super-Weyl invariant action principle is given. Off-shell locally supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models are presented in this new superspace.
We introduce and study the notion of a biholomorphic gerbe with connection. The biholomorphic gerbe provides a natural geometrical framework for generalized Kahler geometry in a manner analogous to the way a holomorphic line bundle is related to Kahler geometry. The relation between the gerbe and the generalized Kahler potential is discussed.
We investigate the topological theory obtained by twisting the N=(2,2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model with target a bihermitian space with torsion. For the special case in which the two complex structures commute, we show that the action is a Q-exact term plus a quasi-topological term. The quasi-topological term is locally given by a closed two-form which corresponds to a flat gerbe-connection and generalises the usual topological term of the A-model. Exponentiating it gives a Wilson surface, which can be regarded as a generalization of a Wilson line. This makes the quantum theory globally well-defined.
We discuss two dimensional N-extended supersymmetry in Euclidean signature and its R-symmetry. For N=2, the R-symmetry is SO(2)times SO(1,1), so that only an A-twist is possible. To formulate a B-twist, or to construct Euclidean N=2 models with H-flux so that the target geometry is generalised Kahler, it is necessary to work with a complexification of the sigma models. These issues are related to the obstructions to the existence of non-trivial twisted chiral superfields in Euclidean superspace.
A kappa-symmetric action for coincident D-branes is presented. It is valid in the approximation that the additional fermionic variables, used to incorporate the non-abelian degrees of freedom, are treated classically. The action is written as a Bernstein-Leites integral on the supermanifold obtained from the bosonic worldvolume by adjoining the extra fermions. The integrand is a very simple extension of the usual Green-Schwarz action for a single brane; all symmetries, except for kappa, are manifest, and the proof of kappa-symmetry is very similar to the abelian case.

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